Words and expressions
1.Speech fear:演讲恐惧
Speech fear happens regularly to people who is first time to give speech.
2.Petrify: v. Make sb unable to think, move, act, etc because of fear, surprise, etc.
Petrify sb ( with sth)
He was absolutely petrified with fear.
3.Mispronounce:发错音;a slip of tongue: 口误
It’s no crime to mispronounce a word.
4.Self-deprecating: showing that you think you are not very good or important自嘲
Self-deprecating people generally have little trouble finding friends.
5.Butt of joke:成为笑柄
You’ll be the butt of joke.
7.Go flat:反响不大,变平静,轮胎撒气
The premiere of this movie went flat.
8.Tedious: adj. Tiresome because of being so long, slow or dull; boring厌倦的,烦人的
The work is tedious.
9.Monotonous: adj. [mə'nɑtnəs] not changing and therefor uninteresting; boring or tedious单调的
His articles are fixed in form and monotonous in content.
10.Mundane: adj. Ordinary and typically unexciting平凡的,平淡的
I lead a pretty mundane life.
11.Butcher: n. V. [ 'bʊtʃə]刽子手
12.Mike: microphone麦克风
13.Rookie mistake:低级错误
It’s a rookie mistake.
1.Cinema: [ˈsɪnɪmə]结尾没有r
2.Present: adj. [ˈprezənt]; v. [prɪˈzent]形容词和动词发音不同
6.Nervous:['nɜrvəs] v后面没有r的发音