This is my first early morning to get to the ROMAC formally, I have made my plan to continue my PhD's research content here for more than 1.5 years. It's a little bit ashamed that I have arrived Charlottesville for more than 2 weeks, but my research work has little progress at present. But I know, the first step is always the hardest, fortunately, I have taken this step now, the only thing left is to consist to my goal.
I won't forget the beginning from my heart, I would never let myself down, and I would keep my motto in my heart and my behavior:
"等待不是抑制,是修行!VS 不是每次等待都是修行!"
"Perseverance Creat Miracle, Insist on Creating Miracle!"
Hello, ROMAC, I'm here!
Hello, Linus, ROMAC is here!
Linus K.