Enable Telnyx real-time communication services on iOS. :telephone_receiver: :fire:
Project structure:
- SDK project: Enable Telnyx WebRTC communications.
- SDK Tests project.
- Demo app project.
Project Setup:
- Clone the repository
- Run the command
pod install
to install de dependencies inside the project root folder. - Open the Workspace :
- You will find 3 targets to build:
- The SDK
- The SDK Tests
- The Demo App
<p align="center">
<img width="247" alt="Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 18 34 45" src="">
- Select the target
TelnyxRTC (TelnyxRTC Project)
to build the SDK
<p align="center">
<img width="243" alt="Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 18 35 18" src="">
- Select the target
to run the tests. You will need to long press over the Run button and selectBuild for testing
<p align="center">
<img width="153" align="center" alt="Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 10 04 05" src="">
Select target
to run the demo app. The SDK should be manually builded in order to get the app running (Step 5)Enjoy 😎
<td>Outbound call</td>
<td>Incoming call</td>
<td><img src="" width=270></td>
<td><img src="" width=270></td>
<td><img src="" width=270></td>
Adding Telnyx SDK to your iOS Client Application:
Currently the iOS SDK is supported using cocoapods.
If your xcode project is not using cocoapods yet, you will need to configure it.
- Open your podfile and add the TelnyxRTC.
pod 'TelnyxRTC', '~> 0.0.4'
- Install your pods. You can add the flag --repo-update to ensure your cocoapods has the specs updated.
pod install --repo-update
- Open your .xcworkspace
- Import TelnyxRTC at the top level of your class:
import TelnyxRTC
Disable BITCODE (The GoogleWebRTC dependency has BITCODE disabled): Go to the Build Settings tab of your app target, search for “bitcode” and set it to “NO”
<p align="center">
<img width="743" alt="Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 17 46 08" src="">
</p>Enable VoIP and Audio background modes: Go to Signing & Capabilities tab, press the +Capability button and add those background modes:
<p align="center">
<img width="719" alt="Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 17 46 54" src="">
</p>Go to your Info.plist file and add the “Privacy - Microphone Usage Description” key with a description that your app requires microphone access in order to make VoIP calls.
<p align="center">
<img width="911" alt="Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 17 48 17" src="">
</p>You are all set!
Telnyx client setup
// Initialize the client
let telnyxClient = TxClient()
// Register to get SDK events
telnyxClient.delegate = self
// Setup yor connection parameters.
// Set the login credentials and the ringtone/ringback configurations if required.
// Ringtone / ringback tone files are not mandatory.
// You can user your sipUser and password
// This is what we are currently using on the Demo App
let txConfigUserAndPassowrd = TxConfig(sipUser: sipUser,
password: password,
ringtone: "incoming_call.mp3",
ringBackTone: "ringback_tone.mp3",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK.
//Logs are disabled by default
logLevel: .all)
// Or use a JWT Telnyx Token to authenticate (recommended)
let txConfigToken = TxConfig(token: "MY_JWT_TELNYX_TOKEN",
ringtone: "incoming_call.mp3",
ringBackTone: "ringback_tone.mp3",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK. Logs are disabled by default
logLevel: .all)
do {
// Connect and login
// Use `txConfigUserAndPassowrd` or `txConfigToken`
try telnyxClient.connect(txConfig: txConfigToken)
} catch let error {
print("ViewController:: connect Error \(error)")
// You can call client.disconnect() when you're done.
Note: you need to relese the delegate manually when you are done.
// Disconnecting and Removing listeners.
// Release the delegate
telnyxClient.delegate = nil
Telnyx client delegate
You will need to instantiate the client and set the delegate.
// Initialize the client
let telnyxClient = TxClient()
// Register to get SDK events
telnyxClient.delegate = self
Then you will receive the following events:
extension ViewController: TxClientDelegate {
func onRemoteCallEnded(callId: UUID) {
// Call has been removed internally.
func onSocketConnected() {
// When the client has successfully connected to the Telnyx Backend.
func onSocketDisconnected() {
// When the client from the Telnyx backend
func onClientError(error: Error) {
// Something went wrong.
func onClientReady() {
// You can start receiving incoming calls or
// start making calls once the client was fully initialized.
func onSessionUpdated(sessionId: String) {
// This function will be executed when a sessionId is received.
func onIncomingCall(call: Call) {
// Someone is calling you.
// You can update your UI from here base on the call states.
// Check that the callId is the same as your current call.
func onCallStateUpdated(callState: CallState, callId: UUID) {
// handle the new call state
switch (callState) {
case .RINGING:
case .NEW:
case .ACTIVE:
case .DONE:
case .HELD:
Outboud call
// Create a client instance
self.telnyxClient = TxClient()
// Asign the delegate to get SDK events
self.telnyxClient?.delegate = self
// Connect the client (Check TxClient class for more info)
// Create the call and start calling
self.currentCall = try self.telnyxClient?.newCall(callerName: "Caller name",
callerNumber: "155531234567",
// Destination is required and can be a phone number or SIP URI
destinationNumber: "18004377950",
callId: UUID.init())
Inbound call
How to answer an incoming call:
//Init your client
func initTelnyxClient() {
self.telnyxClient = TxClient()
// Asign the delegate to get SDK events
self.telnyxClient?.delegate = self
// Connect the client (Check TxClient class for more info)
extension ViewController: TxClientDelegate {
func onIncomingCall(call: Call) {
//We are automatically answering any incoming call as an example, but
//maybe you want to store a reference of the call, and answer the call after a button press.
self.myCall = call.answer()
For more information you can:
- Clone the repository
- And check the exported documentation in:
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