雅思口语共分为三部分,Part1,2 & 3,各部分要求各不相同。
P1:(1)General Introduction, 20-30秒的自我介绍
(2)Daily Qs(通常为3个topic x 4个小问题),4-5分钟的日常问题
a. Where do you study?
b. Would you say your school agood one?
c. Do you often get together with yourclassmates?
d. What do you do after graducation?
P2: Topic Cards, 3-4分钟话题卡环节,要求考生就给出的话题做1-2分钟的mini presentation(微演说)。
a. You have one minute to think of what you are going to say.
b. You have to talk about the topicfor 1-2minutes.
c. You can make some notes if youwish.
然后递给你纸笔,开始计时。时间到时对你说:d. Times up. You have to start talking.
P3: 2-way discussion双向讨论。
由于是探讨环节,回答问题不能流于表面。比如说,P2的话题是restaurant,你提到了素食餐厅。那么在P3考官可能会就着你说的素食餐厅提问,问你:Why don't they eat meat?你答:Because they are vegetarians.考官会不满意,而如果能较为深入一点,答:Because of their relegion belief that they don't want to kill lives.明显会好很多。