title: mitigat
date: 2019-08-09 11:24:43
NO_sents: 1333
NO_references: 349
- At some point foresters and other biologists may have to intervene in the process to mitigate the effects of this human-induced change. (Kabrick et al., 2007)
- These results indicate that WGS is unable to completely mitigate the effects different study populations. (Kim et al., 2018)
- This regional effort involves state agency personnel who aim to reverse habitat loss, remove threats to endangered species, and mitigate impacts of highway, ports, and other developments. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Regular retraining of GS models by incorporating phenotypes collected in breeding generations closer to the current (Iwata et al, 2011) are expected to mitigate this problem, and will be especially essential in light of climate fluctuations. (Grattapaglia et al., 2018)
- Acting on the reference 355 population to directly mitigate the loss of genetic diversity of the breeding population while 356 only marginally affecting the genetic gain over generations is a promising way to incorporate 357 genetic diversity into breeding programs. (Eynard et al., 2017)