PART1 Words and Expressions
v. make shorter as if by cutting off
e.g.I refused to truncate my speech.
v. to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully deceiving or influencing them
manipulate sb. into(doing) sth.
e.g. The monarch manipulated his people into obeying his orders.
3.a hill of beans
字面上看是一山的豆子,引申为一文不值,如果你说一些东西does not amount to a hill of beans,还不如一山豆子,意思是无足轻重。
e.g. His words doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
4.square with 与…一致
square 的意思很多,我们熟悉的作名词有正方形,广场的意思,做形容词意为平行的,水平的,做动词意为使…变直[平行于],那么这个词组就不难理解了,和昨天学的align是同样的道理。
e.g.Your performance doesn't square with your promise.
v. to ask questions in order to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know 调查;打探,探究
后面可以加into sth.
e.g. I am not interested in probing into your affairs.
6.for the birds
e.g.This movie is for the birds.
v. to believe that something someone does or something that happens has a particular meaning 把…理解 [解释]为
e.g.I can interpret his absur behavior.
PART 2 Summary
In this chapter, the discussion focuses on habit 5 : seek first to understand and then to be understood which is the principle of empathic communication.
Character and communication are critical to effectiveness.Sincere character is the foundation of the technique talking about next.In order to seek first to be understood, we should learn empathic listening which gives us accurate data to work with and is the key to making deposits in Emotional Bank Accounts.After listening,we are supposed to diagnose before prescribe, which can be applied in all walks of life.
Then, the author introduced four autobiographical responses embracing evaluating, probing , advising and interpreting and empathic listening involving four developmental stages containing mimicking content, empathic listening, reflecting feeling and the combination of the second and the third.
PART 3 Thoughts
Habit 5讲的是同理心,度娘的定义是 人际交往过程中,能够体会他人的情绪和想法、理解他人的立场和感受,并站在他人的角度思考和处理问题。 之前课上在学过心理咨询师要对咨询者怀有同理心,既不反对,也不支持,设身处地,没想到也可以运用到人际交往中。