#地球online#,202310110304.您为自己设定的最难的个人目标是什么?活下去。这个目标无比艰难,几乎完全不可能完成。人们很少有能意识到自己会死,而且是很快。总会有各种各样的原因,我们最终会崩溃死亡消失。地球上存在过上千亿的人类,没有一个活了下来。现有的八十亿人,随时都有大批的人死去。却诡异的没有多少人意识到。全力以赴的,了解长寿永生的可能性,并且努力做到,哪怕多活一毫秒也是很好的效果。一直活到科学技术进步到足以维持人体的永生,直到走向星辰大海。虽然明知不可为而为,真的很难,但再难也要努力活下去。# Earth online , 202310110304. What is the most difficult personal goal you have set for yourself? Stay alive. This goal is extremely difficult and almost impossible to achieve. People rarely realize that they are going to die, and very soon. There will always be various reasons why we will eventually collapse, die and disappear. There have been hundreds of billions of human beings on the earth, and none of them have survived. Of the existing eight billion people, a large number of people are dying at any time. It's so weird that not many people realize it. Go all out, understand the possibility of longevity and immortality, and strive to achieve even one more millisecond of life is a good result. Live until science and technology have advanced enough to maintain the immortality of the human body until they go to the sea of stars. Although it is really difficult to do what you know you can't do, you should try to live no matter how hard it is.