

Thinking about tomorrow: Toyota



丰田正在深入研发清洁能源汽车,旗下氢动力汽车 Mirai(日语意为未来)已经引起了业内的关注。氢动力汽车是真正意义上的零排放汽车,而且能源储量十分乐观,是传统汽车最理想的替代方案。但就目前的技术来看,氢动力汽车电池制造成本过高,而且氢燃料的存储和运输按照目前的技术条件来说也很困难。


① A car's performance is measured in the horsepower that【 translates into a roaring exhaust note. 】表现在排气的声浪

car's performance性能

performance: n. 表现;性能

horsepower: n. 马力

roaring: adj. 咆哮的

exhaust: n. 排出的废气 vt. 将……耗尽

note: n. 声调;声音

roaring exhaust note排气声浪

✘A is measured/judged in B that translates into……

② 【That of carmakers】 汽车生产厂商的业绩is judged on financial grunt.

grunt: n. 咕哝声;咕噜声

a grunt of disapproval


③ Toyota's results, unveiled today, come after many in the motor industry have already revealed a spluttering first quarter.

✘s results, unveiled today, blabla


汽车工业motor industry

thr engine is spluttering.引擎快熄火了



④ A small improvement in sales and profits will not disguise the many difficulties that it and its rivals face.

disguise: vt./n. 掩盖

·A blessing in disguise. 塞翁失马焉知非福。


disguise some difficulties/problems

⑤ The threat of tariffs on imports to America, the firm's biggest market, hangs over Toyota heavier than many others.

tariff: n. 关税

hang over: 笼罩

The threat of……hangs over✘ heavier than any others.

The threat is heavy.


⑥ And it is lagging behind rivals in China, another vital market.


⑦ Investors will also hope to find out more about Toyota's big bets on the future.

big bets大赌注

⑧ The company recently said that it would press ahead with investments in hydrogen fuel cells to power its electric vehicles rather than the batteries锂电池 that most of its competitors are relying on.

press ahead: 前进;冲锋

hydrogen fuel cells: 氢气燃料电池

electric vehicles: 电动汽车



⑨ Sceptics think that the technology will never deliver a commercial turbocharge.

sceptic: n. 怀疑论者

turbocharge: vt. 涡轮增压



A What did you do at the gym today?


B I ran on the treadmill. Then I lifted some weights.


Your opinion carries weight with the boss.


A carry weight with B

A 对B 有影响

American trade tariffs carry weight with Chinas economy.

Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold.


In my team, everyone must pull their own weight.


Some countries always throw their weight about.


a weight off one’s mind


The news was a weight off my mind.


① 我在热身。

I’m warming up.

② 我在地垫上做了伸展。

I stretched on the floor mat.

③ 我骑动感单车。

I rode the exercise bike.

④ 我在等体温降下来。

I’m cooling down.

⑤ 我做有氧运动。

I do cardio workouts.

⑥ 我可以举起30磅(27斤)的重量。

I can lift thirty pounds.

⑦ 我可以卧推50磅(45斤)的重量。

I can bench fifty pounds.

⑧ 我想锻炼腹肌。

I want to work my abs.

⑨ 我想让大腿变得更紧实。

I want to tone my thighs.

⑩ 我想让腿部变得更结实。

I want to firm my buttocks.

⑪ 我想增强我上身的力量。

I want to increase upper body strength.


Any ... is worth his weight in gold.


❶ Any talented chef is worth his weight in gold.


❷ Any AI expert is worth his weight in gold.


❸ Any nuclear scientist is worth his weight in gold.


❹ Any experienced teacher is worth his weight in gold.


❺ Any winning coach is worth his weight in gold.


苹果教父乔布斯曾经说过:“活着就是为了改变世界。”虽然他在 56 岁时就遗憾离世,但他极具创新和变革的精神早已深埋进苹果公司的企业文化里,影响着一代又一代的人。就在最近,这家一直努力“改变世界”的公司又刷新了世界纪录——其市值正式突破 1 万亿美元大关,成为全球首家市值万亿的科技公司。那它是如何创下这惊人的数字呢?今天,就让我们跟着 Lala 老师来一探究竟

Apple breaches $1 trillion stock market valuation

苹果市值突破 1 万亿美元大关

stock market valuation市值




Apple Inc on Thursday became the first $1 trillion【 publicly listed】 U.S. company, 【crowning 】a decade-long rise 【fueled by 】its ubiquitous iPhone that transformed it from a 【niche player】专营市场 in personal computers into 【a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and communications.】

周四,苹果公司成为美国首家市值 1 万亿美元的上市公司,在其无处不在的 iPhone 的助推下,苹果实现了 10 年的增长,从一家专注于个人电脑细分市场的公司,转变为一个横跨娱乐和通讯领域的全球巨头。

✘Their efforts are finally crowned with success

✘higher salaries helped to fuel inflation.

✘ubiquitous. Coffee shops r ubiquitous in big cities.替换common


n. 强大的集团、组织;强国


China has been described as an ‘emerging economic powerhouse’.


v. 横跨;遍及;囊括


His knowledge spans many different areas.

“【Financial returns 】are simply the result of Apple’s innovation, putting our products and customers first, and always 【staying true to our values】,” Cook said in a memo to Apple’s more than 120,000 employees on Thursday.

周四,库克在一份致苹果逾 12 万名员工的备忘录中表示:“财务回报只是苹果坚持创新、将产品和客户放在首位、始终忠于我们价值观的结果。”


Started in the garage of co-founder Steve Jobs in 1976, Apple has 【pushed its revenue beyond the economic outputs of 】Portugal, New Zealand and other countries. 【Along the way】, it has changed how consumers connect with one another and how businesses 【conduct daily commerce】.

苹果于 1976 年在联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯的车库中起步,该公司不断地推动其营收增长,使之超过了葡萄牙、新西兰和其他国家的经济产量。一路以来,苹果改变了消费者彼此交流和企业开展日常商务活动的方式。

economic outputs


along the way



I've been in this job for thirty years, and I've learnt a good deal of expertise along the way.

In 2006, the year 【before the iPhone launch】, Apple generated less than $20 billion in sales and 【net profit 】just 【shy of 】$2 billion. By last year, its sales had 【grown more than 11-fold to】 $229 billion—the fourth highest in the 【S&P 500 .SPX】—and net income had【 mushroomed】 at twice that rate to $48.4 billion, making it the【 most profitable publicly listed U.S. company.】

2006 年,即 iPhone 发布的前一年,苹果公司的销售额低于 200 亿美元,净利润还不到 20 亿美元。而截止去年,其销售额增长了逾 11 倍,达到 2290 亿美元,在标准普尔 500 指数中排名第四高,其净收入则以销售额涨幅的两倍的速度快速增长,达到了 484 亿美元,成为利润最高的美国上市公司。

标准普尔 500 指数

标准普尔 500 指数是一个由 1957 年起记录美国股市的平均记录,记录着美国 500 家上市公司的股票指数,为投资者提供信用评级、独立分析研究、投资咨询等服务。它覆盖的所有公司,都是在美国主要交易所,如纽约证券交易所、Nasdaq 交易的上市公司。这个股票指数由标准普尔公司创建并维护。

shy of



He died two days shy of his 90th birthday.


adj. (单词后缀,常与数字连用构成形容词)...倍的




v. 快速生长;迅速增长


The little town mushroomed into a city

Apple’s stock has risen over 30 percent in the past year, 【fueled by】 optimism about the iPhone X, launched a decade after the original. Also 【propelling】 Apple higher in recent months was Apple’s announcement that it 【earmarked $100 billion for】 a new share repurchase program.

苹果公司的股票在过去一年上涨了 30% 以上,这得益于市场对 iPhone X 手机的普遍乐观情绪,该手机是在 iPhone 原版发布十年之后推出的。而最近几个月,苹果还宣布将拨款 1000 亿美元用于新的股票回购,这也推动了苹果股价走高。


v. 推进;驱动


A sailing boat is propelled by wind.

earmark (earmark for)/ˈɪrmɑːrk/

v. 指定(款项等)用作特定用途


The education department has earmarked £6m for the new school.

share repurchase


market capitalization


“The markets are starting to recognize the value of its platform and services more and more, and that’s what is being reflected in the increase in market capitalization.” said Brad Neuman, director of Market Strategy at Alger, 【a growth equity asset management firm】 in New York City.

纽约一家成长型股票资产管理公司 Alger 的市场策略总监 Brad Neuman 表示,“市场开始越来越意识到该公司平台和服务的价值,其市值的增长正是反映了这一点。”

—————  文章来源 / 路透社


n. 股票;股本

苹果第一台个人电脑:Apple I

1976 年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯与斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克联手推出 Apple I,这是苹果第一次在个人电脑领域推出的产品,它在 1976 年 7 月开始以 666.66 美元的价位公开出售。虽然它不是一台完整的电脑产品,但它为个人电脑提供了“一体式封装”的理念。苹果把组装好的电脑卖出去,让人们不再亲自动手一个个的组装零件,降低了个人电脑的门槛,而这种理念成为了个人电脑经典的销售模式。


take sides站队

block someone拉黑



play hooky美式

play traunt英式

美国太平洋东部时间2月6号下午,SpaceX 发射了“猎鹰重型”(Falcon Heavy)火箭,这是该公司迄今为止最大,也是世界上最强大的运载发射系统。不仅如此,此次火箭发射还将伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的红色特斯拉跑车(Tesla Roadster)以及名为“星际人”(Starman)的假宇航员送到了太空。SpaceX 的科技事业正如火如荼地展开,但特斯拉的最新财务报表却不太乐观。财报显示,在截至12月31日的这一财季,特斯拉汽车的全部营收为32.88亿美元,高于去年同期的22.85亿美元;净亏损为7.71亿美元,与去年同期的净亏损2.19亿美元相比有所扩大,亏损的主要原因在于扩大生产的再投入。此外,尽管特斯拉在2017年频频发布新车计划,但产能不足是一直困扰特斯拉的问题。眼下特拉斯还在持续烧钱,如果不做出改变,可能要面临资金短缺的困境。

Rocket, man: Tesla

歌词中Its gonna be a long long time


① Elon Musk has blasted a Tesla into space.

blast /blɑːst/: vt. 轰炸;使……爆炸 n. 爆炸

(at) full blast: 以最大的功率/音量

the music is at full blast

② Mr Musk's own 【roadster跑车,注意发音】 was the【 payload载荷 】of his 【Falcon】 Heavy rocket that yesterday began a journey into orbit around the sun.


③ Back on Earth, 对比his electric-car company will 【unveil 等于reveal,launch. publicise】its fourth-quarter results today, and 【questions are sure to focus on】【 more grounded matters.】

roadster /ˈrəʊdstə/: n.(双人座)跑车

payload /ˈpeɪləʊd/: n. 载荷

unveil /ʌnˈveɪl/: vt. 公布;揭开面纱

✘grounded /ˈɡraʊndɪd/: adj. 具体的;受到限制的;地面的(文中三重含义)

【airplanes are grounded

ur grounded你晚上不能出去玩了

be grounded受限制】

④ 【Record deliveries and revenues确认交付数量以及确认收入】 will nevertheless【 translate into 】losses as Mr Musk【 pours cash into,burn cash through】 【ramping up增加】 production of his new 【mass-market car大众型汽车.】

ramp up: 急速增加

mass-market /ˈmasˈmɑːkɪt/: adj. 大众市场的;畅销的

⑤ The Model 3 is aimed at bringing battery-powered motoring to the masses but is 【missing its over-ambitious targets.】

【is aimed to bring sth to sb, the masses】

over-ambitious /əʊvəramˈbɪʃəs/: adj. 好高骛远的;野心过大的

⑥ Tesla says it delivered just 1,500 in the last quarter of 2017, and may 【delay plans】 to produce 5,000 per week by mid-year.

⑦ 【That will worry investors.】表示结果

⑧ Tesla, 【burning through cash】 as fast as Mr Musk's rockets 【burn through fuel】, will have to 【hold out its hand伸出手要钱 】once again—or 【risk running out of money.】


【原因的写法,A , doing sth, will have to——or……】

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