CV 细节
名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
Alias(别名) | 工作区中CV变量的名称。 | |
Description(描述) | CV变量描述。 | |
Set Value Type [v](设定值类型) | SetRange (设定范围) | 此开关量(SetPoint/SetRange)用于指示CV是控制单个值(SetPoint设定点)还是范围(SetRange设定范围)。 |
Tracking Flag [v](跟踪标签) | 仅适用于SetPoint 型CV。此标签用于指示当CV处于非控制状态时(即INACTIVE),CV的设定范围限是否会跟踪计算CV值。 | |
Calculated Value [t/v](计算值) | 0.0 | 这是SMOCPro计算的CV值(仅输出)。 |
SetRange High [t/v](设定范围高限) | 0.0 | 其定义了控制器的设定范围高限值,若是设定点型变量,则定义了设定点。 |
SetRange Low [t/v](设定范围低限) | 0.0 | 其定义了控制器的设定范围低限值。如果CV是设定点型,则此项输入是灰色的。 |
SetRange Entry High Limit [t/v](设定范围输入高限) | 10001.0 | 该值定义了SetRange High所允许的最高值。 |
SetRange Entry Low Limit [t/v](设定范围输入低限) | -10001.0 | 该值定义了SetRange Low所允许的最低值。 |
Remove Flag [t/v](删除标签) | False | 此标签(True/False)用于指示某CV是否接受控制(ACTIVE)或(INACTIVE)。 |
Priority [t/v](优先级) | 1 | 此参数定义了CV的优先级。此处的允许值是1~100。数值越低代表其优先级越高。通过相同的排序完成静态不可行性的平衡。 |
Setpoint Tracking Filter [v](设定点追踪滤波器) | 0 | 此参数将设置一阶指数轨迹的时间常数(s),并将其用于所有CV设定点或设定范围的变化。 |
Weight [v](权重) | 自控制器 | 这是要传递到在线系统(不可编辑)的CV权重(Q值)。 |
Calculated Constraint Flag [t/v](计算约束标签) | 0.0 | 计算CV值相对于CV限制(内核输出参数)的约束活性(0:不受限,+ 1:高限,-1:低限)。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Steady State Reachable Value [t/v](可到达稳态值) | 0.0 | CV的预测稳态值(内核输出参数)。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Steady State Constraint Flag [t/v](稳态约束标签) | 0.0 | 稳态时的预测约束活性(0:不限制,+N:高限,-N:低限)(内核输出参数)。 N值提供了约束活性的细节,1〜100: CV约束的优先级,101:经济优化,111:混和比例约束。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Actual CV Status [t/v](实际CV状态) | INACTIVE | CV(内核输出参数)的实际状态(BAD/ACTIVE/ INACTIVE)。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Remote Target Value [t/v](远程目标值) | 0.0 | 从实时优化器(RTO)获取的CV目标值。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Remote Target Remove Flag [t/v](远程目标删除标签) | True | 远程目标值的删除标签(True/False),只有删除标签设定为False时才有效。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Remote Target Weight [t/v](远程目标权重) | 0.0 | 如果不是所有的CV目标都可以实现,则其表示了有效CV目标的相对重要性。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Remote Target Status [t/v](远程目标状态) | INACTIVE | CV目标(内核输出参数)的实际状态(BAD/ ACTIVE/INACTIVE)。只有当选中Advanced时才可见。 |
**CV Details **
Name | Default Value | Description |
Alias | Name of the CV variable in the workspace. | |
Description | CV Variable description. | |
Set Value Type [v] | SetRange | Switch (SetPoint/SetRange) to indicate if the CV is to be controlled to a single value (SetPoint) or within a range (SetRange). |
Tracking Flag [v] | Used only for SetPoint-type CVs. This flag indicates whether or not the Setrange limits of the CV will track the calculated CV value when the CV is not being controlled (that is, it is Inactive). | |
Calculated Value [t/v] | 0.0 | The value of the CV as calculated by SMOCPro (output only). |
SetRange High [t/v] | 0.0 | This defines the SetRange High value for the controller, or the Setpoint if it is a SetPoint-type variable. |
SetRange Low [t/v] | 0.0 | This defines the SetRange Low value for the controller. If the CV is of SetPoint-type this entry is grayed-out. |
SetRange Entry High Limit [t/v] | 10001.0 | This value defines the highest value allowed for SetRange High. |
SetRange Entry Low Limit [t/v] | -10001.0 | This value defines the lowest value allowed for SetRange Low. |
Remove Flag [t/v] | False | Flag (True/False) to indicate if the CV should be controlled (ACTIVE) or not (INACTIVE). |
Priority [t/v] | 1 | This parameter defines the priority of this CV. Allowed values here are 1-100. A lower value indicates a higher priority. Balancing of static infeasibilities is performed within the same rank. |
Setpoint Tracking Filter [v] | 0 | This parameter sets the time constant (seconds) of a first-order exponential trajectory that will be applied to all SetPoint or SetRange changes for the CV |
Weight [v] | From the controller. | This is the CV Weight (Q value) that will be transferred to the online system (not editable). |
Calculated Constraint Flag [t/v] | 0.0 | Constraint activity (0:Not-limited, +1: High-limited, -1:Low-limited) of Calculated CV Value with respect to CV limits (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Steady State Reachable Value [t/v] | 0.0 | The predicted steady state values of CVs (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Steady State Constraint Flag [t/v] | 0.0 | The predicted constraint activity (0:Not-limited, +N:High-limited, -N:Low-limited) at steady state (Kernel output parameter). The value of N provides details on what has made constraint active, 1~100:the priority level for the CV constraints, 101: economic optimization, 111:blending ratio constraints. Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Actual CV Status [t/v] | INACTIVE | The actual status (BAD/ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of CV (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Remote Target Value [t/v] | 0.0 | CV target value coming from a Real-time Optimizer (RTO).Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Remote Target Remove Flag [t/v] | True | Remove flag (True/False) for remote target value, which is only valid if the remove flag sets to False. Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Remote Target Weight [t/v] | 0.0 | The relative importance among valid CV targets if not all CV targets can be achieved. Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Remote Target Status [t/v] | INACTIVE | The actual status (BAD/ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of CV target (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |