听了一个叫做 Portsmouth Sinfonia 的交响乐队的表演,真的是让我很怀念起以前农村的黑白事乐队,乐队1970年成立一直到1979年,奇葩的招新规则才是好玩的地方:
The Portsmouth Sinfonia was an orchestra founded by a group of students at the Portsmouth School of Art in England, in 1970. The Sinfonia was generally open to anyone and ended up drawing players that were either persons without musical training or, if they were musicians, ones that chose to play an instrument that was entirely new to them. Among the founding members was one of their teachers, English composer Gavin Bryars. The orchestra started as a one-off, tongue-in-cheek performance art ensemble but became a cultural phenomenon over the following ten years, with concerts, record albums, a film and a hit single. They last performed publicly in 1979.
遇到一个有意思的词:Fight or Flight,可以翻译成“战斗或逃跑”,这样有点“韵”味的词还遇到过:
See you later alligator.
After a while crocodile.
这是一句脍炙人口的小朋友用的道别语,还有一首叫做《See you later, Alligator》的歌曲,Bill Haley 的版本我蛮喜欢的~
单词 | 中文 |
Benz, Mercedes-Benz | 奔驰 |
Cadillac | 卡迪拉克 |
Chrysler | 克赖斯勒 |
Chevroler | 雪佛莱 |
Citroen | 雪铁龙 |
Ford | 福特 |
Honda | 本田 |
Mazda | 马自达 |
Mustang | 野马 |
Porsche | 保时捷 |
Renault | 雷诺 |
Rolls-Royce | 罗尔斯罗伊斯 |
Santana | 桑塔纳 |
Toyota | 丰田 |
Volvo | 沃尔沃, 富豪 |
Volkswagen | 大众 |