Dynamic Actors
This plugin requires the Character Creator plugin!
这个插件需要 Character Creator插件作为基础
This plugin allows Actors to have their sprites and images dynamically
change based on the Class, Weapon, or Armors that the Actor has equipped.
Class, Weapon, and Armor notetags
If you wish for a specific character creator piece to be used on an Actor
when they have a Class, Weapon, or Armor equipped, use the following
notetag in the Class’s, Weapon’s, or Armor’s notebox:
<Force [section] Piece: [file-name]>
For example, if you wished to use the “Clothing (5)” file from the
“Clothing” section, you would use the following notetag:
例如,你想使用Clothing (5)这个文件,并用于衣服部件,你可以这样写
<Force Clothing Piece: Clothing (5)>
Forcing a Specific Hue
You can also set a specific hue to be used with the piece:
<Force [section] Piece: [file-name], [hue]>
For example:
<Force Clothing Piece: Clothing (5), 200