1. runaway adj.失控的
2. bid 努力争取 in one’s bid to do sth
3. file v. 排成一排行走,file in 鱼贯而入
4. litter 一窝动物的小崽
5. relate 讲述,叙述(故事)
6. pop 突然,匆匆去 pop over到...去一下,短暂访问;pop in 偶然来访,突然出现
7. project 投影,表现
8. pitch 运动场地;推销宣传 pitchman 推销员
9. hard 确凿的 hard evidence 确凿证据、hard facts可靠的事实;hard 冷冽的;酒精浓度高的
10. administer v. 用药,administer the poison 下毒;给...一脚,一拳
11. stroke n. 一笔一画;抚摸;滑水
12. practice n. (医生,律师)的工作,业务活动,工作地点
13. curl v. 打冰壶🥌
14. sample v. 体验,尝试
15. abide v.容忍;居住, abide with his parents 和父母居住
16. base n.基础,地基;a.卑鄙的,不道德的
17. consign v. 打发;把...置于某境地
18. institution n.(某地/工作中)出名的人
19. stomach v.欣赏,欣然接受,喜欢和...相处;eg: I can’t stomach violent films. v.吃得下,能吃下。eg:I can stomach anything.
20. compound n.(有围栏/墙的)场地, a prison compound
v. 加重,恶化 sth is compounded by
21. beat v.逃避,避免 beat the heat 克服高温/避暑;beat the traffic 避开交通;beat it (Michael Jackson) ;v. 踏出,踩出(道路)a well-beaten track 很多人踩出的道路
22. die n. 模具,冲模 The die is cast. 木已成舟
23. flat a. 索然无味的,枯燥的,无趣的
24. exploit n. 英勇行为
25. friend n. 支持者,赞助者;(讽刺)讨厌的人
26. means 财富,财产,量入为出 live within their means
27. spell n. 一段时间 a spell of warm weather
28. effort n. 有组织的活动The United Nations’ peacekeeping effort 联合国维和行动
n. 努力的结果 I think this essay is a poor effort. 这篇文章写得不好
9. duck v. duck down/behind/under 低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见)v. 躲避,闪避 =dodge v. duck out of sth 逃避,回避,推诿
10. humor n. 心情 = mood,如:out of humor 心情不好,in a serious humor 心情沉重
11. emulate v. 努力赶上,与...竞争
12. air v. 公开发表
13. court n. 法庭,宫廷;球场;大厅
v. 讨好,取悦;博得,试图获得;招致,导致;求婚,追求
14. discharge v. 液体,气体流出、排放
15. flag v. 热情衰减,变弱,疲乏
16. film n. 薄膜
17. decline v. 婉言拒绝
18. stalk n. 花径;v. 跟踪;盯梢
19. embrace v. 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想,建议);信奉(宗教,信仰); 包括,包含
20. start v. 突然一动 make sb start 吓了某人一跳
21. arrest v. 吸引注意,arresting 引人注意的;停止心跳 He arrested on the way to hospital.
22. swell adj. 很愉快的(过时);n.重要人士(过时)
23. expire v. 断气,去世
24. flag v. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 flagging support or enthusiasm
25. instrument (律) 文据,正式法律文件
26. discharge (液体,气体)流出
27. confound v. 使惊讶;证明...是错的
28. constitute v. 被算作,当作是...; 构成 constitute the taking of human lives 无异于杀人,算作是夺人性命
29. grant n. (政府、机构)拨款
30. get one’s clothes pressed 把衣服熨平,烫平
31. argue 证明,表明
32. pen n. 围栏 a sheep pen 羊圈;v. 写;把...圈起来 pen sb/ sth (in/ up)
33. contract v. 染病;缩减;~sth out 把...承包出去
34. smart v. 感到剧烈刺痛
35. brook n. 小溪,小河;v. 不允许某事 + 否定 brook no argument 不容置疑
36. settlement 欠款的结算,支付
37. parcel n. 一块地,一片地
38. while v.消磨(时间)while away the time
39. conceive v. 怀孕
40. liability n. 不利因素 = disadvantage
41. fair adj. 浅色的,白皙的 a fair complexion 白皙的皮肤
42. empty v. 流入,涌入
43. cipher n. 无足轻重的人;无关紧要的东西
44. riddle v.布满窟窿 be riddled with 充斥着,充满(不好的东西)
45. twig v. 理解,明白
46. fast n.节食,禁食期
47. channel v. 把(钱,精力)导向特定目的 his energy was channeled into writing
48. premises n. 房屋建筑及附属场地,营业场所
49. floor v. 惊奇,困惑 I was floored. 我感到很震惊
50. of... extraction 有...血统,an American of Hungarian extraction 匈牙利血统的美国人;a family of French extraction 有法国血统的家族
51. shadow n. 微量,一丁点;v. 跟踪,盯梢;跟随...实地学习(或参观)
52. date n. 枣 v. 使..显老,显出年龄 if sth dates you, it means you are fairly old
53. secure v. 获得
54. amplify 扩大,增强(电压,电流增大);v. 补充叙述(故事、事件)
55. potter n. 陶瓷, v. 闲逛,从容做事
56. fast n. 禁食期,斋戒期;v. 节食,禁食
57. coverage n. 新闻报道 newspaper coverage
58. statement n. 账单 statement date 账单日
59. stump n. 残枝 政治巡回演说
60. bar n.木条,就把,棒;v.拦住,堵住,阻止;prep. 除...以外
61. due (dues) n. 会费,应缴费 adv. 正向着,正对着 due north/south/east/west
in due course 在适当的时候,在一定的时候
62. beat n. 管辖区,巡逻地带 walk the beat 巡逻
63. turf n. 草皮;地盘,势力范围
64. niche n. 生态位(生物所占的最小单位);称心的工作;商机,产品定位;
65. rub n. 困难,问题
66. circulation n. 发行量,销售量
67. note n. 纸币,钱
68. circular n. 通知,报告
69. sting v. 敲诈,敲竹杠 sting sb for sth
70. best v. 打败,胜过
71. compromise v. 妥协,折衷;违背,达不到标准;compromise oneself 使陷入危险,受到怀疑
72. distraction n. 娱乐,消遣
73. theater of war 战区,战场
74. repute v. 认为,以为
75. down n. 绒毛,软毛
76. classified a. 机密的
77. cover v. 报道新闻,报道
78. strain 动植物的系、品种;疾病的类型
79. frequent v. 常到某出去,动词
80. dead adv. 完全地,全然地,确实地;非常,绝对,极度
81. scale v. 攀登,到达顶点 scale the height of ...
82. spring n. 弹簧;弹性;活力;
83. lean adj. 机构精干,效率高的
84. ride 做赌注押下 Let your winnings ride on the same number.
85. joint n. 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所)a fast-food joint 快餐店; ramen joints 拉面馆
86. not begin 不想;绝不能(强调否定)I can’t begin to thank you enough. 我有说不尽对你的感激。He didn’t even begin to understand my question. 他完全没有弄明白我的问题。
87. drop v. 暗示,透露 drop a hint;v. 断绝关系,停止往来 She dropped most of her old friends.
88. club n. 棍棒(一头粗一头细)club-wielding Police 挥舞着棍棒的警察
89. beckon v. 可能发生/出现 eg: For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons.
90. strand (观点、计划、故事的)部分,方面
91. claim v. 夺走(生命)eg: The car crash claimed three lives.
92. strain n 动植物的品种;疾病的类型 a new strain of coronavirus
93. strain 个性特点;性格倾向;eg: He has a definite strain of snobbery in him. 这个人明显有股势利小人的气味。
94. chill v. 放松;休息 eg: We went home and chilled in front of the TV. Sometimes we meet up to chill out and watch a movie.
95. string n. 线;细绳;一串;条件 No strings attached. 没有任何附带条件。 n. 权宜之计,应对手段;another string/ a second / extra string to one’s bow 还有另一手;两手准备
96. observe v. 说话,评论;She observed that it was getting late. 遵守(规则,法律);欢度,庆祝 Do they observe Christmas?
97. amplify his idea 阐述,充实(故事,想法)
98. court n. 法庭; v. 试图取悦,讨好,争取 eg: He spent two months courting the media. 招致;酿成;导致(不愉快的事)court death/danger/disaster 招致危险,死亡,灾难
99. graduate (from sth) to sth 逐渐发展(变化,进展,上升,升级)eg: She recently graduated from being a dancer to having a small role in a movie. 她最近从一个舞蹈演员逐步过渡到电影里扮演小角色。
100. clearing n. 林中空地
101. zip v. 沿...方向快速移动 A sports car zipped past us.
102. clothe v. (比喻)赋予(某人品质) clothed und immense power 拥有巨大权力
103. coach n. 长途汽车 coach travel 长途车旅行; coach station 长途汽车站;经济舱coach fare 经济舱票价
104. rather 准确的说
105. toss (烹调)翻动;摇匀(以沾油、奶酪等)翻面;Ross a pancake 把煎饼颠起翻面
106. sway n. 影响力,通知支配地位;enhance its sway
107. pants n. 劣质品;次品 eg: Do we have to watch this pants Programme? sissy pants 娘娘腔,娘炮风
108. bitch about 抱怨,说坏话
109. further v. 促进,增进
110. straight adv. 连续不断地,getting straight A’s 连续得“优”, back to back
111. root about / round for sth 翻寻,寻找;
112. service n. 宗教礼仪 religious service;
- 班车,车次 the cancellation of the 10.15 service to Glasgow 10点15的班次取消了。
- 网球发球 It’s your service. 该你发球了。
- 整套餐具,a tea service 一套茶具;
- 法律文件的送达 the service of a demand for payment 缴款通知的送达;
- 服务站 motorway service 高速公路服务站
113. order n. 生物分类的目 the order of primates 灵长目
114. loaded adj. 有钱的;意味深长的,含蓄的 loaded question n.既定观点问题;别有用心的问题
115. breif n. 任务,指示 Stick to your breit 坚持做你的分内事
116. cast v. 把某人描写成;把某人表现为 cast the diarist as a mercenary 把方方日记描写成雇佣兵
117. strike v. (想法,念头,印象)一下子想起,猛的意识到 eg: I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt.
118. strike sb as sth 给某人以...印象;让某人觉得 eg: She strikes me as a very efficient person. How does the idea strike you?
119. bite v. 产生不良影响 As recession bites, 由于经济萧条的威胁
120. vector n. 带菌者,带菌生物;矢量
121. perk n. (非正)额外收入,特殊待遇,补贴 = perquisite; 渗滤式滤煮
122. private n. 士兵
123. magazine n. 弹夹;军火库;电影《Saving private Ryan拯救大兵瑞恩》Private Tom, pass me the magazine. Tom士兵,把单夹递给我!
124. drag sth for sb/sth 用(钩子,网)搜索(湖底,河底)
125. make n. (机器,设备)品牌,型号;a Swiss make of watch 一块瑞士表;What make is your car? 你的车什么牌子的?
126. skirt v. 绕开,躲避;n. 车挡板
127. sole n. 脚底;鞋底;有...底的;adj. 唯一的;专有的,全权处理的
128. property n. 性能,特性
129. shake n. 奶昔;a strawberry shake
130. wasted adj. 喝醉了; waste
131. proof n. 酒精度数;high proof 高度数;low proof 低度数
132. audit v. 旁听(大学课程)audit his courses
133. kick n. 酒精的效力,刺激性; eg: This drink has quite a kick. 这酒劲相当大。
- 极度刺激,极度兴奋,极大的乐趣;eg: I get a kick out of drinking fast cars. 开车给我带来极大的乐趣。He gets kicks from hurting others. What do you do for kicks? 你以什么来寻求刺激呢?;
- a kick in the teeth 沉重打击,挫败,极度失望
134. grab v. 匆忙地吃,喝,拿,取sth;Grab a cup of coffee; grab a couple of hours’ sleep 抓紧时间睡;grab a seat 找个座位坐下。 吸引注意;The problem has grabbed the headline tonight.
135. gut n. 消化道,肠道 = intestine;
- 肚子 = belly, a beer gut啤酒肚;
- 勇气,胆量,决心;
- 内心,直觉,本能 I had a feeling in my guts that something was wrong.
- 核心,实质,要点;the guts of the problem 问题的实质
- slog/sweat/work your guts out 拼命干活,工作;I slogged my guts out for the exam.
- have sb’s guts for garter 恨死某人,严惩某人)garter n. 弹性的袜带
136. rally v. 价格/股票回升;The company’s share had rallied slightly. 略有回升
137. carrot n. (为说服人做某事所做出许诺的)报酬,好处;eg: They are holding out a carrot of $120 million in economic aid.
138. orientation n.任职前的培训,训练,迎新会;an orientation course 上岗培训课
139. spin n. (对自己有利的)导向性陈述;
140. throw v.使烦恼,心烦意乱;迷惑,惊奇;The news of her death really threw me. 令我震惊
141. park (商)把...搁置,推迟(在以后的会议或处理上)Let’s park that until our next meeting.
142. float v. 上市;发行股票;The Company was floated on the stock market in 2001.
- v. 提出想法;They floated the ideas of increased taxes on alcohol.
- n. flotation 发行股票;Plans for a floating on the stock exchange
- float one’s boat 为某人所喜欢;You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat
- float about/around (进行时)思想等传播,流传
143. vocal adj. 大声表达的;直言不讳的;He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government’s policy.
144. flagged adj. (已醉得)不能再喝的;
145. flick n. 电影;action flick 动作电影
146. stream n. (把同龄学生按智力编在一起的)班级;组;eg: She was put into the fast stream. 被分在了快班。
147. steam v. 快速行走,疾行;(比喻)抓紧做sth;eg: He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him. 疾速走来;(比喻)The Company is steaming ahead with its investment programme. 公司正抓紧实施自己的投资方案。
148. dismal adj. 忧郁的,惨淡的;不熟练的,差劲的,不怎么样的;派生:dismally ~不太好控制;eg: I tried not to laugh but failed dismally. 我想尽量忍着不笑,但是根本忍不住。
149. club n. 一头粗一头细的棍棒;billy clubs 警棍;golf clubs高尔夫球杆
150. concern n. 公司,商行,企业;Business concern 商行
151. ink v. 签署,签订(合同)eg: The group has just inked a $10 million deal.
152. resolution n. 分辨率,清晰度;high-resolution graphics 高清晰度图片
153. anchor n. 新闻节目主播 anchorman, anchorwoman; v. 主持节目;eg: She anchored the evening news for seven years.
154. trifle n. 葡萄酒蛋糕,甜点
155. toothless adj. 人微言轻的,没有权威的,不起作用的
156. foot v.支付 foot the bill 支付费用;Once Agent it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill.
157. take n. 看法,意见;eg: Here’s my take on the plan. 这是我对这个计划的看法。
158. post n. 比赛,尤其是赛马比赛的终点
159. feed n. 电视节目;网络供给节目;eg: Some videos can be seen in the news feed.
160. edge n. 尖刻的声调,愤怒的语气;eg: He did. his best to remain calm, but there was a distinct edge to his voice.
161. instrument n. (法律)文据,正式法律文件;Japanese Instrument of Surrender 日本投降书
162. premises (premise的复数)n. 经营场地;(企业)房屋建筑及附属地;营业场所;Business/commercial/industrial premises 事务所;商业/工业用房场地;eg: No alcohol may be consumed on the premises. 场区内禁止饮酒。
163. import n. 含义,意思;the import of sth; eg: It’s difficult to understand the full import of this statement.
164. bench (法); 法官,裁判管;(英国议会的)议员席;the front bench前座议员;backbench 后座议员
165. advance v. 提出(想法,理论,计划);The article advanced a new theory to explain changes in the climate.
166. common n. 公共用地,公地;We went for a walk on the common. n. (学校,大学的)学生公共食堂;The common is next to the gym.
167. relief n. 浮雕作品;v. 使醒目;The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the sky. v. 突出的品质,令人注目的特征;Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis.
168. undertaking n. 殡仪业
169. phenomenon n. 杰出的人才
170. let n.擦网红球;出租,租借;a long-term, short-term let; v.出租;I let the spare room.
- let fall sth 无意中提及,脱口而出;she let fall a further heavy hint.
- let sth go 不再照管,撒手不管(房屋,花园)I’d afraid I’ve let the garden go this year.
- let yourself go 放松;Enjoy yourself! Let yourself go! ;注重仪表,不修边幅
- let sb’s hair down 不拘礼节,态度随便,彻底放松