
9.6 重复测量方差分析

以下为R语言实战示例。基础安装包中的CO2数据集包含了北方和南方牧草类植物Echinochloa crus-galli(Potvin,Lechowicz,Tardif,1990)的寒冷容忍度研究结果,在某浓度二氧化碳的环境中,对寒带植物与非寒带植物的光合作用率进行了比较。研究所用植物一半来自于加拿大的魁北克省,另一半来自美国的密西西比州。因变量是二氧化碳吸收量(uptake),单位为ml/L,自变量是植物类型Type(魁北克VS密西西比州)和七种水平(95~1000 umol/m^2 sec)的二氧化碳浓度(conc)。另外,Type是组间因子,conc是组内因子。

##    Plant        Type  Treatment conc uptake
## 1    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled   95   16.0
## 2    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled  175   30.4
## 3    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled  250   34.8
## 4    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled  350   37.2
## 5    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled  500   35.3
## 6    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled  675   39.2
## 7    Qn1      Quebec nonchilled 1000   39.7
## 8    Qn2      Quebec nonchilled   95   13.6
## 9    Qn2      Quebec nonchilled  175   27.3
## 10   Qn2      Quebec nonchilled  250   37.1
## 11   Qn2      Quebec nonchilled  350   41.8
## 12   Qn2      Quebec nonchilled  500   40.6
## 13   Qn2      Quebec nonchilled  675   41.4
## 14   Qn2      Quebec nonchilled 1000   44.3
## 15   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled   95   16.2
## 16   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled  175   32.4
## 17   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled  250   40.3
## 18   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled  350   42.1
## 19   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled  500   42.9
## 20   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled  675   43.9
## 21   Qn3      Quebec nonchilled 1000   45.5
## 22   Qc1      Quebec    chilled   95   14.2
## 23   Qc1      Quebec    chilled  175   24.1
## 24   Qc1      Quebec    chilled  250   30.3
## 25   Qc1      Quebec    chilled  350   34.6
## 26   Qc1      Quebec    chilled  500   32.5
## 27   Qc1      Quebec    chilled  675   35.4
## 28   Qc1      Quebec    chilled 1000   38.7
## 29   Qc2      Quebec    chilled   95    9.3
## 30   Qc2      Quebec    chilled  175   27.3
## 31   Qc2      Quebec    chilled  250   35.0
## 32   Qc2      Quebec    chilled  350   38.8
## 33   Qc2      Quebec    chilled  500   38.6
## 34   Qc2      Quebec    chilled  675   37.5
## 35   Qc2      Quebec    chilled 1000   42.4
## 36   Qc3      Quebec    chilled   95   15.1
## 37   Qc3      Quebec    chilled  175   21.0
## 38   Qc3      Quebec    chilled  250   38.1
## 39   Qc3      Quebec    chilled  350   34.0
## 40   Qc3      Quebec    chilled  500   38.9
## 41   Qc3      Quebec    chilled  675   39.6
## 42   Qc3      Quebec    chilled 1000   41.4
## 43   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled   95   10.6
## 44   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled  175   19.2
## 45   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled  250   26.2
## 46   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled  350   30.0
## 47   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled  500   30.9
## 48   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled  675   32.4
## 49   Mn1 Mississippi nonchilled 1000   35.5
## 50   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled   95   12.0
## 51   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled  175   22.0
## 52   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled  250   30.6
## 53   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled  350   31.8
## 54   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled  500   32.4
## 55   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled  675   31.1
## 56   Mn2 Mississippi nonchilled 1000   31.5
## 57   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled   95   11.3
## 58   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled  175   19.4
## 59   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled  250   25.8
## 60   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled  350   27.9
## 61   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled  500   28.5
## 62   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled  675   28.1
## 63   Mn3 Mississippi nonchilled 1000   27.8
## 64   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled   95   10.5
## 65   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled  175   14.9
## 66   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled  250   18.1
## 67   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled  350   18.9
## 68   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled  500   19.5
## 69   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled  675   22.2
## 70   Mc1 Mississippi    chilled 1000   21.9
## 71   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled   95    7.7
## 72   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled  175   11.4
## 73   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled  250   12.3
## 74   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled  350   13.0
## 75   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled  500   12.5
## 76   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled  675   13.7
## 77   Mc2 Mississippi    chilled 1000   14.4
## 78   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled   95   10.6
## 79   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled  175   18.0
## 80   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled  250   17.9
## 81   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled  350   17.9
## 82   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled  500   17.9
## 83   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled  675   18.9
## 84   Mc3 Mississippi    chilled 1000   19.9
CO2$conc <- as.factor(CO2$conc)
w1b1 <- subset(CO2, Treatment == 'chilled')
fit16 <- aov(uptake ~ (conc*Type) + Error(Plant/conc), w1b1)
## Error: Plant
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
## Type       1 2667.2  2667.2   60.41 0.00148 **
## Residuals  4  176.6    44.1                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Error: Plant:conc
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## conc       6 1472.4  245.40   52.52 1.26e-12 ***
## conc:Type  6  428.8   71.47   15.30 3.75e-07 ***
## Residuals 24  112.1    4.67                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
par=(mar=c(10, 4, 4, 2))
with(w1b1, interaction.plot(conc, Type, uptake, type="b", col=c("red", "blue"), pch=c(16, 18), main="Interaction Plot for Plant Type and Concentraction"))
boxplot(uptake ~ Type*conc, data=w1b1, col=(c("gold", "green")), main = "Chilled Quebec and Mississippi Plants", ylab = "Carbon dioxide uptake rate (umol/m^2 sec)")

百度学习了一下,重复测量方差分析的R格式:model=aov(Y ~ B * W + Error(Subject/W)),其中B是组间因子,W是组内因子,subject是实验对象的ID。


df7 <- read.table(file = "D:/Documents/R wd/df7.csv", header = T, sep = ",") # 数据导入。
df7 # 查看数据。
##    Plant   N  t1  t2   t3   t4   t5
## 1     Q1 200 0.1 4.5  9.9 11.0 15.2
## 2     Q1 200 0.2 4.2  8.1 12.2 15.0
## 3     Q1 200 0.1 4.0  8.3 11.8 15.1
## 4     Q1 200 0.2 4.7  7.2 12.8 16.0
## 5     Q1 200 0.1 4.5  7.1 11.5 15.4
## 6     Q2 200 0.3 4.6  8.0 12.7 15.8
## 7     Q2 200 0.1 4.8  9.6 12.5 15.4
## 8     Q2 200 0.3 5.3  9.2 13.0 14.8
## 9     Q2 200 0.4 5.5  9.5 13.5 14.9
## 10    Q2 200 0.2 5.2 10.0 13.8 15.0
## 11    M1 300 0.8 8.6 15.0 19.5 23.5
## 12    M1 300 0.9 8.8 14.7 19.6 23.8
## 13    M1 300 0.7 9.0 16.5 19.4 23.4
## 14    M1 300 0.8 8.4 15.2 18.8 25.1
## 15    M1 300 0.7 8.2 16.5 18.6 25.0
## 16    M2 300 0.6 8.1 14.8 18.0 24.8
## 17    M2 300 0.9 7.9 15.8 19.0 24.7
## 18    M2 300 1.0 7.5 16.8 18.7 24.3
## 19    M2 300 0.8 7.8 14.6 18.6 24.9
## 20    M2 300 0.9 7.7 14.2 18.7 25.0
attach(df7) # 将数据集df7加入搜索路径。
library(reshape2) # 调用reshape2包。
w2b2 <- melt(df7,id = c("N","Plant"),variable.name = "T", value.name="Biomass") # 宽格式数据变为长格式。
w2b2 # 查看数据。
##       N Plant  T Biomass
## 1   200    Q1 t1     0.1
## 2   200    Q1 t1     0.2
## 3   200    Q1 t1     0.1
## 4   200    Q1 t1     0.2
## 5   200    Q1 t1     0.1
## 6   200    Q2 t1     0.3
## 7   200    Q2 t1     0.1
## 8   200    Q2 t1     0.3
## 9   200    Q2 t1     0.4
## 10  200    Q2 t1     0.2
## 11  300    M1 t1     0.8
## 12  300    M1 t1     0.9
## 13  300    M1 t1     0.7
## 14  300    M1 t1     0.8
## 15  300    M1 t1     0.7
## 16  300    M2 t1     0.6
## 17  300    M2 t1     0.9
## 18  300    M2 t1     1.0
## 19  300    M2 t1     0.8
## 20  300    M2 t1     0.9
## 21  200    Q1 t2     4.5
## 22  200    Q1 t2     4.2
## 23  200    Q1 t2     4.0
## 24  200    Q1 t2     4.7
## 25  200    Q1 t2     4.5
## 26  200    Q2 t2     4.6
## 27  200    Q2 t2     4.8
## 28  200    Q2 t2     5.3
## 29  200    Q2 t2     5.5
## 30  200    Q2 t2     5.2
## 31  300    M1 t2     8.6
## 32  300    M1 t2     8.8
## 33  300    M1 t2     9.0
## 34  300    M1 t2     8.4
## 35  300    M1 t2     8.2
## 36  300    M2 t2     8.1
## 37  300    M2 t2     7.9
## 38  300    M2 t2     7.5
## 39  300    M2 t2     7.8
## 40  300    M2 t2     7.7
## 41  200    Q1 t3     9.9
## 42  200    Q1 t3     8.1
## 43  200    Q1 t3     8.3
## 44  200    Q1 t3     7.2
## 45  200    Q1 t3     7.1
## 46  200    Q2 t3     8.0
## 47  200    Q2 t3     9.6
## 48  200    Q2 t3     9.2
## 49  200    Q2 t3     9.5
## 50  200    Q2 t3    10.0
## 51  300    M1 t3    15.0
## 52  300    M1 t3    14.7
## 53  300    M1 t3    16.5
## 54  300    M1 t3    15.2
## 55  300    M1 t3    16.5
## 56  300    M2 t3    14.8
## 57  300    M2 t3    15.8
## 58  300    M2 t3    16.8
## 59  300    M2 t3    14.6
## 60  300    M2 t3    14.2
## 61  200    Q1 t4    11.0
## 62  200    Q1 t4    12.2
## 63  200    Q1 t4    11.8
## 64  200    Q1 t4    12.8
## 65  200    Q1 t4    11.5
## 66  200    Q2 t4    12.7
## 67  200    Q2 t4    12.5
## 68  200    Q2 t4    13.0
## 69  200    Q2 t4    13.5
## 70  200    Q2 t4    13.8
## 71  300    M1 t4    19.5
## 72  300    M1 t4    19.6
## 73  300    M1 t4    19.4
## 74  300    M1 t4    18.8
## 75  300    M1 t4    18.6
## 76  300    M2 t4    18.0
## 77  300    M2 t4    19.0
## 78  300    M2 t4    18.7
## 79  300    M2 t4    18.6
## 80  300    M2 t4    18.7
## 81  200    Q1 t5    15.2
## 82  200    Q1 t5    15.0
## 83  200    Q1 t5    15.1
## 84  200    Q1 t5    16.0
## 85  200    Q1 t5    15.4
## 86  200    Q2 t5    15.8
## 87  200    Q2 t5    15.4
## 88  200    Q2 t5    14.8
## 89  200    Q2 t5    14.9
## 90  200    Q2 t5    15.0
## 91  300    M1 t5    23.5
## 92  300    M1 t5    23.8
## 93  300    M1 t5    23.4
## 94  300    M1 t5    25.1
## 95  300    M1 t5    25.0
## 96  300    M2 t5    24.8
## 97  300    M2 t5    24.7
## 98  300    M2 t5    24.3
## 99  300    M2 t5    24.9
## 100 300    M2 t5    25.0
str(w2b2) # 查看数据结构。
## 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ N      : int  200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 ...
##  $ Plant  : chr  "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" ...
##  $ T      : Factor w/ 5 levels "t1","t2","t3",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Biomass: num  0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 ...
w2b2$N <- as.factor(w2b2$N) # df7数据集中N转为因子。
w2b2$T <- as.factor(w2b2$T) # df7数据集中T转为因子。
fit17 <- aov(Biomass ~ T*N + Error(Plant/T), w2b2) # 构建模型。
summary(fit17)  # 返回结果。
## Error: Plant
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
## N          1  697.0   697.0   267.9 0.00371 **
## Residuals  2    5.2     2.6                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Error: Plant:T
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## T          4   4643  1160.7 1366.71 2.28e-11 ***
## T:N        4    219    54.7   64.36 4.03e-06 ***
## Residuals  8      7     0.8                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Error: Within
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Residuals 80  25.16  0.3145
par(las=2) # las 参数控制x轴和y轴的刻度线上的标签与两条轴的方向,可选值为0,1,2,3,默认值0表示总是平行于坐标轴;1表示总是水平方向;2表示总是垂直于坐标轴;3表示总是垂直方向。
par(mar=c(10,4,4,2)) # 设置图形空白边界行数,mar=c(bottom,left,top,right),缺省为mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)
with(w2b2, interaction.plot(T,N,Biomass, type = "b", col = c("red","blue"), pch = c(16,18), main = "Interaction Plot for Nitrogen and Time")) # 结果可视化。
boxplot(Biomass ~ N*T, data=w2b2, col=(c("gold","green")),
        main="Nitrogen and Time", 
        ylab="Biomass") # 结果可视化。


  1. 《R语言实战》(中文版),人民邮电出版社,2013.
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