流密码(Stream ciphers)
1. Pseudo-random generators
Stream Ciphers: making OTP practical
idea: replace “random” key by “pseudorandom” key
The string s is stretched using some efficient, deterministic algorithm G that maps ‘l-bit strings to L-bit strings. Thus, the key space for this modified one-time pad is , while the message and ciphertext spaces are
For and m,
, encryption and decryption are defined as follows:
This modified one-time pad is called a stream cipher, and the function G is called a pseudorandom generator.
If , then by Shannon’s Theorem, this stream cipher cannot achieve perfect security;
however, if G satisfies an appropriate security property, then this cipher is semantically secure.
PRG must be unpredictable
PRG is unpredictable if it is not predictable
⇒ ∀i: no “eff” adv. can predict bit (i+1) for “non-neg” ε
2. Negligible vs. non-negligible
In practice: ε is a scalar and
– ε non-neg: (likely to happen over 1GB of data)
– ε negligible: (won’t happen over life of key)
In theory: ε is a function and
– ε non-neg: (ε ≥ 1/poly, for many λ)
– ε negligible: (ε ≤ 1/poly, for large λ)
PRGs: the rigorous theory view
PRGs are “parameterized” by a security parameter λ
PRG becomes “more secure” as λ increases
Seed lengths and output lengths grow with λ
For every λ=1,2,3,… there is a different PRG Gλ :
Gλ :
(in the lectures we will always ignore λ )
3. Attacks on OTP and stream ciphers
Attack 1: two time pad is insecure !!
Never use stream cipher key more than once !!
Enough redundancy in English and ASCII encoding that:
Real world examples
- Project Venona
- MS-PPTP (windows NT)
- 802.11b WEP
Attack 2: no integrity (OTP is malleable)
Modifications to ciphertext are undetected and have predictable impact on plaintext
4. Real-world Stream Ciphers
Old example (software): RC4 (1987)
- Bias in initial output:
- Prob. of (0,0) is
- Related key attacks
Old example (hardware): CSS (badly broken)
Linear feedback shift register (LFSR):
DVD encryption (CSS): 2 LFSRs
GSM encryption (A5/1,2): 3 LFSRs
Bluetooth (E0): 4 LFSRs
all broken
CSS: seed = 5 bytes = 40 bits
加密DVD电影,混淆系统CSS,面向硬件设计的流密码,基于线性反馈移位寄存器LFSR。右移,最后一位扔掉,第一位是之前的异或结果。 LFSR的种子就是寄存器的初始状态。
种子是,第一个的是1+key的前两个字节=17bits; 第二个是1+key的后三个字节=25bits
Modern stream ciphers: eStream
seed × nonce
Nonce: a non-repeating value for a given key.
E(k, m ; r) = m ⊕ PRG(k ; r)
The pair (k, r) is never used more than once.
eStream: Salsa 20
Salsa20( k ; r) := H( k , (r, 0)) ll H( k , (r, 1)) ll …
5. PRG Security Defs
如果无法区分G(s) 和 r,就说明G(s)是安全的,流密码也是安全的
Intuitively, if an adversary cannot effectively tell the difference between G(s) and r, then he should not be able to tell the difference between this stream cipher and a one-time pad; moreover, since the latter cipher is semantically secure, so should be the former.
Statistical Tests
An algorithm that is used to distinguish a pseudo-random string G(s) from a truly random string r is called a statistical test. It takes a string as input, and outputs 0 or 1. Such a test is called effective if the probability that it outputs 1 on a pseudo-random input is significantly different than the probability that it outputs 1 on a truly random input.
Given r, the adversary computes and outputs a bit b ∈ {0,1}.
For b = 0,1, let be the event that A outputs 1 in Experiment b.
We define A’s advantage with respect to G as
Secure PRGs: crypto definition
Def: We say that is a secure PRG if
PRGadv[A, G] is negligible for all efficient adversaries A.
Easy fact: a secure PRG is unpredictable
We show: PRG predictable ⇒ PRG is insecure
Thm (Yao’82): an unpredictable PRG is secure
Let be PRG
“Thm”: if ∀ i ∈ ,0, … , n-1} PRG G is unpredictable at pos. i
then G is a secure PRG.
If next-bit predictors cannot distinguish G from random then no statistical test can !!
6. Semantic security
What is a secure cipher?
Attacker’s abilities: obtains one ciphertext (for now)
Possible security requirements:
attempt #1: attacker cannot recover secret key
attempt #2: attacker cannot recover all of plaintext
Recall Shannon’s idea: CT should reveal no “info” about PT
Semantic Security (one-time key)