当你追求女生时,你们聊些什么? - When you chase a girl you like, what do you talk about with her?
聊她新买的裙子。talk about the new dress she just bought
聊她昨天的糗事。talk about her awkward moment yesterday
聊误入宿舍的猫。talk about the kitty running into her dorm
聊她那个娘炮的同学。talk about how gay her classmate could be
聊她命途多舛的闺蜜。talk about the miserable fate of her bestie
聊她上个月微博抽中的电影票。talk about the lottery she got from Twitter
聊那个总是给她多打肉的食堂大叔。talk about the cafe staff who always gives her extra food
聊那个脾气古怪的教导主任。talk about the weird department dean
和她最爱的歌手。as well as her beloved singer
聊她调皮的表弟。talk about her younger naughty cousin
聊她帅气的表哥。talk about her elder handsome brother
聊她爸妈偶尔的争吵。talk about the argument between her parents
聊她小时候全家的旅行。talk about her family trip when she was little
聊她长大的那个小城。talk about the town she grew up
聊她玩闹过的那片街区。talk about the neighborhood she used to play around
聊她早日结婚生子的小姐妹。talk about her childhood best girlfriend who has already become a mom
聊她爱逛的小店。talk about her favorite shoppe
聊她难过时流过泪的小路。talk about the alley she has wondered with tears
聊她撕毁、焚烧、收藏、保存下来的记忆。talk about the memory she burned and buried, also the past she locked up, keeping deeply in heart
聊她的生理期。talk about her period
聊她爱吃的巧克力。talk about her favorite chocolate
聊她九月三号闭上眼的小狗。talk about the puppy who died on September 3rd
聊她亲手埋葬时的难过。talk about how sad she was when she buried it.
聊她的梦想。talk about her dream
聊她放弃时的痛苦。talk about the pain she felt when she gave it up
聊她的困惑和茫然。talk about her confusion of life
聊她身边围绕着的那些男人。talk about the guys around her
聊仍住在她心里的那个小女孩。talk about the little girl in her heart
聊吻技。talk about kiss
聊床技。talk about sex
聊口技。talk about bj
聊她和你未来的生活。talk about the future of two of you
聊你们想去的城市。talk about which city you want to settle down
聊窗帘的颜色。talk about the curtain color
聊瓷砖的花纹。talk about tile pattern
聊奶粉的牌子。talk about formula brands
聊车子的类型。talk about models of cars
聊陌生电话里的那个TA。talk about that person in your phone books
聊聊是否还有必要走下去。talk about whether you should carry on
聊怎么分财产。talk about how to divide assets
聊不能忍受的彼此的缺点。talk about why you cannot bare each other anymore
聊到父母亲戚朋友全体出动劝你们。until all of your families and friends come over and calm you down
聊给幼儿园老师包多少红包。talk about the gifts for teachers in the kindergarten
聊孩子升学应该学什么特长。talk about what sports your kids should learn
聊哪家中学更好。talk about which high school is better
聊儿子的未来和女儿的暗恋对象。talk about the future of your son and puppy love of your daughter
聊昨天做咸了的排骨汤和跑步时扭伤的脚踝。talk about the over salted pork soup from yesterday and your swollen ankle from running
聊家里新买的音响。talk about the new stereo for your home
直到某天,儿子回到家,对你们说,我喜欢一个姑娘,我该跟她聊什么呢?until one day, your son comes back, asking: I want to chase a girl I like, what should I talk with her?
你们相视一笑,数不尽的默契。You two look at each other's eyes, with love and softness
这个,不如跟她聊聊她昨天新买的裙子吧。You go: Well, how about... talking about the new dress she just bought