第二章 简单句的分析。
1 简单句分析理论。
1.1 简单句组成。——简单句由单个主题组成,因此,简单句能且仅能包括一个限定动词(受主语的人称和数的限定)。
1.2 简单句的主语。——简单句的主语可以是名词或名词对等词(名词,代词或名词短语)。
1.3 简单句的修饰语。——简单句可以被形容词或形容词的对等词 (形容词或形容词词组,或形容词短语)修饰或扩展。
1.4 简单句谓语。——简单句的谓语总是由某些限定动词组成,可接补语或不接补语。
1.5 简单句谓语修饰语。——简单句的谓语可以被任何副词或副词对等词修饰(副词,副词词组,副词短语)。
2 简单句分析指南。
(1) 简单句的结构;
(2) 简单句的用法。
(1) 文法上的主语;
(2) 文法上的谓语(即指出谓语动词);
(3) 主语修饰语;
(4) 句子的补语(当动词是不完整意义动词的时候);
(5) 补语修饰语(如果有补语的话);
(6) 文法上的谓语修饰语;
(7) 逻辑上的谓语(相对于形式谓语而言);
3 关于简单句分析的注意事项。
3.1 句子词序。
(1) 倒装词序:Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight.
直接词序:The glimmering landscape fades on the sight now. 或
The glimmering landscape now fades on the sight.
(2) 倒装词序:Thee the voice , the dance obey.
直接词序:The voice , the dance obey thee .
(3) 倒装词序:Slow melting strains their queen's approach declare.
直接词序:Slow melting strains declare their queen's approach.
3.2 分析标识符号。
(1) 名词(substantive),简记为s。
s’ ==单个名词:即,表示初级的名词元素。
s’ ’==名词短语:即,表示第二级的名词短语元素(词组成短语,归为第二级元素,下同)。
s’ ’ ’==从句:即,表示第三级的名词从句。
(2) 形容词(adjective),简记为a。
a’ ’==形容词短语:即,表示第二级的形容词短语元素。
a’ ’ ’==从句:即,表示第三级的形容词从句。
(3) 副词 (adverbial),简记为adv。
adv’ ’==副词短语:即,表示第二级的副词短语元素。
adv’ ’ ’==从句:即,表示第三级的副词从句。
3 简单句分析模型。
3.1 口语分析模型。
(1) 示例1:The hardy Laplander,clad in skins,boldy defies the severity of his arctic climate.
文法上的主语被单词(或初级形容词元素)“the”和“hardy” 所修饰(或扩展),被形容词短语(或第二级形容词元素)“clad in skins” 所修饰(或扩展)——因此,“The hardy Laplander,clad in skins”构成了逻辑上的主语。
谓语动词通过宾语“severity”补充完整,因此,构成了复杂谓语“defies severity”。宾语被形容词(或初级形容词) “the”所修饰或扩展,被形容词短语(或第二级形容词元素)“of his arctic climate”所修饰或扩展。
文法上的谓语被副司(或初级副词元素)“boldy”所修饰或扩展。逻辑上的谓语是“boldy defies the severity of his arctic climate”。
(2) 示例2:This misfortune will certainly make the poor man miserable for life.
这是一个简单的陈述句。文法上的主语是“misfortune”,文法上的谓语“will make”。
文法上的主谓被形容司“this”所修饰——构成了逻辑上的主语“this misfortune”。
简单谓语通过宾语“man”和形容词补语“miserable”补充完整——因此,构成了复杂谓语“will make man miserable”。
宾语被形容词“the”和“poor”所修饰;形容词补语被副词短语“for life”所修饰。文法上的谓语被副词短语“certainly”所修饰,逻辑谓语是“certainly make the poor
man miserable for life”。
(3) 示例3:The King of Spain ordered Fernando de Talavera,the prior of Prado,to assemble the most learned astronomers and cosmographers of the kingdom,to hold a conference with Columbus.
文法上的主语被形容词“the”和形容词短语“of Spain”修饰——因此,构成了逻辑上的主语“the King of Spain”。
谓语动词被双宾语名词性短语“Fernando de Talavera,the prior of Prado”和“to assemble the most learned astronomers…Columbus”补充完整。文法上的谓语未补修饰。
第一个宾语“Fernando de Talavera,the prior of Prado”,由初级名词元素(复杂元素)“Fernando de Talavera”组成,被一个形容词性短语“the prior of Prado”所修饰。第二个宾语“to assemble the most learned astronomers…Columbus”,由名词性短语“to assemble the most learned astronomers and cosmographers of the kingdom”组成,被副词性短语“to hold a conference with Columbus”所修饰。逻辑上的谓语是“ordered…Columbus”。
(4) 示例4:Why stand we here idle?
这是一个简单的疑问句。逻辑和文法上的主语都是“we”,文法上的谓语是“stand”。谓语动词被谓语形容词“idle”补充完整——因此,组成了复杂的谓语“stand idle”。
文法上的谓语被副词“here”所修饰,逻辑谓语是“stand here idle”。
(5) 示例5:Be a hero in the strife.
文法上的谓语被谓语主格“hero”所修饰,“hero”被形容词“a”所修饰——因此,组成了复杂的谓语“be a hero”。
文法上的谓语被副词性短语“in the strife”所修饰,逻辑谓语是“be a hero in the strife”。
(6) 示例6:How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds makes ill deeds done!
文法上的主语被形容词“the”和形容词性短语“of means to do ill deeds”所修饰。
简单谓语被形容词“done”所修饰的宾语“deeds”补充完整——因此,组成了谓语“makes deeds done”。宾语“deeds”被形容词“ill”所修饰。简单谓语被初级副词元素“how oft”所修饰。逻辑谓语是“makes ill deeds done how oft”。
3.2 书面语分析模型。
(1) 示例1:Night,sable goddess,from her ebon throne,
In rayless majesty,now stretches forth
Her leaden scepter o’er a slumbering world.
主语修饰语………………“sable goddess”(a’)
谓语附加语………………“now”和“forth”(adv’),“from her ebon throne”,“in rayless majesty”和“o’er a slumbering world”(adv”)。
(2) 示例2:Him the Almighty Power
Hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky,
With hideous ruin and combustion,down
To bottomless perdition.
补语的修饰语……“flaming from the ethereal sky”(a”)
谓语修饰语…………“headlong”(adv’) “With hideous ruin and combustion” (adv’ ’) “down to bottomless perdition”(adv’ ’)
1. In unploughed Maine he sought the lumberer's gang.
2. Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate.
3. Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well.
4. Shall we gather strength by Irresolution and Inaction?
5. The moon threw its silvery light upon the rippling waters of the lake.
6. Tell all the world thy joy.
7. Clad in a robe of everlasting snow, Mount Everest towers above all
other mountain-peaks of the globe.
8. Now upon Syria's land of roses
Softly the light of eve reposes.
9. Where are you going this summer?
10. Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
11. The mournful tidings of the death of his son filled the proud heart of
the old man with the keenest anguish.
12. Forbid it, Almighty God!
13. How wonderful la sleep !
14. Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, was an eminent
English physician.
15. When shall we be stronger?
16. Vex not thou the poet's mind.
17. Did they make him master?
18. What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
19. Between it and the garden lies
A league of grass, washed by a slow, broad stream.
20. O, ever thus, from childhood's hour
I've seen my fondest hopes decay.
1. The master gave his scholars a lesson to learn.
“to learn”是宾语的形容词修饰语。
2. The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.
3. Will it be the next week,or the next year ?
4. I will give thee a silver pound to row us o'er the ferry.
“to grow”等,是副词短语,谓语动词的修饰语。
5. Having ridden up to the spot, the enraged officer struck the unfortunate man dead I with a single blow of his sword.
6. To reach Cathay, famed in the writings of Marco Polo, fired the imagination of the daring navigator.
“famed in the writings”等,是形容词短语,不定式主语的补语修饰语。
7. I saw a man with a sword.
“with a sword”是形容词短语,宾语修饰语。
8. He found all his wants supplied by the care of his friends.
9. All but one were killed.
“all but”是副词补语,修饰谓语。
10. Music's golden tongue.
11. Flattered to tears tills aged man and poor.
“to tears”是副词短语(含义“of effect”),谓语动词的修饰语。“aged man poor”是宾语的并列形容词修饰语。
12. The scholar did nothing but read.
“but read”=but (except) to read是副词短语,谓语动词的修饰语。
13. He does not laugh.
14. My mother give me a letter to read.
“to read”是形容词性的宾语修饰语。
15. What did you come here for? (你来此何干?)
“for what”是副词性短语,谓语动词修饰语。
来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。