

1、It happened to be very cold() the morning of our sports meet.





2、If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,() great it is.





3、Drunken driving is often the major ( ) of traffic accidents.





4、If you drink too much, your health will get even() .




D.not well

5、Not until Mr. Smith came to China() what kind of a country she is.

A.did he know

B.he knew

C.he didn’t know

D.he could know

6、()he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.



C.The fact

D.The matter

7、very seldom() that two clocks or watches exactly agree.

A.you find

B.you will find

C.you do find

D.do you find

8、As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ( ) and see him.

A.will you come

B.you will come

C.you come

D.do you come

9、Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science ( ) that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.


B.has shown

C.will show

D.is showing

10、“Which of these two ties will you take?”

“I’ll take      to give me a change sometimes.”





11、It will() much time if we drive the car instead of walking.





12、John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes().


B.to be opened

C.to open


13、He finished his lunch very fast, because he() attend an important meeting.



C.used to

D.had to

14、“Where do you suggest going?” “We promised() the children to the West Lake.”


B.to take



15、I don’t quite remember the key() the question though I answered it correctly.





16、“Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ( ) thank you all the same.”





17、Of all the problems, this one is of the() importance.





18、the great noise produced by the machine will sooner or later do()to the workers’ hearing.





19、I don’t trust him at all. His smiles always make me().

A.feeling sick

B.be sick

C.being sick


20、the boy used to watch the planes() and land far away.

A.take away

B.take off

C.take out

D.take up

21、Before anyone could take a photo of the strange-looking bird, it()away.

A.has flown


C.was flying

D.would fly

22、The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I ( ) before.

A.was having


C.have ever had

D.had ever had

23、Science has made() possible for machines to take the place of human labour.





24、when we breathe, the oxygen in the air() with our blood and gives us life.



C.takes in


25、Most students in this class ( ) from the countryside.





26、He called the police for help,() that the problem was more than he could deal with.

A.to realize

B.having been realized



27、His grandma() in bed for a week.


B.has lain

C.has laid

D.has lied

28、You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting,(   ) ?

A.weren’t you

B.didn’t you

C.have you

D.did you

29、Neither of his two friends ( ) told him the truth.





30、It is reported that() people have entered for the competition.



C.hundreds of

D.several hundreds



marketing consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to sell it. your business produces goods and services. marketing is what lets __1___ customers know that they are available for sale. sales, advertising, and public relations are each essential ___2___ of marketing and each require specialized skills and expertise. while a small business may have only one person performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, knowledge of each area is important to develop a ___3___ effort.

a focus ___4____ what the customer wants and needs is essential __5____ successful marketing efforts. this customer-orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company’s objectives of maintaining a __6____ volume of sales. marketing is a creative process combining all the activities needed to __7___ both of these objectives.

the process of marketing begins __8____ discovering what product customers want to buy. providing the features and quality customers want is a/an ___9____ first step in marketing. you will be facing an uphill battle if you provide something you want to produce and then try to ___10_____ someone to buy it.

1. a. future          b. potential     c. invisible       d. visible

2. a. components     b. elements     c. features       d. factors

3. a. focusing        b. focused      c. fixed         d. fixing

4. a. to             b. on           c. at           d. in

5. a. on            b. at           c. to           d. in

6. a. profit          b. profitable    c. many        d. much

7. a. reach          b. get to       c. accomplish    d. achieve

8. a. with           b. in          c. at           d. by

9. a. critical         b. important    c. significant     d. necessary

10. a. ask            b. advise       c. persuade      d. convince


it was sunday and there was  1    school that day.

“look! john, it’s snowing  2  ,” said jack. john rushed to the window and saw it was really true. different   3    other days, john got up, washed and put clothes on himself as  4   as possible. in a few minutes he stood watching the garden turn white as the snow fell.

after the snow had stopped, johnand jack ran into the garden. they threw snowballs   5    each other. then their six-year-old neighbour, peter,   6   them. they ran, laughed and played  7    snowballs. soon they became tired of this and jack said, “why   8    make a snowman?”

so they started to work, using a garden spade and their hands to build the body.

when the body was finished, some stones were used for making the nose, eyes, ears and mouth. john put his hat on the snowman’s head.

the work was   9   and the snowman stood there, the same size   10    john.

1. a. not                       b. not a                        c. little                         d. no

2. a. big                       b. heavily                     c. heavy                       d. hardly

3. a. as                        b. in                             c. from                        d. like

4. a. quick                    b. soon                        c. quickly                     d. slowly

5. a. at                         b. on                            c. for                           d. with

6. a. took part in           b. joined in                   c. attended                   d joined

7. a. with                         b. the                           c. of                            d. on

8. a. don’t                    b. won’t                       c. not                          d. not to

9. a. off                       b. up                            c. end                          d. over

10. a. like                     b. as                            c. of                            d. for


mr. gray traveled a lot on business. he sold machines of various kinds to farmers, which he thought not really a very exciting job, but mr. gray had always been interested in _  1  , and he was quite satisfied with his life.

he had a big car, and usually enjoyed driving it long distances, but he was also quite   2   to go by train sometimes too — especially when the weather was bad.he was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow, and it was   3   tiring to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being worried about how one was going to get to the next place.

one of mr. gray's problem was where to stay when he reached some small   4   in the country.he did not expect comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(恼火的)when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water  5   good food after a long and tiring day.

late one winter evening, mr. gray arrived at a small railway station.the journey by train that day had not been at all interesting, and mr. gray was cold and tired and  6 .he was looking forward to a simple but satisfying meal by a brightly burning _7  , and then a hot bath and a comfortable bed.

while he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was also walking there,“as this is my   8   visit to this part of the country and i was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before i left home, i would very much like to know how many you have here.”

the local man answered,“we have two.”

“and which of the two would you   9   me to go to?”mr. gray asked then.

the local man scratched(搔)his head for a few moments and then answered,“well, it’s like this,  10  one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other.”

1. a. farming       b. gardening     c. travelling           d. driving

2. a. satisfied      b. tired          c. excited             d. encouraged

3. a. more         b. less          c. much              d. so

4. a. room         b. restaurant     c. hotel              d. place

5. a. or            b. and          c. but            d. nor

6. a. cross         b. thirsty        c. sleepy         d. hungry

7. a. fire           b. candle        c. oil            d. light

8. a. last           b. best          c. first          d. only

9. a. want         b. advise         c. allow         d. permit

10. a. whichever     b. whatever      c. any          d. each



susan cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of chicago. her father began the company in the 1960's. he died three years ago. now, the company belongs to susan.

susan,  1 , did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. she just finished the college.

the employees(雇员) became  2 ” what does a “short leash” mean? a leash is a kind of rope. we use a leash  9 our pet dogs. the leash keeps the dog from 10 away  11getting into trouble.concerned during susan's first months  3 the job. mr. cleveland had been a  4 leader. but susan permitted  5 employees to make their own  6 . one employee said, “old mr. cleveland  7 told us what to do. he kept people on a short leash.  8 the company did well.

keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her 12 close control. the person can't make many decisions for himself or herself. ms cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. 13 , she encourages them to get  14 ways to do business. for example, her secretary proposed(建议) an idea. she said the company should15 asum of money as a prize to the best student in the high school16the factory. the winner could use the prize money to study at a university. ms cleveland  17 the idea. after the prize was announced,  18 who lived in the area of the factory began to buy  19 of the company's candy. local newspapers wrote about the competition. business  20 .

ms cleveland made her secretary the company's first director of public relations. the former secretary was very pleased.

1. a. but            b. yet               c. so           d. however

2. a. so little         b. even less        c. even more     d. no more

3. a. on             b. in                c. for            d. at

4. a. weak          b. strong            c. kind           d. clever

5. a. no             b. a few           c. few            d. many

6. a. products       b. candy             c. decisions      d. plans

7. a. never          b. always            c. seldom        d. did

8. a. although       b. because         c. otherwise     d. but

9. a. to walk         b. to use           c. to frighten     d. to play

10. a. stepping       b. pulling            c. running        d. jumping

11. a. in             b. for               c. when          d. or

12. a. in             b. on               c. for            d. under

13. a. still          b. yet               c. instead        d. while

14. a. other        b. more             c. many          d. better

15. a. save        b. offer            c. get            d. lend

16. a. belonging to  b. far from           c. near          d. in

17. a. studied      b. appreciated        c. refused       d. changed

18. a. students      b. workers           c. businessmen d. people 

19. a. some        b. little              c. more         d. less

20. a. improved     b. failed             c. continued    d. stopped



 Getting that new job has completely transformed her.

36、正是他的勤奋使他在他的领域里如此成功。(it is…that)

 It is his diligence that makes him so successful in his field.

37、他正忙于处理一个棘手的问题。(be busy doing…)

He is busy dealing with a difficult problem.

38、今年夏天,小男孩和他的父母一起去了乡下。这对他来说将是一次难忘的经历。 (that)

The little boy went to the countryside with his parents this summer. That would be an unforgettable experience for him.


eating habit varies from place to place.

40、 那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。(in person)

The manager looked into the quality problems in person.

41、她在学校是个好老师,在家是个好妻子。(not only…but also)

She is not only a good teacher at school, but also a good wife at home.


The books in our school library are much more than those in their library.


43、请以Words I Will Never Forget 为题,写一篇100词的短文。

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