笔者其实算是一个偏瘦的人,166的身高,体重97,98的样子。身边总是有一些羡慕我这种怎么都吃不胖的身材的人。运动是个好东西,感觉自己体质不怎么样,所以上学期闲来无事还连续一段时间绕着学校400米跑道每天晚上跑十圈。对于保持身材,笔者对于这个有几个很简单的原则,就是少吃零食,早中饭必须吃,晚饭可以不吃,适当的运动,别那么骄气,运动的妹子可是很帅气的。其次呢,我的一个朋友@Hustwolf 体重太可爱了,可能需要一点体型上的改变,所以昨天看到这篇文章就想到他了。
How to burn fat and lose wight
Sarah Schmalbruch
The INSIDER Summary:
1.The best way to burn fat is by walking, not by doing intense cardio.
2.The more intense cardio you do, the lower the percentage of calories you burn from fat sources.
3.More extreme cardio can also lead to more injuries and a larger appetite.
If you are looking to burn fat, ditch the expensive spin classes and gruelling runs and try something a little more simple: walking.
Nutritionist and celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, whose client list includes Kim Kardashianl, Ariana Grandel, and Lady Gaga, says that intense cardio isn't the best way to a svelte figure.
In fact, for some people, cardio can prove to be somewhat counter-productive.
According to Pasternak, the more I intense the cardio you do, the more calories per minute you'll burn, however, a higher percentage of those calories will come from non fat sources than if you were engaging in less intense cardio (like walking).
In other words, yes, you are burning a lot of calories, but not a lot of fat.
There't one more thing that speaks against intense cardio: hunger.
Pasternak says that there't a direct relationship between the intensity of cardio you do and your appetite. The more intense your cardio workout, the more hungry you'll be afterwards, which can lead to you eating more than you normally would.
“You hear people after a spin class, they get out of there, and they're ravenous. And they go have a gluten-free scone and a fresh-pressed, sugar-laden juice.”
And if that's not enough to convinceyou, you're also more likely to getinjured doing more extreme cardio. According to Pasternak, gpetitive stress syndrome, knee injuries, and back injuries are all risks that are associated with extreme cardio.
While he doesn't necessarily advise against running or spin class, Pasternak adds that the average person who's looking to trim fat might be somewhat daunted by the prospect of doing intense cardio every day.
Walking, on the other hand, is often viewed as a way more accessible method of exercise by people of all skill levels.
Pasternak, who has studied the eating habits of the healthiest countries in the world, says that while the diets of these countries differ greatly, they all do a lot of walking.
According to him, the average American? walks 4,100 steps in a day, while the inhabitants of the world's healthiest countries walk more than 10,000 steps a day.
Because of this, Pasternak gives all his clients a daily step goal that ranges anywhere from 10 to 14,000 steps per day.
“People want to know how do we get the prettiest bodies in the world in shape... This is how I do it. Not being sedentary.”
Translation from XNC.
如果你正想着甩掉身上的脂肪,放弃昂贵的自旋课和折磨人的运动,来尝试一些更简单的事情 :散步。
营养学家和名人教练Harley Pasternak,他的客户名单包括Kim Kardashianl,Ariana Grandel和Lady Gaga,他说强烈的有氧运动不是得到苗条身材的最好的方式。
换句话来说就是,是的,你燃烧了很多卡路里,但不是很多脂肪。(莫名笑意 )
如果这还不足以说服你,你也更有可能 因为做更极端的有氧运动而受伤。根据Pasternak所说,韧性应激综合征、膝盖损伤和背部损伤都是与极度有氧运动有关的风险。
你缺少一个好的身材,可能是因为缺少一个和你一同健身的同伴和一个YY 后的理想模型
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