Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?
When we were aware of that someone needed help, we had two choices, one is that we would assist him, the other is that we would neglect it. I firmly believe that most of us would be willing to aid the others.
The inconsistent things emerges, someone helps the others because of being eager to assist people, his conscience oblige him to do a good deed. In contrast, the factor contributes to it for someone is intending to obtain some rewards, if he were told beforehand that he can not receive any return, they might be averse to provide some helps to who need it.
LeiFeng, who is renowned in China for his performances. He assist others without any superfluous thought, he just help people from his pure heart. As far as I am concerned, what in return do not imply wealth and properties all the time, it can means a satisfaction in your heart. Giving assistance to someone will make you delighted at the same time.