Among the innumerable creatures of the world, two are most deadly: the serpent and the envious human being. Of the two who do you think is more dangerous?
A great spiritual teacher said, "The reason why a serpent is less dangerous is because you can tame a serpent using different herbs and mantras."
But nothing can make an envious person nice. A serpent bites only if it is threatened and the most it can do is kill only one person at a time. The reaction of the serpent is not out of envy but out of self-protection. It wants to either protect itself or its offspring.
Human beings, on the other hand, are building bombs by which they can kill millions of people at a time for no reason except to protect their false egos. So who is more dangerous?
In either case, the ocean remains unaffected. That is because the ocean is so full and deep in itself that no external forces can disturb its stillness and equilibrium.
Compare the ocean with a puddle of water. During the summer, it becomes completely dried up, and during the monsoons, it floods over. Why? Because it lacks the depth of the ocean.
If you are full and deep within, none of the external forces can disturb you. But if you are empty, you are completely affected by everything that comes in your life.
摘自书籍《The Real You》(真正的你)
作者Radhanath Swami