Jonathan’s high score put him in the Top 1% of all candidates in 2015 and heoffered some good advice for those struggling with the Verbal Reasoning sectionof the test.
“Lots of medics struggle most with Verbal Reasoning, but just because it
necessarily‘sciencey’is no reasonto give up.I realised that I didn’t have to get all of the questions right, which let
me work through the majority in my own time. This meant I would get more marks
than rushing through the entire test and guessing the majority of the
“Try to think of reading critically and quickly as a long-term skill to
invest in; as a medic, you’ll be reading research papers and other documents while assessing their
“The best thing to prepare is to read a newspaper or even non-fiction books
daily, examining the arguments, logical fallacies and techniques used. Join
debate groups, and read around logical fallacies and formal logic as well.
Learn to unpick arguments and read quickly. If you read for 15 minutes every
day, you’ll
gradually become better, and this section will seem very easy by the time you
have to take the UKCAT.”