本文为《About Face 4》Part II: Designing Behavior and Form/CH 8: Digital Etiquette第一部分读书笔记,书籍从16个方面谈论了设计Considerate Products的准则,本文是关于这一部分的读书笔记与个人思考。
Considerate products take an interest
A considerate friend wants to know more about you. He remembers your likes and dislikes so that he can please you in the future. Everyone appreciates being treated according to his or her personal tastes.
Remembering humans’ actions and preferences is one of the best ways to create a positive experience with a software-enabled product.
目标用户群不是克隆人军团,每个人都有自己独特的个性与偏好,一个体贴的朋友会清楚地记得你喜欢和讨厌的东西,而体贴的产品也是如此。就像Google Now,它能基于搜索偏好、地理位置等信息推送用户当前可能感兴趣的卡片,而不是提供千篇一律的内容让用户选择。
Considerate products are deferential
Inconsiderate products supervise and pass judgment on human actions. Software is within its rights to express its opinion that we are making a mistake, but it is presumptuous for it to judge or limit our actions.
Considerate products are forthcoming
Most software doesn’t attempt to provide related information. Instead, it narrowly answers the precise questions we ask it and typically is not forthcoming about other information, even if it is clearly related to our goals. When we tell our word processor to print a document, it doesn’t tell us when the paper supply is low, or when 40 other documents are queued before us, or when another nearby printer is free. A helpful human would.
Considerate products use common sense
Offering inappropriate functions in inappropriate places is a hallmark of poorly designed interactive products. Many interactive products put controls for constantly used functions right next to never-used controls.
体贴的产品应该是具备常识的,而不是让不合适的功能在不合适的地方出现。前段时间很多人喷Navigation Drawer/Slide Menu,我觉得并不是这个交互本身不好,而是被不分场景地滥用了,一些产品经理和设计师把各种内容不分青红皂白地丢进去,而完全忽视这些内容之间的优先级和使用频率差异,经常使用和完全不用的功能入口发现与操作成本完全一样,自然也就拉低了产品的使用体验。
Considerate products use discretion
Generally speaking, we want our software to remember what we do and what we tell it. But there are some things our that software probably shouldn’t remember unless we specifically direct it, such as credit card numbers, tax IDs, bank accounts, and passwords. Furthermore, it should help us protect this kind of private data by helping us choose secure passwords, and reporting any possible improprieties, such as accounts accessed from an unrecognized computer or location.
Considerate products anticipate people’s needs
A human assistant knows that you will require a hotel room when you travel to another city, even when you don’t ask explicitly. She knows the kind of room you like and reserves one without any request on your part. She anticipates your needs.
体贴的产品能预见用户的需求,猜测出你想要什么并体现为之做好准备。如Google Now在提供前往目的地的登机卡片的同时,还会同时推送目的地的景点、天气、相关网站信息,好的产品能够预见到用户可能还会想要什么。
Considerate products are conscientious
A conscientious person has a larger perspective on what it means to perform a task. Instead of just washing the dishes, for example, a conscientious person also wipes down the counters and empties the trash, because those tasks are also related to the larger goal: cleaning up the kitchen.
体贴的产品具有责任心,我们知道Mental Model的概念,产品应该清楚用户更大的目标是什么,设计上更接近用户的Mental Model,而不是机械地理解和执行。
书中举了一个典型的反例:“If we rely on a typical word processor to draft the new sprocket contract and then try to save it in the MicroBlitz folder, the application offers the choice of either overwriting and destroying the old widget contract or not saving it at all.”,产品认为如果两个文件重名就意味着要扔掉旧的,但采取其他方式也许更好,比如允许保存的时候对重名的旧文件重新命名。
Considerate products don’t burden you with their personal problems
At a service desk, the agent is expected to keep mum about her problems and to show a reasonable interest in yours. It might not be fair to be so one-sided, but that’s the nature of the service business. An interactive product, too, should keep quiet about its problems and show interest in the people who use it.
Considerate products keep you informed
Although we don’t want our software pestering us incessantly with its little fears and triumphs, we do want to be kept informed about the things that matter to us.
Nobody interrupts us to tell us this information: It’s there in plain view whenever we need it. Software, similarly, can provide us with this kind of rich modeless feedback about what is going on.
Considerate products are perceptive
Perceptive software observes what users are doing and uses those observations to offer relevant information.
Products should also watch our preferences and remember them without being asked explicitly to do so. If we always maximize an application to use the entire available screen, the application should get the idea after a few sessions and always launch in that configuration. The same goes for placement of palettes, default tools, frequently used templates, and other useful settings.
Considerate products are self-confident
Interactive products should stand by their convictions. If we tell the computer to discard a file, it shouldn’t ask, “Are you sure?” Of course we’re sure; otherwise, we wouldn’t have asked. It shouldn’t second-guess us or itself.
Considerate products don’t ask a lot of questions
Inconsiderate products ask lots of annoying questions. Excessive choices, especially in the form of questions, quickly stop being a benefit and instead become an ordeal.
Users really don’t like to be asked questions by products, especially since most of the questions are stupid or unnecessary. Asking questions tells users that products are:Ignorant,Forgetful,Weak,Fretful,Lacking initiative,Overly demanding。
Considerate products fail gracefully
When an application discovers a fatal problem, it can take the time and effort to prepare for its failure without hurting the user, or it can simply crash and burn.
Some well-designed software products, such as Ableton Live, a brilliant music performance tool, rely on the Undo cache to recover from crashes. This is a great example of how products can easily keep track of user behavior, so if some situation causes problems, it is easy to extricate yourself.
应用崩溃的情况并不罕见,但不该为此让用户承担数据上的损失。我还记得小时候用Windows 98总是蓝屏的噩梦,导致从小就养成了随时Ctrl+S的习惯,即使Office这些现在早就有了自动保存,崩溃后也能恢复到之前的状态。而在Web端,填写了一堆表单提交后一个错误全没了,辛辛苦苦写了一大段文字结果全被吞,这些经历也非常令人不愉快。
Considerate products know when to bend the rules
In a manual system, when the clerk’s friend from the sales force tells him that getting a particular order processed speedily means additional business, the clerk can expedite that one order. When another order comes in with some critical information missing, the clerk still can process it, remembering to acquire and record the information later. This flexibility usually is absent from automated systems.
One of the benefits of fudgeable systems is reducing the number of mistakes. By allowing many small, temporary mistakes into the system and entrusting humans to correct them before they cause problems downstream, we can avoid much bigger, more permanent mistakes.
Considerate products take responsibility
Too many interactive products take the attitude that “It isn’t my responsibility.” When they pass along a job to some hardware device, they wash their hands of the action, leaving the stupid hardware to finish. Any user can see that the software isn’t being considerate or conscientious, that the software isn’t shouldering its part of the burden of helping the user become more effective.
Considerate products help you avoid awkward mistakes
If a helpful human companion saw you about to do something that you would almost certainly regret afterwards—like shouting about your personal life in a room full of strangers, or sending an empty envelope in the mail to your boss—they might take you quietly aside and gently alert you to your mistake.
Digital products should similarly help you realize when you are, for example, about to inadvertently send a text to your entire list of contacts instead of the one friend you were intending to confide in, or are about to send an e-mail to the director of your department without the quarterly report you mentioned you were enclosing in the text of your message.