adb shell
adb server version (39) doesn't match this client (40); killing...
ADB server didn't ACK
Full server startup log: /var/folders/7m/w41hjnvd2tj8sh1xxr2jdpdr0000gn/T//adb.501.log
Server had pid: 12945
--- adb starting (pid 12945) ---
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 main.cpp:56] Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.40
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 main.cpp:56] Version 4797878
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 main.cpp:56] Installed as /Users/panqian.pq/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 main.cpp:56]
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 auth.cpp:421] adb_auth_init...
adb I 10-05 15:57:39 12945 1970525 auth.cpp:174] read_key_file '/Users/panqian.pq/.android/adbkey'...
adb server killed by remote request
failed to start daemon
error: cannot connect to daemon
安装了genymotion 模拟器后,android studio 及 terminal 都无法启动adb命令-