本笔记来源于B站Up主: 有Li 的影像组学系列教学视频
本节(24)主要讲解: 解读一篇文献,了解不同的降维、分类器组合方法
这篇文献2018年发表在European Radiology上: Radiomics features on non-contrast-enhanced CT scan can precisely classify AVM-related hematomas from other spontaneous intraparenchymal hematoma types. 这里的AVM
指的是 arteriovenous malformation.
1. feature extraction
(1) First-order statistics of hematoma intensity (n = 18),
(2) shape (n = 16),
(3) texture (n = 22, derived from GLCM),
(4) texture (n = 16, derived from GLRLM),
(5) wavelet-based features (n = 448),
(6) Laplacian of Gaussian-filtered image features (n = 56).
图像分割由两名放射科医生完成,作者将ICC(intraclass correlation coefficient) > 0.8 的特征筛选出来用于下一步的特征选择和建模。
2. feature selection
2.1 降维(11种过滤式特征筛选):
单变量分析(p < 0.1)
gini index (GINI)
, relief (RELF)
, information gain (IFGN)
, gain ratio (GNRO)
, Euclidean distance (EUDT)
, t test-score (TSCR)
, Wilcoxon rank sum (WLCR)
, and fisher score (FSCR)
mutual information (MUIF)
and MRMR
2.2 实现方法:
FS methods including GINI, RELF, IFGN, GNRO, and EUDT were performed by R software package “CORElearn” by the “attrEval” function.
FAOV and MUIF were conducted using the feature_selection module in sklearn (f_classif and mutual_info_classif), MRMR by the “pymrmr” package in Python.
We selected features according to rankings in their own group instead of rankings among all features since this enabled a systematic description of different aspects of the hematomas and avoided selecting features from a certain feature group.
3. machine learning and evaluation of the model
Eight supervised machine learning algorithms:
neural network (NN)
,decision tree (Decision Tree)
,Adaboost classifier (AD)
,naïve Bayes (NB)
,random forest (RF)
,logistic regression (LG)
,support vector machines (SVM)
, andk nearest neighbors (KNN)
. ( throughsklearn
package in Python)
这样,一共88(11*8)个models就建成了。研究者使用了threefold cross-validated对其进行训练,使用 AUC和RSD(relative standard deviation)来评价model的表现。其中,
RSD = (sdAUC/meanAUC) *100
The lower the RSD value, the more stable the predicting model.
4. 结果
Boxplot of ICC of features extracted from 6 feature groups
5-Figure2-1.png - Heatmaps illustrating the predictive performance (AUC) of different combinations of feature selection methods (rows) and classification algorithms (columns).
(a) Cross-validated AUC values of 88 models on the train and validation datasets.
(b) RSD values of 88 models on the train and validation datasets.
The model of RELF_Ada showed a best performance.
(a) Illustration of the threefold cross-validated ROC curve of model RELF_Ada.
(b) ROC curve of RELF_Ada on the test dataset.
(c) Confusion matrix with normalization of RELF_Ada
6-Figure4-1.png -
Comparison of prediction performance between the model and radiologists.
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