[译]王建文 《TEL EEQ LU FAN/天雨流芳》


by Wang Jian Wen

Ancient times recovered,on one page from Dongba Classic[1],
That rose thousand years before, opens a smile as jade.
It should be from Dongba, or else erratic.

Romance of Chong Ren Lee Eeq[2] not very tiring.
The tribute from Bainang[3], a white horse from A Pu San Duo[4].
A natural barrier,the River[5] enterprising round the Snow Mountain[6].

White Stone attacked Black Stone[7],a duel between light and darkness.
But the sharp Duo Dua[8] still can't fended against Mongol Cavalry,
Without body, You-ma[9] also vanished from deities.

Heaven[10] on the Snow Peak, only viable path just die for love.
Yak Park, Spruce Park, now blooming and crowding around,
Kai Mei Gguq Mi Hi[11] became spring breeze, across sunshine.

"I'll be back, if you are still here!"
Singing to another, light a bonfire with Qiang flute,
Stars around moon, all walk on your back.

In Tea-Horse Road[12], salt,tea,Nakhi and azure Lijiang
Lead to all directions. The words echoed over streets,
"Tel eeq lu fan,tel eeq lu fan."

                                                            Translated by Chen Zihong

Translator's Note:
The title of this poem "TEL EEQ LU FAN",is a sentence from Nakhi language that means "just to stady!" The sentence also written in Chinese "天雨流芳" on the stone arch in Lijiang.
[1] Dongba Classic (Chinese: 东巴经), religion books and historical literature of ancient Nakhi. The dongba are Bon priests. They play a major role in Nakhi culture and preach harmony between man and nature. Their costumes show strong Tibetan influence, and pictures of B?n gods can be seen on their headgear. Tibetan prayer flags and Taoist offerings can be seen in their rituals.
[2] Chong Ren Lee Eeq (Chinese:崇忍利恩),Nakhi ancestor.
[3] Bainang (Chinese: 白狼国, literally: "White Wolf Kingdom"),in ancient times Qiang people lived here, and in the Han Dynasty a kingdom called Bainang became established. It was an integral part of Tibet during the Tang Dynasty.
[4] A Pu San Duo (Chinese:阿普三朵),Nakhi patron saint.
[5] the River refer in particular to the Jinsha River  (Chinese: 金沙江, "Gold Dust River")
[6] the Snow Mountain refer in particular to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Chinese: 玉龙雪山), is a mountain massif (also identified as a small mountain range) near Lijiang, in Yunnan province, southwestern China. The range is also known as Mount Yulong after the Chinese or Mount Satseto after the Nakhi name.
[7] White Stone attacked Black Stone, "Do Anq So Anq"(Chinese: 黑白之战) is a ancient Nakhi heroic epic,the epic poem introduces early tribal wars.
[8] Duo Dua(Chinese:铎销), a sharp Nakhi weaponry.
[9]You-ma (Chinese:优玛 or 优麻), means thearchies in the Nakhi myth.
[10] Heaven  refer in particular to the Third Kingdom(Chines:玉龙第三国). For thousands of years, this person here is an ideal Nakhi kingdom "Yulong Third Kingdom." Dongba scriptures described in "Third Kingdom" where "there is wear finish grade silk, eat fresh fruit treasures, drink endless wine sweet milk, ever use the Sands syndicated red Banhu when ride, silver horn Deer to work, do the wide ears fox hound, to herald the break to spend the end of golden pheasant.. " In the past, the wonderful "Third Kingdom" has attracted many young men and women of the Nakhi, when their love in this world is hindered, they will come Spruce Park(Chines:云杉坪), both die for love. They believe Spruce Park is leading to the "Third Kingdom" ideal, in this sentimentalism can get rid of worldly troubles, promoted the ideal of love kingdom. Therefore, Spruce Park has become a romantic and desolate feeling place.
[11]Kai Mei Gguq Mi Hi(Chinese:开美久命金 or 开美久蜜金),the first Nakhi girl who dying for love, after her died, she became the goddess of wind.
[12]Tea-Horse Road (Chinese: 茶马道 or 茶马古道),  a network of caravan routes winding through the mountains of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou in Southwest China. It is also sometimes referred to as the Southern Silk Road. The route extended to Bengal in South Asia.
[Some English information referenced from Wikipedia, thanks for Wikipedia]

original poem:








Tel eeq lu fan,tel eeq lu fan.

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