Returns a canonical representation for the string object.
A pool of strings, initially empty, is maintained privately by the class
When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a string
equal to this String object as determined by the equals(Object) method,
then the string from the pool is returned. Otherwise, this String object is
added to the pool and a reference to this String object is returned.
It follows that for any two strings s and t, s.intern() == t.intern() is true if
and only if s.equals(t) is true.
All literal strings and string-valued constant expressions are interned.
String literals are defined in section 3.10.5 of the The Java™ Language
a string that has the same contents as this string, but is guaranteed to be
from a pool of unique strings.
public native String intern();
2.intern native源码
#include "jvm.h"
#include "java_lang_String.h"
Java_java_lang_String_intern(JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
return JVM_InternString(env, this);
JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_InternString(JNIEnv *env, jstring str))
JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
if (str == NULL) return NULL;
oop string = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(str);
oop result = StringTable::intern(string, CHECK_NULL);
return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
oop StringTable::intern(Handle string_or_null, jchar* name,
int len, TRAPS) {
unsigned int hashValue = hash_string(name, len);
int index = the_table()->hash_to_index(hashValue);
oop found_string = the_table()->lookup(index, name, len, hashValue);
// Found
if (found_string != NULL) {
return found_string;
debug_only(StableMemoryChecker smc(name, len * sizeof(name[0])));
"proposed name of symbol must be stable");
Handle string;
// try to reuse the string if possible
if (!string_or_null.is_null()) {
string = string_or_null;
} else {
string = java_lang_String::create_from_unicode(name, len, CHECK_NULL);
if (G1StringDedup::is_enabled()) {
// Deduplicate the string before it is interned. Note that we should never
// deduplicate a string after it has been interned. Doing so will counteract
// compiler optimizations done on e.g. interned string literals.
// Grab the StringTable_lock before getting the_table() because it could
// change at safepoint.
oop added_or_found;
MutexLocker ml(StringTable_lock, THREAD);
// Otherwise, add to symbol to table
added_or_found = the_table()->basic_add(index, string, name, len,
hashValue, CHECK_NULL);
return added_or_found;
oop StringTable::lookup(int index, jchar* name,
int len, unsigned int hash) {
int count = 0;
for (HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* l = bucket(index); l != NULL; l = l->next()) {
if (l->hash() == hash) {
if (java_lang_String::equals(l->literal(), name, len)) {
return l->literal();
// If the bucket size is too deep check if this hash code is insufficient.
if (count >= rehash_count && !needs_rehashing()) {
_needs_rehashing = check_rehash_table(count);
return NULL;
class StringTable : public RehashableHashtable<oop, mtSymbol> {
friend class VMStructs;
// The string table
static StringTable* _the_table;
// Set if one bucket is out of balance due to hash algorithm deficiency
static bool _needs_rehashing;
// Claimed high water mark for parallel chunked scanning
static volatile int _parallel_claimed_idx;
static oop intern(Handle string_or_null, jchar* chars, int length, TRAPS);
oop basic_add(int index, Handle string_or_null, jchar* name, int len,
unsigned int hashValue, TRAPS);
oop lookup(int index, jchar* chars, int length, unsigned int hashValue);
// Apply the give oop closure to the entries to the buckets
// in the range [start_idx, end_idx).
static void buckets_oops_do(OopClosure* f, int start_idx, int end_idx);
typedef StringTable::BucketUnlinkContext BucketUnlinkContext;
// Unlink or apply the give oop closure to the entries to the buckets
// in the range [start_idx, end_idx). Unlinked bucket entries are collected in the given
// context to be freed later.
// This allows multiple threads to work on the table at once.
static void buckets_unlink_or_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* f, int start_idx, int end_idx, BucketUnlinkContext* context);
StringTable() : RehashableHashtable<oop, mtSymbol>((int)StringTableSize,
sizeof (HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>)) {}
StringTable(HashtableBucket<mtSymbol>* t, int number_of_entries)
: RehashableHashtable<oop, mtSymbol>((int)StringTableSize, sizeof (HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>), t,
number_of_entries) {}
// The string table
static StringTable* the_table() { return _the_table; }
// Size of one bucket in the string table. Used when checking for rollover.
static uint bucket_size() { return sizeof(HashtableBucket<mtSymbol>); }
static void create_table() {
assert(_the_table == NULL, "One string table allowed.");
_the_table = new StringTable();
// GC support
// Delete pointers to otherwise-unreachable objects.
static void unlink_or_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* cl, OopClosure* f) {
int processed = 0;
int removed = 0;
unlink_or_oops_do(cl, f, &processed, &removed);
static void unlink(BoolObjectClosure* cl) {
int processed = 0;
int removed = 0;
unlink_or_oops_do(cl, NULL, &processed, &removed);
static void unlink_or_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* cl, OopClosure* f, int* processed, int* removed);
static void unlink(BoolObjectClosure* cl, int* processed, int* removed) {
unlink_or_oops_do(cl, NULL, processed, removed);
// Serially invoke "f->do_oop" on the locations of all oops in the table.
static void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
// Possibly parallel versions of the above
static void possibly_parallel_unlink_or_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* cl, OopClosure* f, int* processed, int* removed);
static void possibly_parallel_unlink(BoolObjectClosure* cl, int* processed, int* removed) {
possibly_parallel_unlink_or_oops_do(cl, NULL, processed, removed);
static void possibly_parallel_oops_do(OopClosure* f);
// Hashing algorithm, used as the hash value used by the
// StringTable for bucket selection and comparison (stored in the
// HashtableEntry structures). This is used in the String.intern() method.
static unsigned int hash_string(const jchar* s, int len);
// Internal test.
static void test_alt_hash() PRODUCT_RETURN;
// Probing
static oop lookup(Symbol* symbol);
static oop lookup(jchar* chars, int length);
// Interning
static oop intern(Symbol* symbol, TRAPS);
static oop intern(oop string, TRAPS);
static oop intern(const char *utf8_string, TRAPS);
// Debugging
static void verify();
static void dump(outputStream* st);
enum VerifyMesgModes {
_verify_quietly = 0,
_verify_with_mesgs = 1
enum VerifyRetTypes {
_verify_pass = 0,
_verify_fail_continue = 1,
_verify_fail_done = 2
static VerifyRetTypes compare_entries(int bkt1, int e_cnt1,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr1,
int bkt2, int e_cnt2,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr2);
static VerifyRetTypes verify_entry(int bkt, int e_cnt,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr,
VerifyMesgModes mesg_mode);
static int verify_and_compare_entries();
// Sharing
static void copy_buckets(char** top, char*end) {
the_table()->Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>::copy_buckets(top, end);
static void copy_table(char** top, char*end) {
the_table()->Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>::copy_table(top, end);
static void reverse() {
the_table()->Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>::reverse();
// Rehash the symbol table if it gets out of balance
static void rehash_table();
static bool needs_rehashing() { return _needs_rehashing; }
// Parallel chunked scanning
static void clear_parallel_claimed_index() { _parallel_claimed_idx = 0; }
static int parallel_claimed_index() { return _parallel_claimed_idx; }
关于StringTableSize,使用虚拟机参数 -XX:+PrintFlagsInitial或者-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal看看Java8设置的默认值:
uintx StringTableSize = 60013 {product}
template <MEMFLAGS F> inline void BasicHashtable<F>::add_entry(int index, BasicHashtableEntry<F>* entry) {
StringTable的intern方法跟Java中的HashMap的实现是差不多的, 只是不能自动扩容。默认大小是60013 。如果放进String Pool的String非常多,就会造成Hash冲突严重,从而导致链表会很长,而链表长了后直接会造成的影响就是当调用String.intern时性能会大幅下降。
String s = new String("1");
String s2 = "1";
System.out.println(s == s2);
String s3 = new String("1") + new String("1");
String s4 = "11";
System.out.println(s3 == s4);
jdk6 下false false
jdk8 下false true
在 jdk6中上述的所有打印都是 false 的,因为 jdk6中的常量池是放在 Perm 区中的,Perm区和正常的 JAVA Heap 区域是完全分开的。上面说过如果是使用引号声明的字符串都是会直接在字符串常量池中生成,而 new 出来的 String 对象是放在 JAVA Heap 区域。所以拿一个 JAVA Heap 区域的对象地址和字符串常量池的对象地址进行比较肯定是不相同的,即使调用String.intern方法也是没有任何关系的。
在 jdk7 之后的版本中,字符串常量池已经从Perm区移到正常的Java Heap区域了。并且JDK8中Perm区被MetaSpace替代。
先看 s3和s4字符串:
- String s3 = new String("1") + new String("1");,这句代码中现在生成了2最终个对象,是字符串常量池中的“1” 和 JAVA Heap中的 s3引用指向的对象。中间还有2个匿名的new String("1")我们不去讨论它们。此时s3引用对象内容是”11″,但此时常量池中是没有 “11”对象的。
- 接下来s3.intern();这一句代码,是将 s3中的"11"字符串放入String 常量池中,因为此时常量池中不存在"11"字符串,因此常规做法是跟 jdk6 图中表示的那样,在常量池中生成一个"11"的对象,关键点是 jdk7 之后的版本中常量池不在Perm区域了,这块做了调整。常量池中不需要再存储一份对象了,可以直接存储堆中的引用。这份引用指向s3引用的对象。 也就是说引用地址是相同的。
- 最后String s4 = "11"; 这句代码中”11″是显示声明的,因此会直接去常量池中创建,创建的时候发现已经有这个对象了,此时也就是指向s3引用对象的一个引用。所以s4引用就指向和s3一样了。因此最后的比较 s3 == s4 是 true。
再看看s和 s2 对象:
- String s = new String("1"); 第一句代码,生成了2个对象。常量池中的“1” 和 JAVA Heap 中的字符串对象。
- s.intern(); 这一句是 s 对象去常量池中寻找后发现 “1” 已经在常量池里了。
- 接下来String s2 = "1"; 这句代码是生成一个 s2的引用指向常量池中的“1”对象。 结果就是 s 和 s2 的引用地址明显不同。
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = new String("1");
String s2 = "1";
System.out.println(s == s2);
String s3 = new String("1") + new String("1");
String s4 = "11";
System.out.println(s3 == s4);
jdk6 下false false
jdk8 下false false
先看 s3和s4字符串:
- 第一段代码和第二段代码的改变就是 s3.intern(); 的顺序是放在String s4 = "11";后了。这样,首先执行String s4 = "11";声明 s4 的时候常量池中是不存在“11”对象的,执行完毕后,“11“对象是 s4 声明产生的新对象。然后再执行s3.intern();时,常量池中“11”对象已经存在了,因此 s3 和 s4 的引用是不同的。
- 第二段代码中的 s 和 s2 代码中,s.intern();,这一句往后放也不会有什么影响了,因为对象池中在执行第一句代码String s = new String("1");的时候已经生成“1”对象了。下边的s2声明都是直接从常量池中取地址引用的。 s 和 s2 的引用地址是不会相等的。
- 1)对于字符串字面值和字符串常量表达式,都会intern,添加到常量池,例如new String("1");就有两个操作:新建堆对象String;将"1"添加到常量池
- 2)对于String s4 = "11"这种,会在字符串常量池中新建"11"对象
- 3)String.intern(),因为已经转移到了堆中,所以没有必要再在常量池存储一份对象拷贝,所以直接存储堆中String对象的引用。
- 1)显式调用麻烦
- 2)很难保证效率,很难清楚地预计字符串重复情况
在Oracle JDK 8u20后,推出了一个新特性,G1 GC下的字符串排重。将相同数据的字符串指向同一份数据,是JVM底层的改变,并不需要Java类库做什么修改。
指定使用G1 GC,并开启-XX:+UseStringDeduplication。
public class StringInternTest {
static final int MAX = 1000 * 10000;
static final String[] arr = new String[MAX];
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Integer[] DB_DATA = new Integer[10];
Random random = new Random(10 * 10000);
for (int i = 0; i < DB_DATA.length; i++) {
DB_DATA[i] = random.nextInt();
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
//arr[i] = new String(String.valueOf(DB_DATA[i % DB_DATA.length]));
arr[i] = new String(String.valueOf(DB_DATA[i % DB_DATA.length])).intern();
System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms");
fastjson 中对所有的 json 的 key 使用了 intern 方法,缓存到了字符串常量池中,这样每次读取的时候就会非常快,大大减少时间和空间。而且 json 的 key 通常都是不变的。这个地方没有考虑到大量的 json key 如果是变化的,那就会给字符串常量池带来很大的负担。
这个问题 fastjson 在1.1.24版本中已经将这个漏洞修复了。程序加入了一个最大的缓存大小,超过这个大小后就不会再往字符串常量池中放了。