1.austere: having few pleasures : simple and harsh
2.dispense: to give or provide (something)
dispense with : to set aside : discard <dispensing with the usual introduction>
3.monocle: a single round lens for one eye that helps people see and that is held in place by the muscles around the eye
4.forbidding: not friendly or appealing : having a frightening or threatening appearance
5.fortify: to strengthen (a place) by building military defenses (such as walls, trenches, etc.)
6.disconcert: to make (someone) upset or embarrassed
7.squashy: soft and easy to press into a different shape
8.chintz: a shiny cotton fabric with a flowery pattern printed on it
9.corporeal: having or consisting of a physical body or form
10.sanctimonious: pretending to be morally better than other people
11.goad: to urge or force (someone) to do something
12.supercilious: having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than other people
13.taradiddle: pretentious nonsense
14.bilge: foolish or worthless statements or information
15.croak: a hoarse harsh cry or sound
16.simper: a silly smile : smirk
17.teensy: very small
18.figment: something produced by the imagination : something that does not really exist
19.tot: to add together : total — usually used with up <tots up the score>
20.flamboyant: having a very noticeable quality that attracts a lot of attention
21.misdemeanorlaw : a crime that is not very serious : a crime that is less serious than a felony
22.inadvertent: not intended or planned
23.puce: a dark red
24.verdict: a judgment or opinion about something
25.incense: to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of
26.oblivious: not conscious or aware of someone or something
27.constrict: to make (something) narrower, smaller, or tighter
28.frizzy: of hair not smooth and neat because individual shafts are variably wavy and do not align together