

W:You're bad man. (wuli卷福太了解华生的品味了!!!!哈哈!!!)

W:Um, more wine, doctor?再来点酒吗,医生?

M:Are you trying to get me drunk, doctor?你想灌醉我吗,医生?

W:The thought never occurred.还真没想过。

M:Because a while ago I thought you were chatting me up.因为刚才我还觉得你在搭讪我呢。

W:Oh! Where did I go wrong?我什么时候露馅了?

M:When you started asking about my patients.你开始打听我病人的事。

W:Well, I am one of Henry's oldest friends.我是亨利的老朋友

M:Yeah, and he's oneof my patients, so I can't talk about him. Although he has told me about allhis oldest friends. Which one are you?对,他还是我的病人,我不能谈他,不过他给我讲过所有的老朋友,你是哪个?

W:A new one?新交的?

W:OK, what about hisfather? He wasn't one of your patients. Wasn't he some sort of conspiracy nutter...theorist?好吧,谈谈他父亲?他总不是你的病人吧。他不是个阴谋论疯子...阴谋论者吗?

M:You're only a nutter if you're wrong.错了的才是疯子。

W:Hm, and was he wrong?那他错了吗?

M:I should think so.我觉得是。

W:But he got fixated on Baskerville, didn't he? With what they were doing in there. Couldn't Henry have gone the same way, started imagining a hound?可他执迷于巴斯克维尔,对吗? 一心窥探里面的事,亨利不会犯了同样的病,开始幻想猎犬吗?

M:Why do you think I'll talk about this? Because I think you're worried about him and because I'm a doctor too. And because I have another friend.何以见得我会跟你谈这个呢?因为我觉得你也担心他,而且我也是医生,因为我另一个朋友,也许也有同样的问题。


Frankland:Ah, Dr Watson!啊,华生医生。


Franklan:Hello. How's the investigation going?你好,案子查的怎样?

M:What, investigation?什么查案?

Franklan:Didn't you know? Don't you read the blog? Sherlock Holmes.你不知道?没看那个博客?夏洛克·福尔摩斯。

M:Sherlock who?夏洛克什么?

Frankland:Private detective. This is his PA.私家侦探,这是他的私人助理。


Frankland:Well, live-in PA.嗯同居助理。


W:This is Dr Mortimer, Henry's therapist.这是莫蒂默医生,亨利的心理医师。

Frankland:Oh, hello. Bob Frankland. Listen, tell Sherlock I've been keeping an eye on Stapleton. Any time he wants a little chat. All right?你好,我是鲍勃·弗兰克兰。听着,告诉夏洛克我在盯着斯坦佩顿。想聊聊随时来找我,好吗?

M:Why don't you buy him a drink? I think he likes you.怎么不请他喝一杯?他多喜欢你啊。

S:Morning! Oh, how are you feeling?早安今天感觉如何?

H:I... I didn't sleep very well.我...我睡的不好。

S:Oh, that's a shame.Shall I make us some coffee? Oh, look, you've got damp!太可惜了。我来冲咖啡好吗?你看,房子渗水了。

H:Listen, last night... Why did you say you hadn't seen anything? I mean, I only saw the hound for a minute, but…听着,昨晚...你为什么要说什么也没看见?我看见猎犬只出现了一分钟可是...



S:Why do you call it a hound? Why a hound?为什么是猎犬?怎么叫猎犬?

H:Why? What do you mean?为什么,怎么了?

S:It's odd, isn't it? It's a strange choice of words, archaic. That's why I took the case. "Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound." Why say "hound"?不觉得奇怪吗?奇特的老式用词,所以我才接下案子。"福尔摩斯先生,我看见巨大猎犬的脚印"。为什么用"猎犬"?

H:I don't know, I've never...不知道,我从没...

S:Actually, I'd better skip the coffee.咖啡我还是免了。

S:Did you get anywhere with that Morse code?摩斯密码有头绪吗?


S:U, M, Q, R, A, wasn't it? Umqra. U M Q R A对吧?

W:Nothing. Look, forget it. I thought I was onto something, I wasn't.没有,忘了吧,根本不是线索。



S:How about Louise Mortimer, did you get anywhere with her?跟露易丝·莫蒂默有进展吗?


S:Too bad. But did you get any information?可惜啊,那你打听到什么消息了吗?

W:You're being funny now?你还说起笑话了?

S:Thought it might break the ice, a bit.套套近乎嘛,打破这种冷冰冰的关系。

W:Funny doesn't suit you. Let's stick to ice.搞笑不适合你,还是冷一点好。


W:It's fine.没关系。

S:Wait, something happened to me last night, something I've not experienced before.等等,昨晚的事是因为我体验到了从没有过的感觉。

W:Yes, you said. Fear, Sherlock Holmes got scared, you said.是啊你说了,恐惧,夏洛克·福尔摩斯害怕了。

S:It was more than that, John. It was doubt. I felt doubt. I've always been able to trust my senses, the evidence of my own eyes, until last night.不止这些,约翰,还有怀疑,我怀疑自己,我一直都信任自己的感官,眼见则为实,直到昨晚。

W:You can't actually believe that you saw some kind of monster?你不会真相信看见了怪兽吧?

S:No, I can't believe that. But I did see it,so the question is, how? How?对,我不能信,可我真看见了,所以问题是,怎么会,怎么会?

W:Yes.Yeah, right, good.So you've got something to go on, then.Good luck with that.对,嗯,妙极了。这么说你有线索了祝你好运吧。

S:Listen, what I saidbefore, John, I meant it.I don't havefriends. I've just got one.听着约翰,我说的那些是真心的,我没有朋友,身边就只有你。


S:John. John! You are amazing! You are fantastic!约翰,约翰,你出类拔萃,你绝妙无双

W:Yes, all right, you don't have to overdo it.好好,差不多得了啊。

S:You may not be themost luminous of people, but as a conductor of light, you are unbeatable.也许你本身并不能发光,但作为光的传导者,你举世无双。

W:Cheers(!) What?谢啦...什么?

S:Some people who aren't geniuses have an ability to stimulate it in others.有些人本身没有天才,却有激发天才的力量。

W:You were saying sorry. Don't spoil it. So what have I done that's so bloody stimulating?你刚才在道歉呢,别变味了啊,我做了什么这么激发天才?

S:What if it's not a word, what if it is individual letters?如果这不是词是单个字母呢?

W:You think it's an acronym?你觉得是首字母缩写?

S:Absolutely no idea, but...毫无头绪不过...

S:What the hell are you doing here?!你跑来干什么?

L:Oh, nice to see you too(!)I'm on holiday, would you believe?见到你我也很高兴。我说我在度假,你信吗?

S:No, I wouldn't.才不信呢。

L:Hello, John.你好,约翰。


L:I heard you were in the area. What are you up to? Are you after this Hound of Hell, like on the telly?听说你也在附近,忙什么呢?追查电视上那条地狱犬吗?

S:I'm waiting for an explanation, Inspector, why are you here?我在等你解释,探长,你来干什么?

L:I've told you, I'm on holiday.告诉你了,度假。

S:You're brown as a nut. You're clearly just back from your holidays.瞧你晒的跟坚果似的,显然刚度假回来。

L:I fancied another one.我就想再度一个。

S:Oh, this is Mycroft, isn't it? Of course it is. One mention of Baskerville and he sends down my handler to spy on me, incognito. Is that why you're calling yourself "Greg"?哦,是麦考夫,对不对?喂...当然是一听到巴斯克维尔,他就派我的训导员来卧底了还用假名,自称格雷格了对吧?

W:That's his name.那是他的名字。

S:Is it?是吗?

L:Yes. If you'd ever bothered to find out. Look, I'm not your handler. And I just don't do what your brother tells me.对,劳驾您去问问就知道,听着,我不是你的训导员,我也不是什么都听你哥的话。

W:Actually, you could be just the man we want.说实话,我们还真用得上你。


W:Well, I've not been idle, Sherlock. I think I might have found something. Here. I didn't know if it was relevant. Starting to look like it might be. That is an awful lot of meat for a vegetarian restaurant.我可没闲着,夏洛克,我找到了些东西,这里,不知道有没有关联,似乎有点关联了,素食餐厅可用了不少肉啊。


W:A nice, scary inspector from Scotland Yard, who can put in a few calls, might come in very handy.亲切又可怕的苏格兰场探长,打几个电话,绝对有用。

W:What's this?这是什么?

S:Coffee. I made coffee.咖啡,我泡的咖啡。

W:You never make coffee.你从不泡咖啡。

S:Don't you want it?我刚泡了你不想喝?

W:You don't have to keep apologising. Thanks. Hm, I don't take sugar. That's nice. It's good.你不用一直道歉的,谢谢,我不要糖的。不错,味道好极了。

L:These records go back nearly two months. Is that when you had the idea, after the TV show went out?这些记录能追溯到近两个月前。你就是在那时想到这主意的,电视节目播出以后?

Man C:It's me. It was me. I'm sorry, Gary. I couldn't help it. I had a bacon sandwich at Cal's wedding and one thing led to another.是我,是我,对不起,盖里,我身不由己,在卡尔的婚礼上吃了个熏肉三明治,事情就一件接一件的发生了。

L:Nice try.真可信啊。

Man B:Look, we were just trying to give things a bit of a boost, you know? Let a great big dog run wild up on the moor, it was heaven-sent. It was like us having our own Loch Ness monster.我们只是稍微添油加醋,好吗?一条大狗逃到了沼地里,天赐良机,就像是我们自己的尼斯湖水怪。

L:And where do you keep it?你们把它关在哪?

Man B:There's an old mine shaft. It's not too far. He was all right there.不远的地方有一个矿井,它本来挺好的。


Man B:We couldn't control the bloody thing. It was vicious.And then, a month ago, Billy took him to the vet and, you know...他在那本来好好的,我们管不住它了,太凶残了,于是一个月前,比利把他带去兽医那里...

W:He's dead?他死了?

Man B:Put down.被安乐死了。

Man C:Yeah. No choice. So it's over.对,实在没办法,一切都结束了。

Man B:It was just a joke, you know.你知道就是个玩笑。

L:Yeah, hilarious(!)You've nearly driven a man out of his mind.嗯,真幽默。你们快把一个人逼疯了。

W:You know he's actually pleased you're here? Secretly pleased.知道吧,其实他暗自高兴你来了。

L:Is he? That's nice. I suppose he likes having all the same faces back together. Appeals to his...his...是吗?那就好,估计他喜欢熟面孔重聚在一起,满足了他的...

W:Asperger's?亚斯伯格症? (较高功能自闭症)

L:So, you believe them about having the dog destroyed?所以你相信那只狗处理掉了。

S:No reason not to.为什么不。

L:Well, hopefully there's no harm done. I'm not quite sure what I'd charge them with, anyway. I'll have a word with the local force. Right, that's that, then. Catch you later. I'm enjoying this. It's nice to get London out of your lungs.顺利的话,没什么坏影响,也不知该怎么起诉他们,我会和当地警局谈谈,很好,就这样吧,回头见,这里真不错伦敦的浊气都排干净了。

W:So that was their dog that people saw out on the moor?沼地上大家看到的就是他们的狗?

S:Looks like it.似乎是。

W:But that wasn't what you saw, that wasn't just an ordinary dog.不过你看到的不是,那不是普通的狗。

S:No. It was immense. It had burning red eyes, and it was glowing, John, its whole body was glowing. I've got a theory, but I need to get back into Baskerville to test it.对,巨大无比,杀气腾腾的红眼睛闪着光,约翰,通体发光,我想出了个道理,但要回到巴斯克维尔去验证一下。

W:How? Can't pull off the ID trick again.怎么去?证件的把戏不能再用了。

S:Might not have to.也许不需要。

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