8. How Judgements Happen
1) basic assessment
2) sum-like variables
The size of the category, the number of instances it contains, tend to be ignored in judgments of what I will call sum-like variables.
3) intensity matching: 比如用颜色的深浅来匹配罪行的轻重
4) the mental shotgun
[N-COUNT 可数名词] 猎枪;火枪;A shotgun is a gun used for shooting birds and animals which fires a lot of small metal balls at one time. [柯林斯高阶]
However, the control over intended computations is far from precise: we often compute much more than we want or need. I call this excess computation the mental shotgun.
我们做判断的时候总是会把一些不相干的因素考虑进去,这些多余的因素就叫做 “ mental shotgun”。比如要判断 VOTE-NOTE 和 VOTE-GOAT哪一组词押韵,你很容易认为VOTE-NOTE押韵而VOTE-GOAT不押韵,因为后者拼写差异很大,你不自觉的将拼写这个不相干的因素考虑进去了
9. Answering an Easier Question
The normal state of your mind is that you have intuitive feelings and opinions about almost everything that comes your way. ... Whether you state them or not, you often have answers to questions that you do not completely understand, relying on evidence that you can neither explain nor defend.
The target question is the assessment you intend to produce.
The heuristic question is the simpler question that you answer instead.
当我们需要回答一个难的问题时,我们往往回答的是一个较为简单的替代性问题(substituting questions)。文中列举的两个例子分别是 the 3-D heuristic 和 the mood heuristic for happiness。
这一章节解释了mental shotgun 和 intensity matching 如何共同作用,使我们单凭直觉对不甚了解的事情做出判断。