Venezuela: A chance, at last, for liberation
Venezuela’s failed revolution may itself be overthrown
America’s intervention could topple the government of Nicolás Maduro
美国的干预可能会推翻尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)的政权
THE OP-13 BUILDING at the entrance to the Catia shantytown in Caracas is an ugly red and grey edifice, built a decade ago by a Russian company. With such housing projects Hugo Chávez, the founder of Venezuela’s “Bolivarian revolution”, established himself as the benefactor of the poor. The polyurethane cladding suits Moscow, not the tropics. The windows are too small to admit much breeze. But people who live in Catia are grateful to the government. “It’s completely chavista here,” says Ayax Armas, a cook who lives opposite.
加拉加斯(Caracas,委瑞内拉首都)卡蒂亚棚户区(Catia shantytown)入口处的OP-13大楼是一座丑陋的红灰相间的大厦,由一家俄罗斯公司在10年前建造。通过这些住房工程,委内瑞拉“玻利瓦尔革命”的创始人乌戈•查韦斯(Hugo Chávez,委瑞内拉前总统)将自己打造成了穷人的恩人。聚氨酯覆层适合莫斯科,不适合热带地区。窗户太小,风进不去。但是住在Catia的人们对政府心存感激。这里完全是查韦斯式的(chavista?不知道是什么语言,西班牙语?有点像西班牙语chovinista-沙文主义者),住在对面的厨师阿亚克斯·阿马斯(Ayax Armas)说。
- shantytown: n. 以临时搭盖的陋屋为主的地区
- edifice:n. 大厦;大建筑物
- benefactor: n. 恩人;捐助者;施主
- cladding: n. 包层;电镀;喷镀
- tropic: n. 回归线;热带;天球的回归线
adj. 热带的;(天气)湿热的;向性的,亲……的
the tropics
热带地区 - breeze:微风
Loyalty is reinforced by fear. Catia is controlled by pro-government colectivos, which are at once local intelligence-services, neighbourhood-watch groups and criminal gangs. Protests against the left-wing regime were almost unheard of. But anger is simmering. The oil boom, which paid for Chávez’s largesse, ended soon after he died in 2013. Under Nicolás Maduro, who took over from him, the economy has slumped and food has become scarce. Annual inflation is 1.7m per cent, according to the opposition-controlled legislature. “Who wouldn’t want to change this situation?” asks Carlos, who scavenges for fruit and vegetables in the rubbish, cleans them and resells them. More than 80% of Venezuelans want Mr Maduro out, according to Datanalisis, a polling firm.
恐惧强化忠诚。Catia(地区)由亲政府的colectivos控制,colectivos同时是地方情报机构、邻里监督组织和犯罪团伙。反对左翼政权的抗议活动几乎闻所未闻。但愤怒正在酝酿之中。石油繁荣为查韦斯(前总统)的慷慨买了单,但在他2013年去世后不久就结束了。在尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的领导下,委内瑞拉经济下滑,食品短缺。根据反对党控制的立法机构(的数据),年通货膨胀率为170万%(这个完全不知道怎么翻译,不知道通货膨胀率是不是那个范围,查的2018年数据是652.67% )。“谁不想改变这种情况呢?”卡洛斯说到,他是一个拾荒者在垃圾中寻找水果和蔬菜,清洗后再转卖。根据民调公司Datanalisis的数据,超过80%的委内瑞拉人希望马杜罗下台。
pro-government : 亲政府的
regime : n. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制
simmer :n. 炖;即将沸腾的状态
v. 炖,煨;(水或食物)慢慢沸腾;内心充满(愤怒),酝酿;即将爆发
largesse : n. 慷慨的赠与;慷慨赠与物(等于largess)
slump :v. (价格、数量等)骤降;重重地坐下(或倒下);惨败;(肩或脑袋)耷拉着
n. (价格、数量等的)猛然严重下降;经济不景气时期;低潮期
scarce :adj. 缺乏的,不足的;稀有的;adv. 仅仅;几乎不;几乎没有
legislature : n. 立法机关;立法机构
scavenge :vt. 打扫;排除废气;以…为食;vi. 清除污物;打扫
Just before midnight on January 22nd Catia erupted. Residents of OP13 streamed out, set fire to rubbish that had been piling up for weeks and banged pots and pans. “This government is about to fall,” they chanted. After two decades of socialist rule that descended into ever-greater repression and economic mismanagement, they may just be right.
就在1月22日午夜之前,Catia街区爆发了。OP13的居民涌了出来,把堆积了几个星期的垃圾付之一炬,还敲打着锅碗瓢盆。 “这个政府就要垮台了,”他们高呼。 在经历了20年的社会主义统治之后,这种统治逐渐演变为更大的压迫和经济管理不善,他们(居民)可能是正确的。
- pot : n. 壶;盆;罐
- pan : n. 平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘
- be about to :将要
Since Catia’s rebellion events have moved at a dizzying pace. On January 23rd Juan Guaidó, a young, little-known politician who had been head of Venezuela’s legislature for just 18 days, proclaimed himself the country’s acting president before a cheering crowd in Caracas. He declared the presidency vacant on the grounds that Mr Maduro’s re-election last May was a fraud. In those circumstances, the constitution gives the presidency to the head of the legislature until fresh elections can be held.
- vacant : adj. 空虚的;空的;空缺的;空闲的;茫然的
- on the grounds that ... : conj. 由于(根据)
- presidency : n. 总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配
Along with more than 1m protesters across Venezuela that day, the United States, Canada and almost all large Latin American countries recognised Mr Guaidó. Britain, France, Germany and Spain said they would follow if Mr Maduro doesn’t call a free election within days.
President Donald Trump has moved to make Mr Guaidó’s claim a reality. On January 28th America imposed its toughest sanctions yet on Venezuela’s regime. It froze the American accounts and assets of PDVSA, the national oil monopoly, and said that it will divert the proceeds of further sales into an account that will be accessible only after PDVSA comes under the control of Mr Guaidó or an elected government. This cuts off the regime from its main source of cash. Already it has defaulted on most of its debt and is short of money to buy the loyalty of the armed forces, maintain oil production and import enough to feed 32m Venezuelans. The new sanctions will make all that even harder.
monopoly : n. 垄断;垄断者;专卖权
proceed :vi. 开始;继续进行;发生;行进; n. 收入,获利
default :n. 违约,拖欠;系统默认值;常规做法;缺席
v. 不履行,拖欠,违约;默认,预设;(计算机等)自动转到(默认值);因未到场而取消……参赛资格;(未)不到场;不参加(比赛等);对……处以缺席裁判
Venezuela thus finds itself part of a trial of strength. A peaceful transition to a democratic, economically literate government could restore normality to what was once one of the region’s richest countries (see article). Equally, the Trump-Guaidó gambit might lead to conflict between armed groups or simply fail, leaving the regime more dominant than ever. In that case, millions more Venezuelans would join the 3m who have already fled, mostly to neighbouring countries such as Colombia. American prestige, wagered on ousting Mr Maduro, would suffer, too.
- literate :n. 学者;adj. 受过教育的;精通文学的
- normality : n. 常态;[化学] 当量浓度;[化学] 规定浓度
- Equally: adv. 同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地
- gambit : n. 话题;开始;以取得优势的开局棋法;开场白
- flee :vt. 逃跑,逃走;逃避;vi. 逃走;消失,消散
- prestige :n. 威望,声望;声誉;adj. 令人敬仰的;受尊重的;贵重的
- wager :n. 赌注;赌博;赌物;vi. 打赌;vt. 下赌注
- oust : vt. 驱逐;剥夺;取代
Mr Maduro has resisted growing opposition since 2013, when poverty began to rise (see chart). As Venezuelans turned against him, his power came to depend on a patronage network of enchufados, or “plugged-in people”, especially in the security forces. He has appointed over 2,000 officers to the rank of general or equivalent. The army runs companies in as many as 20 industries, including an insurer, a rubber manufacturer and a television channel, according to Crónica Uno, a newspaper.
自2013年贫困人口开始增加以来,马杜罗一直抵制日益增长的反对势力(见图表)。当委内瑞拉人转而反对他时,他的权力开始依赖于一个由enchufados(即“plugged-in people” 不知道怎么翻译,意思应该很容易理解)组成的赞助网络(这个不知道怎么翻译),尤其是在安全部队。他任命了2000多名将军或同等军衔的军官。据Cronica Uno报纸报道,军队经营着多达20个行业的公司,包括一家保险公司、一家橡胶制造商和一个电视频道。
- patronage :n. 赞助;光顾;任免权
The armed forces collar scarce dollars at an artificially cheap rate and sell them to dollar-starved companies at a much dearer one. The national guard smuggles petrol, weapons, food, gold and diamonds, according to Margarita López Maya of Universidad Central de Venezuela, citing investigations by American authorities. After Mr Guaidó’s proclamation, all of the country’s top brass pledged support to Mr Maduro.
军方以人为压低的汇率把稀缺的美元套牢,然后以高得多的价格卖给急需美元的企业。委内瑞拉中央大学的玛格丽塔·洛佩斯·玛雅(Margarita Lopez Maya)称(援引美国当局的调查),国民警卫队走私汽油、武器、食品、黄金和钻石。瓜伊多发表声明后,委内瑞拉所有高级官员都承诺支持马杜罗。
- collar :n. 衣领;颈圈;vt. 抓住;给…上领子;给…套上颈圈
- starved : adj. 饥饿的;饥肠辘辘的
- smuggle :vt. 走私;偷运;vi. 走私,私运;偷带
- petrol : n. (英)汽油
- top brass : 高级军官;要员;顶部轴衬;( n. 黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器;厚脸皮 )
- pledge :n. 保证,誓言;抵押;抵押品,典当物;vt. 保证,许诺;用……抵押;举杯祝……健康
They have stomped on dissent. At the protests in Catia the colectivos were first on the scene, followed by the dreaded FAES, an elite police force (“colectivos with a licence”, Mr Armas calls them). “We are not going to let anyone fuck with us,” said one colectivo leader in Catia after the fracas. Repression took place across the country on the next day. Some 700 people were detained, a record number for one day, according to Foro Penal, a human-rights group. Thirty-five people were killed.
他们践踏持不同政见者。在Catia的抗议活动中,colectivo首先出现,接着是令人畏惧的FAES,这是一个精英警察部队(Armas先生称之为“有执照的colectivo”)。 “我们不会让任何人愚弄我们,”争吵过后,Catia的一位colectivo领导人说。 第二天,全国各地都发生了镇压行动。据人权组织Foro criminal称,约有700人被拘留,创下单日拘留人数的纪录。35人死亡。
- stomp :n. 跺脚,重踩;顿足爵士舞;vt. 跺脚,重踩;践踏
- dissent :n. (意见的)不一致;不服从裁判;异议声明;v. 不同意;对国教(或东正教教义)不遵循
- followed by :vt. 然后,随后;续集
- fracas : n. 吵闹;喧噪
- detain : vt. 拘留;留住;耽搁
But the oppressors are also unhappy. Despite the money to be made from corruption, the crisis affects the armed forces as it does the rest of society, says Rocío San Miguel, a Caracas-based military analyst. The salary of a major in the national guard is 36,000 bolívares a month, worth less than $15. “That is not enough for two days’ worth of food for a family of four,” says Ms San Miguel.
但压迫者也不快乐。一位驻加拉加斯的军事分析家Rocio San Miguel说,尽管从腐败中可以赚到钱,但这场危机对武装部队的影响和对整个社会的影响一样大。国民警卫队一名少校的月薪为36,000玻利瓦尔,不到15美元。San Miguel女士表示,这还不够一个四口之家两天的食物。
- major : 这里是陆军少校
- oppressor : n. 压制者,压迫者
- corruption : n. 贪污,腐败;堕落
Growing disgruntlement in the security forces increases the importance of the several hundred Cuban counter-intelligence agents (supplied in return for cheap oil) who also prop up Mr Maduro’s rule. They tap Venezuelan phones to monitor dissent as well as looking after the president’s personal security, says a western intelligence source. He adds that Mr Maduro gets an intelligence briefing every morning from two Cuban officers. The most intense snooping is on the police and armed forces—anyone with a gun, says Ms San Miguel.
安全部队中日益增长的不满情绪增加了数百名古巴反情报人员(换取廉价石油)的重要性,他们也支持马杜罗的统治。一名西方情报人士称,他们(古巴反情报人员)监听委内瑞拉的电话,监控不同政见,并负责总统的个人安全。他补充说,马杜罗每天早上都会听取两名古巴官员的情报简报。San Miguel女士说,最严密的监视是警察和武装部队——任何有枪的人。
- disgruntlement : 不满
- prop up :支持,支撑
- tap : 这里指“窃听”和“监听”
- snoop :v. 窥探,调查,打探;n. 窥探者,私家侦探;窥探
The regime has disrupted several coup attempts. Around 100 senior officers are in prison, including several who were close to Chávez and who served Mr Maduro as ministers. Troop commanders have been shuffled frequently to prevent them from building close relations with their soldiers, according to Caracas Chronicles Political Risk Report, a newsletter.
该管理体制已挫败了几次政变企图。大约100名高级官员被关在监狱里,其中包括几名与查韦斯(前总统)关系密切、曾担任马杜罗部长的官员。根据《加拉加斯编年史政治风险报告》(Caracas Chronicles Political Risk Report,一个时事通讯)的报道,部队指挥官经常被调动,以防止他们与士兵建立亲密关系。
- coup :n. 政变;妙计;出乎意料的行动;砰然的一击;vt. 使…颠倒;使…倾斜;vi. 推倒;倾斜;溢出
- shuffle :n. 洗牌;拖着脚走,曳行;曳步舞,曳步动作;改组;慢切分节奏;随机播放装置;v. 拖着脚走;把脚动来动去;坐立不安;洗牌;把……变换位置;调动;搪塞
- newsletter : n. 时事通讯
Even before the latest sanctions, the regime was running out of money to keep the generals happy. Production by PDVSA, which has been mismanaged for years, was expected to fall to less than 1m barrels a day in 2019, its lowest level since the 1940s. If sold at world prices, that should bring in about $20bn for the year, except that 45% of the oil goes directly to China and Russia to repay debt, according to Siobhan Morden of Nomura, an investment bank. Cash from oil sales goes mainly to pay other claimants and to pay Venezuela’s import bill. Less than $250m would be left to spend on patronage. That is less than the wage bill for Manchester City’s footballers. Venezuela would have to dip further into its dwindling foreign-exchange reserves.
甚至在最新的制裁之前,该政权就已经没有钱让将军们高兴了。多年来管理不善的PDVSA,预计到2019年的日产量将降至不足100万桶,为上世纪40年代以来的最低水平。根据野村证券(一家投资银行)的Siobhan Morden的说法,如果以世界价格出售,除了45%的石油直接流入中国和俄罗斯偿还债务外,这一年应该能带来200亿美元的收入。来自石油销售的现金主要用来支付其他索赔人和委内瑞拉的进口账单。剩下的不到2.5亿美元将用于赞助(这个应该是前文提到的那个组织)。这比曼城球员的工资还少。委内瑞拉将不得不进一步动用其不断减少的外汇储备。
- claimant : n. 原告;[贸易] 索赔人;提出要求者
- wage :工资
- dip :v. 浸,蘸;(使)下降,下沉,减少;(把手、工具)伸入(袋子、容器);扒窃;动用(资金);浏览(书籍);(给牲畜)洗药浴;制作(蜡烛);给某人施洗礼;(道路、地面)向下倾斜;放下,下移;(把汽车前灯)调为近光
n. 浸,蘸;短暂的水浴或游泳;(暂时的)减少,下降;调味酱,蘸酱;凹陷处,低洼处;浏览,翻阅;药浴液;舀取的量;(上坡前的)短暂下坡,(上升前的)短暂下落;倾角,视倾斜;扒手 - dwindle :vi. 减少;变小; vt. 使缩小,使减少
With the new sanctions, money will be even tighter. They freeze PDVSA’s
11bn, says the Trump administration. PDVSA might find other buyers, perhaps in Asia, but is likely to earn less because transport costs will be higher. Almost as painful is the ban on the sale of diluents to PDVSA, without which its thick oil will not flow through pipes.
随着新的制裁,资金将更加紧张。特朗普政府表示,他们冻结了PDVSA在美国价值70亿美元的资产,其中包括3家炼油厂,并将减少超过110亿美元的石油出口收入。PDVSA可能会找到其他买家,或许是在亚洲,但由于运输成本将会更高,收入可能会更少。几乎同样痛苦的是禁止向PDVSA出售稀释剂,否则其稠油(thick oil)将无法通过管道。
- refinery : n. 精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂
- ban :n. 禁止,禁令,禁忌;剥夺公民权的判决;诅咒;巴尼(罗马尼亚货币单位);v. 禁止,取缔;(官方)把(某人)逐出某地
These measures will accelerate Venezuela’s economic collapse. GDP will shrink by 26% this year, bringing the total decline since Mr Maduro took office to 60%, estimates Francisco Rodríguez of Torino Capital, an investment bank. Bond prices suggest that the markets put the odds of Mr Maduro’s ousting at 50-90%.
这些措施将加速委内瑞拉的经济崩溃。投资银行Torino Capital的弗朗西斯科•罗德里格斯(Francisco Rodriguez)估计,今年国内生产总值(GDP)将缩水26%,自马杜罗上台以来的总降幅将达到60%。债券价格显示,市场认为马杜罗下台的几率为50%至90%。
Mr Guaidó and Mr Trump are betting that hardship will topple the regime before it starves the Venezuelan people. The opposition is striving to persuade the armed forces to switch allegiance. The national assembly passed a law offering amnesty for those who help “build democracy”. Volunteers distributed pamphlets laying out the terms at army bases (some soldiers burned them). To members of the regime too discredited to be part of any democratic government, including Mr Maduro, the opposition is offering passage to a comfortable retirement, perhaps in Cuba.
topple :vt. 推翻;颠覆;使倒塌;vi. 倾倒;倒塌;摇摇欲坠
allegiance : n. 效忠,忠诚;忠贞
amnesty :n. 大赦,特赦;vt. 对…实行大赦
discredited :adj. 不足信的;不名誉的;
v. 败坏(或破坏)…的名声;破坏对…的信任(discredit的过去分词)
He is not ready to be pensioned off. He has called for support from China and Russia. On January 26th their UN ambassadors rebuked America for interfering. Both countries have big financial stakes in Venezuela. China, which has extended a total of $60bn in loans over the past 20 years, is its biggest creditor. And Russia has lent $17bn to oil projects and to finance arms sales.
- stake :n. 桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;vt. 资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌;vi. 打赌
这里指的是“利益” - pension :n. 退休金,抚恤金;津贴;膳宿费;vt. 发给养老金或抚恤金
China, which takes a hard-headed view of Venezuela, has promised little new money. It is to Russia’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin, that Mr Maduro has turned. Mr Putin sees Venezuela as a stage for his confrontation with America. Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said his government will do all it can to support the Venezuelan president. Unconfirmed reports say that 400 men from Wagner, a military company owned by an associate of Mr Putin, flew to Venezuela, perhaps to protect Mr Maduro from his own officers.
对委内瑞拉采取冷静态度的中国几乎没有承诺提供新的资金。马杜罗转向的是俄罗斯的威权领导人弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)。普京将委内瑞拉视为他与美国对抗的舞台。俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)表示,俄罗斯政府将尽其所能支持委内瑞拉总统。未经证实的报道称,普京的一名助手拥有的一家名为Wagner的军事公司的400人已飞往委内瑞拉,可能是为了保护马杜罗不受自己军官的伤害。
- hard-headed : adj. 头脑冷静的
It is hard to see Russia committing troops or much treasure to keeping Mr Maduro in power. But Mr Putin would profit from other outcomes, too. Violence would demonstrate the risk of allowing a mob to subvert an established leader. An American military intervention could be cited as evidence that America shares Mr Putin’s belief in great powers’ spheres of influence.
- subvert : vt. 颠覆;推翻;破坏
- commit :vt. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;
commit troops,派遣军队(作战)[没想到commit还有这种用法]
Without Chinese or Russian cash, Mr Maduro will have to rule on emergency rations. That can work for a while. As people become poorer, the cost of patronage falls. Voters who once expected a flat now accept a box of food. But the forces working to topple Mr Maduro are getting stronger while those holding him up are weakening. For Venezuela’s sake and his own, he should take early retirement.
- ration :v. 配给;定量供应;限定……的量;n. 定量;口粮;配给量;正常量;一定数量;应得份额