iOS中原生的SQLite API在使用上不好用,使用时非常不便。于是,就出现了一系列将SQLite API进行封装的代码库,例如FMDB、PlausibleDatabase、SQLitePersistentObjects等。
注意事项 :
使用 FMDB 先要导入系统库 libsqlite3.0.dylib
ARC工程添加MRC文件: -fno-objc-arc
MRC工程添加ARC文件: -fobjc-arc
选择target - build phases - compile sources - 单击ARC的文件将compiler flags设置为:-fobjc-arc
同样的路径,然后单击MRC的文件将compiler flags设置为:-fno-objc-arc
在 FMDB 中有三个重要的类:
1.FMDatabase:是一个提供 SQLite 数据库的类,用于执行 SQL 语句。
FMDatabase是通过一个 SQLite 数据库文件路径创建的,此路径可以是以下三者之一:
NSString *doc = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *path = [doc stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"user.sqlite"]; self.dbPath = path;
// 建表
- (void)createTable {
NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:self.dbPath] == NO) {
// create it
FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:self.dbPath];
if ([db open]) {
NSString *sql = @"CREATE TABLE 'User' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , 'name' VARCHAR(30), 'password' VARCHAR(30))";
BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error when creating db table");
} else {
NSLog(@"success to creating db table");
[db close];
} else { NSLog(@"error when open db"); } }
// 插入数据
- (void)insertData {
NSLog(@"%s", __func__); static int idx = 1;
FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:self.dbPath];
if ([db open]) { NSString *sql = @"insert into user (name, password) values(?, ?) ";
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ZL%d", idx++];
BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql, name, @"girl"]; if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error to insert data");
} else {
NSLog(@"success to insert data");
ZLTestModel *model = [ZLTestModel modelWith:name id:idx];
[self.userArr addObject:model];
[self.tableView reloadData];
[db close];
// 更新数据
- (void)updateData { NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:self.dbPath];
if ([db open]) {
NSString *sql = @"UPDATE USER SET id = ? WHERE name = ?";
BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql, @"1", @"zl"];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error to UPDATE data");
} else { NSLog(@"success to UPDATE data"); [self queryData];
[db close];
// 删除数据
- (void)deleteData { NSLog(@"%s", __func__); FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:self.dbPath];
if ([db open]) {
NSString *sql = @"delete from user"; BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error to delete db data");
} else {
NSLog(@"success to delete db data");
[self.userArr removeAllObjects];
[self.tableView reloadData];
[db close];
// 查询数据
- (void)queryData {
NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:self.dbPath];
if ([db open]) { NSString *sql = @"select *from user"; FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:sql];
while ([rs next]) {
int userId = [rs intForColumn:@"id"];
NSString *name = [rs stringForColumn:@"name"]; NSString *pass = [rs stringForColumn:@"password"]; NSLog(@"user id = %d, name = %@, pass = %@", userId, name, pass);
ZLTestModel *model = [ZLTestModel modelWith:name id:userId];
[self.userArr addObject:model];
[self.tableView reloadData]; }
[db close];
- (void)multithread {
NSLog(@"%s", __func__); FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:self.dbPath];
dispatch_queue_t q1 = dispatch_queue_create("queue1", NULL);
dispatch_queue_t q2 = dispatch_queue_create("queue2", NULL);
dispatch_async(q1, ^{ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
[queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {
NSString *sql = @"insert into user (name, password) values(?, ?) ";
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"queue111 %d", i];
BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql, name, @"boy"];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error to add db data: %@", name);
} else {
NSLog(@"success to add db data: %@", name); } }]; } }); dispatch_async(q2, ^{ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
[queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {
NSString *sql = @"insert into user (name, password) values(?, ?) ";
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"queue222 %d", i];
BOOL res = [db executeUpdate:sql, name, @"boy"];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error to add db data: %@", name); } else { NSLog(@"success to add db data: %@", name); } }]; } }); }