Punishment N.
1)A sanction--such as a fine, penalty, confinement, or loss of property, right, or privilege--assessed against a person who has violated the law.
2) Family law. A negative disciplinary action administered to a minor child by a parent.
刑罚 指国家惩罚犯罪的一种强制方法,它使犯罪人遭受一定痛苦和剥夺,并对犯罪人及其犯罪行为予以否定性评价。
corporal punishment 身体罚
Physical punishment; punishment that is inflicted on the body (including imprisonment).
cruel and unusual punishment 酷刑
Punishment that is torturous, degrading, inhuman, grossly disproportionate to the crime in question, or otherwise shocking to the moral sense of the community.
cumulative punishment 累计刑罚
Punishment that increases in severity when a person is convicted of the same offense more than once.
double punishment 重复惩罚
Two forms of punishment levied for the same wrongful act or for different offense that arise from one act.
excessive punishment 量刑畸重
Punishment that is not justified by the gravity of the offense or the defendant's criminal record.
infamous punishment 耻辱犯
Punishment by imprisonment, usu. in a penitentiary.
nonjudicial punishment 非司法性惩罚
A procedure under which a commanding office levies punishment against a minor offender who is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
reformative punishment 改造性惩罚
Punishment intended to change the character of the offender.
(来源:Black's Law Dictionary,《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)