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by Rick Levine
For Everyone: Unfulfilled longings surface today where they can increase stress in a relationship. Fortunately, we find the right words to make our points while clever Mercury cooperates with passionate Pluto. But no one seems willing to moderate their desires as sensual Venus squares Pluto. Thankfully, the Moon’s entry into emotionally detached Aquarius at 8:58 am EDT enables us to intelligently process our feelings without being overwhelmed by them.
For You: On the surface, everything appears to be copacetic, but there may be a tempest brewing out of sight. You can pretend to be innocent and focus only on what is pleasant today, but failing to acknowledge the tension won’t prevent it from making itself known. Luckily, you have the power to turn an uncomfortable feeling into a catalyst that deepens a relationship instead of destabilizing it. The key to transformation is communication. Mutual respect and trust means that nothing of potential significance is off limits for discussion. The more you talk, the less it hurts.