The formidable GOP strongholds of Georgiaand Texas were said to be under threat. The moment seemed to buoy Obama. He hadbeen light on his feet in these last few weeks, cracking jokes at the expenseof Republican opponents and laughing off hecklers. At a rally in Orlando onOctober 28, he greeted a student who would be introducing him by dancing towardher and then noting that the song playing over the loudspeakers—the Gap Band’s“Outstanding”—was older than she was. “This is classic!” he said. Then heflashed the smile that had launched America’s first black presidency, andstarted dancing again. Three months still remained before Inauguration Day, butstaffers had already begun to count down the days. They did this with a mix ofpride and longing—like college seniors in early May. They had no sense of theworld they were graduating into. None of us did.
佐治亚州和德克萨斯州是老大党的大本营,据说形势也已岌岌可危。这个消息让奥巴马暗喜。过去几周,他高兴的步子都轻快了许多,讲着共和党对手们花销的段子,而对于扰乱演讲之人也是一笑了之。10月28日奥兰多的一个集会上,他和一个学生打招呼。这个学生邀请他跳舞的时候发觉,音箱里播放的是Gap Band乐队的老歌《杰出》。这首歌太老了,比这个学生的年龄都大。“这就是经典!”奥巴马说。随后,他笑了一下,接着跳起舞。这一笑也拉了美国第一任黑人总统的序幕。离就职还有三个月,党内的工作人员已开始倒计时了。他们心中充满自豪,满怀期待。那种心情,就是五月份即将毕业的大四学生,他们不知毕业后将要进入怎样的世界。是的,没有人知道。
英文释义:causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large,powerful, or difficult
a formidable task 艰巨任务
a formidable opponent 强大对手
a formidable intellect 令人敬畏的知识分子
(2)GOP是Grand Old Party老大党的缩写,指的是美国共和党。
(3)strongholds:大本营,根据地,英文解释:a place or areawhere a particular belief or activity is common
英文释义:make someone feel happier or more confidentabout a situation
英文释义:to support something and make it moresuccessful
(5)light on one's feet 步履轻快、姿势优雅地移动。英文释义:capable of moving in a quick and graceful way
(6)crack:to make a joke or funny remark。说笑话,讲段子。
(7)heckle: 公众演讲或表演时大声玄幻吧或以不友好的提问和陈述进行干扰。
英文释义: to interrupt a public speech orperformance with loud, unfriendly statements or questions:
(8)He flashed a smile and offered to buy mea drink. 他笑了一下,随即提出请我喝一杯。
House prices have been buoyed (up) in theBeijing.
She was buoyed (up) by the warm reception her fans gave her.
Combating smog is a formidable task.
Rural areas have been traditionally thoughtof as a stronghold of old-fashioned attitudes.
(5)He flashed a smile and offered to buy mea drink.
(6)He's always cracking jokes. 他总爱说笑话。
(7)They did this with a mix of pride and longing.
(8)They had no sense of the world they weregraduating into.