※ à la carte /ˌɑː lɑː ˈkɑːt/
※ bill of fare:菜单
Sarah was crying over her bill of fare. 萨拉对着菜单在哭。
※ menu card 文中出现的另一种菜单的说法
Think of a New York girl shedding tears on the menu card! 想象一下,一个纽约女孩正对着菜单掉眼泪!
※ lobster n. /ˈlɒbstə(r)/ 龙虾
※ onion n. /ˈʌnjən/ 洋葱
※ oyster n. /ˈɔɪstə(r)/ 牡蛎;蚝
the world is an oyster/someone's oyster 世界就是个牡蛎,意思是某人可以随心所欲
文中:The gentleman who announced that the world was an oyster which he with his sword would open made a larger hit(引起轰动) than he deserved. 有位先生宣称世界就是个牡蛎,他可以用剑来撬开,这让他出尽了风头。
※ bivalve n. /ˈbaɪvælv/ 双壳软体动物(如贻贝)
※ nibble v. /ˈnɪbl/ 小口咬,一点点地咬
Sarah had managed to pry apart the shells with her unhandy weapon far enough to nibble a wee bit at the cold and clammy(湿漉漉的) world within.萨拉成功地用她不熟练的武器撬开了世界的壳,小口地品尝着 世界的冰冷和潮湿。
※ table d'hôte /ˈtɑːbəl ˈdəʊt/
<法> /tabldot/ 定价客饭,套餐
与标题中的 À LA CARTE(按菜单点菜)相对
One evening after dining at Schulenberg's 40-cent, five-course table d'hôte Sarah took away with her the bill of fare. 一天晚上,萨拉在Schulenberg这家餐馆吃完40美分5道菜的套餐后,随身带走了那份菜单。
这里的table d'hôte用我们平时在美团、大众点评上面使用的团购套餐来理解就不难啦~
※ toothpick n. /ˈtuːθpɪk/ 牙签
※ rice pudding 大米布丁
rice pudding是一种流行于全世界各个国家与地区的甜品。制作这种甜品主要材料有米、奶、糖。有时候,还会在米布丁中适当地加上肉桂和葡萄干,以此来改善米布丁的口味。rice pudding 还泛指软弱的人。
It was written in an almost unreadable script neither English nor German, and so arranged that if you were not careful you began with a toothpick and rice pudding and ended with soup and the day of the week. (菜单上的)字太难认了,既不像英文也不像德语,排列的也很奇怪,你如果不仔细看的话,可能先看到牙签和大米布丁,最后才看到汤和本周的日期。(一般都是汤是餐前菜,饭后甜品是最后一道菜,然后才需要牙签)
※ viand n. /ˈviːənd/ 食品,尤指美食
※ tempting adj. /ˈtemptɪŋ/ 诱人的
※ hors d'oeuvre n. /ˌɔː ˈdɜːv/ 开胃小吃;开胃冷盘
※ raspberry n. /ˈrɑːzbəri/ 覆盆子;山莓;树莓
It was in this shaded and raspberried lane that Walter had wooed and won her.在这个树荫葱郁两边结满树莓的乡间小道上,沃尔特像萨拉求爱,并赢得了她的芳心。(好甜蜜的句子,虽然这里的raspberry不是作为“吃的”出现,但萨拉一定感受到了它的酸甜可口)
※ dandelion n. /ˈdændɪlaɪən/ 蒲公英
And together they had sat and woven a crown of dandelions for her hair. 他们坐在一起,用蒲公英编制了一顶花冠戴在萨拉头上。
For she had received no letter from Walter in two weeks, and the next item on the bill of fare was dandelions—dandelions with some kind of egg—but bother the egg!
this dent-de-lion —this lion's tooth, as the Frenchchefs call him. Flowered, he will assist at love-making, wreathed in my lady's nut-brown hair;young and callow and unblossomed, he goes into the boiling pot and delivers the word of his sovereign mistress.
※ entrée n. /ˈɒntreɪ/ (餐厅里或正式宴会上的)主菜,有时指主菜前的小菜
※ turnip n. /ˈtɜːnɪp/ 芜菁,萝卜
※ roast n. /rəʊst/ 烧烤,烤肉
The soups were lighter; pork was eliminated from the entrées, figuring only with Russian turnips among the roasts. 汤的分量少了,猪肉从主菜中被剔除出去,只能作为烤肉和俄罗斯萝卜等烧烤呆在一起。
※ frying-pan 煎锅
※ broiler n. /ˈbrɔɪlə(r)/ 烤箱;烤炉;烤架
The frying-pan seemed to be held, inactive, behind the beneficent bars of the broiler. 煎锅已经不常用了,烤炉更受欢迎。
※ sausage n. /ˈsɒsɪdʒ/ 香肠;腊肠
※ buckwheat n. /ˈbʌkwiːt/ 荞麦
The pie list swelled; the richer puddings had vanished; the sausage, with his drapery wrapped about him, barely lingered in a pleasant thanatopsis with the buck wheats and the sweet but doomed maple.馅饼增多了,甜腻的布丁消失了;香肠裹着褶皱的外衣,乐观地同荞麦和在劫难逃的枫糖浆苟延残喘着。
※ carrot n. /ˈkærət/ 胡萝卜
※ pea n. /piː/ 豌豆;豌豆粒
※ asparagus n. /əˈspærəɡəs/ 芦笋;龙须菜
※ toast n. /təʊst/ 烤面包片;吐司
※ perennial adj. /pəˈreniəl/ 多年生的 n.多年生植物
※ succotash n. /ˈsʌkətæʃ/ 煮玉米菜豆
※ lima bean 利马豆
Just above the desserts came the list of vegetables. Carrots and peas, asparagus on toast, the perennial tomatoes and corn and succotash, lima beans, cabbage—and then—甜点上面是蔬菜清单。胡萝卜豌豆,芦笋配吐司,番茄玉米菜豆,利马豆,卷心菜,还有——