- 发音
expensive, spell, great, ready, very, name/late
wait (同学给我的反馈是 t 没有发出来。平常一般都不会直接说wait,都会比较礼貌说 Wait a minute. wait这个词一般在美国过马路的时候会听到。路边杆上有个红色按钮,一按就会听到一个很深沉的男声, "Wait!" ,里面是藏了一个压力触控喇叭吗,哈哈) - 语调
- How do you spell weather? How 不要念得太重
- What’s your name? 不要用力念 what,不要一开始就语调上扬或者下降
每次读这句话就会想起了《青苹果乐园》那句歌词,“告诉我,what’s your name" - Have a great day.
- See you later.
- You are welcome. You are很快带过
- 先动脑,再动嘴
元音要清楚,辅音要温柔 apple happen people
Unit 5 最性感的音 /æ/
The man who had a mustache with a red plaid jacket and black pants. That is the man who robbed the bank.
夸张点,慢点读. That is the right way to practice.星期几,26个字母,和数字都很难念的, 可以一直坚持练习
Can you tell me exactly what happened? 不需要重读can
Can you elaborate (on what happened)?-
Suddenly, the man ran past me, grabbed a handful of cash, and stuffed it in a plastic bag.
这句话多练习,很多连读- a handful of cash 一把钱
She is handful. 淘气 - in the bag 囊中之物,十拿九稳
have something in the bag
It is in the bag - bag 动词,打包带走,也可以幽默地使用,比如说你去派对带回了一个男朋友
You bagged yourself a boyfriend from the party?
- a handful of cash 一把钱
What kind of bag? (但是写作不要用kind of,sort of,不够正式)
And what happened after that?happen 很常用
This is not going to happen. 最近这件事不会发生
Nothing happens.Absolutely.
Totally. (一个被低估的词汇)
Yes, 100%.
Yes, I swear to you.Thank you for your help.= Thank you for your cooperation.
Unit 6 最放松的音 /ʌ/
- 发音要点
中元音,舌头在中间,特别放松,嘴巴不要动,一张嘴就错了 - 易错的单词
- but, cup, Russell, Duncan, Hunter, lunch
- You don’t love me. He doesn’t love you.
惊觉原来我一直读错这个音的,我读but,does的时候都张嘴了 - won和one 同音;sun和son 同音
- fun fan fine
That is preposterous. /That is crazy. /That is nuts.不要喝醋啦
There is nothing for you to be jealous about.你是这么有趣的一个人
You think he is fun to be with.
You are so fun to be with.
You are such an amazing person!
Thank you for being a wonderful person that you are!
I like your company much better than Hunter’s.
I will be with you.
I will keep your company.