public class Lignt {
public void on(){
System.out.println("Open the Light");
public void off(){
public interface Command {
public void execute();
public class FilpDownCommand implements Command {
private Lignt lignt;
public FilpDownCommand(Lignt lignt) {
this.lignt = lignt;
public Lignt getLignt() {
return lignt;
public void setLignt(Lignt lignt) {
this.lignt = lignt;
public void execute() {;
public class FillUpCommand implements Command {
private Lignt lignt;
public Lignt getLignt() {
return lignt;
public void setLignt(Lignt lignt) {
this.lignt = lignt;
public FillUpCommand(Lignt lignt) {
this.lignt = lignt;
public void execute() {
public class LightSwitch {
private List <Command>queue=new ArrayList <>( );
public void add(Command command){
this.queue.add( command);
public void execute(){
queue.forEach( e->{
} );
public class LightCommandTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lignt light=new Lignt();
Command fileUpcommand=new FillUpCommand( light);
Command fileDownCommand=new FilpDownCommand( light );
LightSwitch lightSwitch=new LightSwitch();
lightSwitch.add( fileUpcommand );
lightSwitch.add( fileDownCommand );
lightSwitch.add( fileUpcommand );
lightSwitch.add( fileDownCommand );
public class LightSwitchFP {
// 我们根本无需在单独为具体命令对象创建类型,而通过传入labmda表达式来完成具体命令对象的创建;
private List <Consumer<Lignt>>queue=new ArrayList <>( );
public void add(Consumer<Lignt>consumer){
queue.add( consumer );
public void execute(Lignt lignt){
queue.forEach( e->{
e.accept( lignt);
} );
public class LightJava8Command {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lignt lignt=new Lignt();
Consumer<Lignt>onLignt=lignt1 -> lignt.on();
Consumer<Lignt>ofLignt=lignt1 ->;
onLignt.andThen( ofLignt ).andThen( onLignt ).andThen( ofLignt ).accept( lignt );
// LightSwitchFP lightSwitch = new LightSwitchFP();
// lightSwitch.add(onLignt);
// lightSwitch.add(ofLignt);
// lightSwitch.add(onLignt);
// lightSwitch.add(ofLignt);
// lightSwitch.execute(lignt);
public interface Consumer<T> {
* Performs this operation on the given argument.
* @param t the input argument
void accept(T t);
default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> after) {
return (T t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); };
public class Java8_Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lignt lignts=new Lignt();
Consumer<Lignt>consumer=lignt -> System.out.println("TestManager");
Consumer<Lignt>consumer1=lignt -> System.out.println("TestManager1");
consumer.andThen( consumer1 ).accept( lignts );
Process finished with exit code 0
public interface Strategy {
public Integer compute(Integer a,Integer b);
public class Add implements Strategy {
public Integer compute(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b;
public class Multiply implements Strategy {
public Integer compute(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a*b;
public class StrageGyTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Strategy strategy = new Add();
Context context = new Context( strategy );
Integer c = context.use( 1, 2 );
System.out.println( c );
public class ContextFp {
private BinaryOperator<Integer>binaryOperator;
public ContextFp(BinaryOperator binaryOperator){
public Integer use(Integer first,Integer second){
Integer apply = binaryOperator.apply( first,second);
return apply;
public enum StrageEnum {
ADD( () -> (x, y) -> x + y ),
MULTIPLY( () -> (x, y) -> x * y );
//suppiler 作为java8的接口 返回一个对象的实例
//BinaryOperator 接受2个参数
private Supplier <BinaryOperator <Integer>> operation;
private StrageEnum(Supplier <BinaryOperator <Integer>> operation) {
this.operation = operation;
public BinaryOperator <Integer> get() {
return operation.get();
public class ContextFPEnum {
private StrageEnum strageEnum;
public ContextFPEnum(StrageEnum strageEnum){
public Integer use(Integer first,Integer second){
return strageEnum.get().apply( first,second );
public class StrageGyJava8Test {
// public static final BinaryOperator <Integer> addBinary = (op1, op2) -> op1 + op2;
// public static final BinaryOperator <Integer> multiply = (op1, op2) -> op1 * op2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ContextFp contextFp=new ContextFp( addBinary );
// System.out.println(contextFp.use( 10,11));
// ContextFp contextFp1=new ContextFp( multiply );
// System.out.println(contextFp1.use( 1,2 ));
ContextFPEnum contextFPEnum = new ContextFPEnum( StrageEnum.ADD );
System.out.println( contextFPEnum.use( 1, 2 ) );
ContextFPEnum contextFPEnum1 = new ContextFPEnum( StrageEnum.MULTIPLY );
System.out.println( contextFPEnum1.use( 2, 3 ) );