近日,万众瞩目的奥斯卡金像奖(Oscars 2018)开奖,美国NBA球星科比(Kobe Bryant)参与主创的动画短片《亲爱的篮球(Dear Basketball)》获得了最佳动画短片奖(Best Animated Short Film)。
Kobe Bryant's Dear Basketball wins best animated short film at Oscars 2018
Former NBA star wins Academy award for short he wrote and narrated[1], despite controversy over historic sexual assault allegation
[1]narrate:to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen 讲(故事);叙述
Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
Former NBA star Kobe Bryant has become an unlikely Oscar winner after Dear Basketball, which he wrote and narrated, won the Academy award for best animated short film.
The film sees an animated Bryantexplain his love of the sport he played professionally for 20 years. Glen Keane, who worked on Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaidanimated the film, while Oscar-winning composer John Williams provided the soundtrack.
Bryant,who retired from basketball in 2016, has looked to move into film and televisionsince leaving the game. AlongsideDear Basketball, the former LA Lakers star iswriting, producing and presenting a series for ESPN calledDetail, in which he will analyse the intricacies of the game.
The nomination forBryanthascaused controversy in some quarters in an awards season when sexual abuse has been a major topic of conversation.
Bryant was arrested in 2003 after a hotel worker accused him of sexual assault. Bryant denied the allegation, and the case was later dropped after the accuser refused to testify in court. A later civil suit was settled out of court. As part of the settlementBryantissued an apology to theplaintiff[2], but did not admit guilt over the incident.
[2]plaintiff:someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court 原告,起诉人
科比2003年被指控性侵19岁的饭店女服务生,被捕后,于交保候审期间和老婆Vanessa Laine开记者会,坦承和女服务生发生关系,并公开道歉,但他坚称是两情相悦,否认性侵,最后传出他私下花钱和女方和解,形象也大受打击,即使过了很多年,外界对他的评价仍呈现两极。