>>On Self-Respect Joan Didion
Day15 Vocabulary
→I wrote in large letters across two pages of a notebook that innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself
1. Innocence:
[Definition]: lack of experience with the world and with the bad things that happen in life 纯真(原文)
e.g: The age of innocence was over
[SYN] : chastity
②freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil 无辜的
[SYN]: blamelessness, faultlessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, innocency, irreproachability, irreproachableness [OPP]: blameworthiness, culpability, guilt, guiltiness 有罪
2. strip : to deprive of possessions 剥削
【Related Words denude】:cheat, clean (out), defraud, shortchange; bankrupt, disfurnish, impoverish
defraud [+in] : failure to pay money that you owe at the right time formal 债务违约,拖欠e.g: the risk of default by borrowers
→I marvel that a mind on the outs with itself should have nonetheless made painstaking record of its every tremor,...
3. Marvel v.
* marvel that... e.g: I marvelled that anyone could be so stupid. 我感到惊讶,竟会有人如此愚蠢。
[+ at/over ] I marvelled at my mother’s ability to remain calm in a crisis. 我佩服母亲处变不惊的本领。
4. nonetheless adv.
[Definition]: in spite of the fact that has just been mentioned 然而;尽管如此
e.g: The paintings are complex, but have plenty of appeal nonetheless. 这些画复杂难懂,不过还是不乏吸引力。[SYN]: nevertheless 【正式】
5. painstaking adj. [usually before noun]
【: involving diligent care and effort 小心的;费尽心思的;精心的
e.g: The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.这项工作被一丝不苟地完成了
[SYN]: meticulouse.g: He kept meticulous accounts.[Opp]: feckless, heedless
6. Phi Beta Kappa 美国大学优等生荣誉会
→curiously exempt from cause-effect relationships which hampered others.
7. hamper v. to make it difficult for someone to do something
e.g: The historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. 历史学家说, 缔造者们受到他们那个时代的文化的束缚。
②N-COUNT A hamper is a large basket with a lid, used especially for carrying food.
e.g: ..a picnic hamper. …一个野炊篮子。
→I lost the conviction that lights would always turn green for me...
8. turn green 一路绿灯,畅通无阻
→lost a certain touching faith in the totem power of good manners, clean hair, and proved competence on the Stanford-Binet scale
9. *scale
名词解释:The Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales (or more commonly the Stanford-Binet) is an individually administered intelligence test. It is a cognitive ability and intelligence test that is used to diagnose developmental or intellectual deficiencies in young children.
[拓展] scale: MUSIC 音乐 [C] a series of musical notes that become higher or lower, with fixed distances between each note 音阶 e.g: the scale of G major G大调音阶
短语:be (or hang) in the scales (or scale) 悬而未决,处于紧要关头
→To such doubtful amulets had my self-respect been pinned, and I faced myself that day with the nonplussed apprehension of someone who has come across a vampire and has no crucifix at hand.
10. nonplussed adj. [not before noun 不用于名词前] ( also 又作 nonplused AmE 【美】
※可用于替换 confused,puzzled, troubled.
[Definition]: so surprised by something that you do not know what to say or do
e.g: Berliners looked nonplussed when I asked them to account for all the bookshops.
nonplus v. 近义词: bewilder,baffle,perple,
11. vampire n.
[Definition]: in stories, a dead person that sucks people’s blood by biting their necks 吸血鬼
The Vampire Diaries : 吸血鬼日记
12. Crucifix n.
[N-COUNT] A crucifix is a cross with a figure of Christ on it. 基督受难十字架像
cruciate 十字状的,十字形的
cruciferous 十字花科的
13. credential
*n. 证书(certificate); 文凭(diploma); 资格(qualification)
词型转换: certificate / certification / credentials
→it seems to me now the one condition necessary to the beginnings of real self-respect. Most of our platitudes notwithstanding, selfdeception remains the most difficult deception.
14. platitudes n. 陈词滥调;平凡;陈腐
[Definition]: A platitude is a statement that is considered meaningless and boring because it has been made many times before in similar situations.
e.g: His speech was filled with familiar platitudes about the value of hard work and dedication.
[SYN] banality, cliche, commonplace, bromide
[Derivative]: platitudinous(a. 陈腐的; 乏味的)
* plat(平的) + itude → 平庸之词 → 陈词滥调
15. alley n. 小巷,胡同 | right up/down sb’s alley 正合某人的胃口;非常适合某人
①a narrow street between or behind buildings, not usually used by cars
e.g: There are many blind alleys in this town. 这个镇子里有很多死胡同。
② very suitable for someone
>> a blind alley: 死胡同;引申义为没前途的职业(或局势、活动、事情等)
16. dismal adj.
① if a situation or a place is dismal, it is so bad that it makes you feel very unhappy and hopeless
e.g: a dismal, grey afternoon. 一个阴沉灰暗的下午
② bad and unsuccessful
e.g: Her scheme was a dismal failure .她的计划全部失败。
17. swoon v.〔对某人〕神魂颠倒 | 晕倒,昏倒
[Definition]: ① If you swoon, you are strongly affected by your feelings for someone you love or admire very much.
e.g: crowds of teenage girls swooning over pop stars 一群群痴迷流行乐歌星的少女
②to fall to the ground because you have been affected by an emotion or shock old-fashioned 晕倒,昏倒
[SYN]: faint
18. untenable adj.
[Definition]:① An argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack. 不堪一击的 (观点、理论或立场)
②an untenable situation has become so difficult that it is impossible to continue 〔局面〕难以维持的
e.g: The scandal put the President in an untenable position.这桩丑闻使总统处境艰难。
[SYN]: indefensible (论据等)站不住脚的,不能维持的,不能租赁的,难以防守的
19. Thrall n.
* in sb’s/sth’s thrall ( also 又作 in thrall to sb/sth )
controlled or strongly influenced by someone or something literary 在某人/某事的奴役[束缚,控制]之下
e.g: We have a congress that is in thrall to special interest groups.我们的国会受制于一些特殊利益集团。
e.g: He is not in thrall to the media.他不受制于媒体。
20. alienation n. / ,eiljə'neiʃən /
[Definition]: the feeling of not being part of society or a group 疏离感
[+ from ] e.g: Unemployment may provoke a sense of alienation from society.失业可能会引起不容于社会的感觉。
when someone becomes less friendly, understanding, or willing to give support as the result of something that happens or is done 疏远
[+ of ] the alienation of voters 选民的疏远
*alienation 补充:
1. (感情上的)疏远;离间;冷漠
Day16 Introduction & Literary Quotation
Joan Didion (born December 5, 1934) is an American author best known for her novels and her literary journalism. Her novels and essays explore the disintegration of American morals and cultural chaos, where the overriding theme is individual and social fragmentation. A sense of anxiety or dread permeates much of her work.
■Here, in its original layout, is Joan Didion’s seminal essay “Self-respect: Its Source, Its Power,” which was first published in Vogue in 1961, and which was republished as “On Self-Respect” in the author’s 1968 collection, Slouching Towards Bethlehem. Didion wrote the essay as the magazine was going to press, to fill the space left after another writer did not produce a piece on the same subject. She wrote it not to a word count or a line count, but to an exact character count.
Literary Quotation
Appointment In Samarra
The Great Gatsby
Jordan Baker
Francesca da Rimini
Daughter of Guido I da Polenta of Ravenna, Francesca was wedded in or around 1275 to the brave, yet crippled Giovanni Malatesta, son of Malatesta da Verucchio, lord of Rimini. The marriage was a political one; Guido had been at war with the Malatesta family, and the marriage of his daughter to Giovanni was a way to solidify the peace that had been negotiated between the Malatesta and the Polenta families.In the years following Dante's portrayal of Francesca, legends about Francesca began to crop up.
In the 19th century, the story of Paolo and Francesca inspired numerous theatrical, operatic and symphonic adaptations.
"the ashes" in the Lizhi audio in the Old Testament, putting on sackcloth and cover your head with ashes indicate repentance over your sins before God, since God values your repentant heart, you will get forgiveness and absolution sackcloth and ashes are symbols of seeking absolution from God on account of your sins. so here in the article, Joan meantioned remembed the flavor of those particular ashes with embarrashing clarity, meaning She remebered all those guilty moments so clearly so vividly, she could not forget Her past mistake.
DAY18 行文思路导图
DAY19 总结与反思
再渐渐的接触到更大的世界的时候,你发现自己眼前慢慢开阔了起来,你遵循自己的内心。与其在别人的世界里哭天抢地 ,而不如大胆面对自己的选择,一无既往的做下去~勇敢,坚强,淡然