Payingrent and getting a mortgage, apparently involve the exact same principle. Youpay a certain amount each month for the place in which you’re living.
Thereare however, several fundamental differences. The main pros of getting amortgage on one, After many years of making monthly payments as they shall beleft with the home that you fully own.
2, inour current low interest Environment, your monthly mortgage payment wouldprobably be lower than your monthly rent payment.
3, realestate is a desirable asset, and you will be rewarded if prices go up. In avery optimistic scenario, if the price of your home goes by more than yourtotal monthly cost including the mortgage payment, you’re practically gettingpaid to live there.
The mainpros of renting on the other hand are, one a lot more flexibility. It’s significantlyeasier to move to a new neighbourhood or city when you’re renting, since youdon’t have to go through the process of selling your home.
2, ifyou’re going through a rough patch, you can easily move to a cheaper place whenrenting or in a worst-case scenario, even move back in with your parents for awhile.
If youhave mortgage obligations on the other hand, things tend to be more complicated.
3,property taxes and most maintenance related costs are covered by your landlordwhen renting, whereas when owning a home fixing everything that breaks andpaying taxes is your responsibility.
All inall, getting a mortgage makes sense if you’re interested in a long-termsolution and understand all implications.
If youare still undecided, wait and rent.