MES是什么?制造执行系统(manufacturing execution system,简称MES)是一套面向制造企业车间执行层的生产过程执行管理系统。MES解决了顶层的计划管理系统(ERP)与底层的工业控制之间信息割裂的问题,为上层管理者提供了可靠的数据信息。那MES的核心功能是什么呢?
What is the definition of MES? What are the core functions of MES?
What is MES? manufacturing execution system (MES) is a set of production process execution management system for the workshop execution level of manufacturing enterprises. MES solves the problem of information separation between the top planning management system (ERP) and the bottom industrial control, and provides reliable data information for the top management. What is the core function of MES?
What are the core functions of MES?
The core function of MES: plan management
The first core function of MES is plan management. MES system can reasonably consider the priority of the order, delivery time, inventory, equipment and other factors, according to the order and production plan to develop more detailed scheduling and workshop production plan. At the same time, the branch plant system can be integrated with the main plant system to maintain the consistency of production rhythm. Managers can also see the production progress of each order in real time.
The core function of MES: process management
The second core function of MES is process management. Process management is the basic management of enterprises. Enterprise managers can customize the process route in the system, unified management of production process graphics and related documents. It can effectively improve the production efficiency of products, reduce cost consumption and increase economic benefits.
The core function of MES: equipment management
The third core function of MES is device management. MES system can manage workshop production equipment, operation process, management system, operation monitoring, abnormal failure, maintenance and other aspects.
The core function of MES: production report
The fourth core function of MES is production reporting. The completion of each process or part of the workshop will directly affect the arrangement of the entire production plan of the enterprise, so it is necessary to monitor the production progress at all times to make timely scheduling responses. The production reporting function of MES system supports real-time data reporting, production schedule submission, etc.
The core function of MES: exception management
The fifth core function of MES is exception management. When there is an anomaly in the workshop, the system can automatically report and track the anomaly, send the prompt notification according to the preset processing personnel and reminding methods, and generate the anomaly processing report and report regularly.
The core function of MES: quality management
The sixth core function of MES is quality management. Through quality management, the product quality of the whole process of production can be effectively controlled, the product pass rate can be improved, and the production cost can be reduced. Through data collection, the system can automatically obtain and submit inspection data of quality inspection devices.
Digitalization is the foundation of intelligent manufacturing, and MES is the only way to promote intelligent manufacturing. The MES system provides digitization for the factory, eliminates the gap between the upper management and the lower workshop environment, greatly improves the production and manufacturing execution capacity and level, and helps the company firmly stand at the head of the digital transformation.