1. The2022 World Cup kicks off Sundayshrouded in accusations ofhuman rights violations and last-minute controversy surrounding host Qatar.
shroud: [ʃraʊd]
n. 裹尸布;覆盖物~ of sth (literary)
eg:The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
v. [usually passive] ~ sth in sth (of darkness , clouds, cloth, etc. 黑暗、云、织物等) 覆盖;隐藏;遮蔽 to cover or hide sth
eg: The city was shrouded in mist.
2. In a bizarre press conference on the eve of the tournament, Gianni Infantino, the head of world soccer’s governing body, accused the host’s critics of hypocrisy.
hypocrisy: [hɪˈpɑːkrəsi]
n. 虚伪
eg:He condemned the hypocrisy of those politicians who do one thing and say another.
He accused newspapers of hypocrisy in their treatment of the story...
3. The U.S. failed to qualify for the last World Cup but now boasts a young, exciting squad who largely play for big teams across Europe.
v. ~ (about/of sth) 自夸;自吹自擂;[不用于进行时] 有(值得自豪的东西)
eg1: [V that]Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.
eg2:The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.
n. ~ (that…) (often disapproving) 夸耀;夸口 something that a person talks about in a very proud way, often to seem more important or clever.
eg:Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college.
n. (in sport 体育运动) 运动(代表)队。a group of players, runners, etc. from which a team is chosen for a particular game or match.
eg:the Olympic/national squad
4. The shooting came as the calendar turned to Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday and is reminiscent of the 2016 attack at an L***Q nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in which agunman who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State killed 49 peopleand wounded at least 53.
a. ~ of sb/sth 使人想起的
eg: The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.
5. “The L*****A+ community has undergone so much bigotry and hatred already. To have our safe place ripped from us and to lose members of our community is a whole other type of hurt,” Parks added.
bigotry: [ˈbɪɡətri]
n. 偏执;顽固 Bigotry is the possession or expression of strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions.
eg: He deplored religious bigotry.
6. Colorado’s two US senators, both Democrats,offered condolences in statementsand said more should be done for the L***Q community.
condolence: [kənˈdoʊləns]
n. [cn, usually pl] 吊唁之情;un. 吊唁消息。 记忆技巧:con 共同 + dol 悲伤 + ence 表行为。to give/offer/express your condolences 表示慰唁
eg1:Neil sent him a letter of condolence.
eg2:He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident.
ps: I've edited this note for several times, yet some words shouldn't be showed, or it won't be successfully published. It's such a shame that, in 2022, normal and ordinary words or things still can't even exist since some regulation issue( u know where u are). All people here should be straight and there's no exceptions :(