DAY 103 Is music a language, as Stevie Wonder sang? Stevie Wonder史提夫·汪达(...
DAY 99 A glut of new coal-fired power stations endangers China’s green a...
DAY 95 The global food supply chain is passing a severe test pass/pɑːs/s...
DAY 93 The pandemic increases the challenges facing business schools bus...
DAY 92 Why the pandemic could eventually lower inequality inequality/ˌɪn...
DAY 91 Eavan Boland died on April 27th 依婉·伯兰 伊万·博兰Eavan (even) “美丽的光泽、光彩...
【小暑】 【预习资料】 《新制造时代——李书福与吉利、沃尔沃的超级制造》 宁德时代招股说明书 【课程概要】 新能源汽车是国家战略新兴产业,课程将...
【小暑】 “节到小暑进伏天,天变无常雨连绵,有的年份雨稀少,高温低湿呈伏旱。” 【预习资料】 1、MBTI性格测试 【课程概要】 一、引言 (a...