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- 跨境服务贸易负面清单:negative list for cross-border trade in services
China will introduce nationwide negative list for cross-border trade in services, officials from the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. The move by China will relax market access for cross-border trade in services.
China stays committed to promoting high-quality development by high-level opening-up, broadening market access in the services sector, facilitating opening-up in cross-border services trade, expanding the function of opening-up platforms, and striving to establish a high-standard opening-up system for the services sector.
- sector:/ˈsektə(r)/ [n.]区域,部分;部门,行业 [v.] 把......分成扇形
- facilitating:/fəˈsɪlɪteɪtɪŋ/ [v.] 促进(facilitate 的 ing 形式);使便利;使更容易
We will tap into the growth potential of foreign trade with a view to boosting growth in international trade and the world economy. China will encourage cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms and models to grow even quicker to foster new drivers of foreign trade.
- 相关词汇
- market access in trade in services:服务贸易领域市场准入
- high-standard opening-up:高水平开放
- knowledge-intensive services trade:知识密集型服务贸易
来自:A brief history of banned numbers
- notion:概念。例句:were perceived as a threat to the Pythagorean's notion
of a perfect universe. 无理数被认为是对毕达哥拉斯完美宇宙概念的威胁。- nation:国家
- ancestor:[n.] 祖先
- disturbing:[adj.] 令人不安的
- exile:[v.] 流放
- no longer:不再
来自:Little Women (2019) - You Love Him! 小妇人——爱就要勇敢追上去!
- terrific:极好的。例句:I hope he comes back.He would make a terrific friend for me.
- terrified:非常害怕的
- plainly:[adv.] 明显地
- instinct:[n.] 直觉
- carriage:[n.] 四轮马车
- go after sb:追赶某人