运用 NSAttributedString 的场景一般有两类
titleTextAttributes //等直接是接受文字的属性 字典类型参数
NSAttributedString(string: String, attributes: [String : AnyObject]?) //等返回 NSAttributedString 对象给某个特定的参数
[NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.whiteColor()]文本字体
[NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Times new roman", size: 20)!]
let NSAttachmentAttributeName: String
let NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: String
let NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName: String
let NSExpansionAttributeName: String
let NSFontAttributeName: String
let NSForegroundColorAttributeName: String
let NSKernAttributeName: String
let NSLigatureAttributeName: String
let NSLinkAttributeName: String
let NSObliquenessAttributeName: String
let NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: String
let NSShadowAttributeName: String
let NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: String
let NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: String
let NSStrokeColorAttributeName: String
let NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: String
let NSTextEffectAttributeName: String
let NSUnderlineColorAttributeName: String
let NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: String
let NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName: String
let NSWritingDirectionAttributeName: String
The value of this attribute is an NSTextAttachment object. The default value of this property is nil, indicating no attachment.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is a UIColor object. Use this attribute to specify the color of the background area behind the text. If you do not specify this attribute, no background color is drawn.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating point value indicating the character’s offset from the baseline, in points. The default value is 0.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating point value indicating the log of the expansion factor to be applied to glyphs. The default value is 0, indicating no expansion.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is a UIFont object. Use this attribute to change the font for a range of text. If you do not specify this attribute, the string uses a 12-point Helvetica(Neue) font by default.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is a UIColor object. Use this attribute to specify the color of the text during rendering. If you do not specify this attribute, the text is rendered in black.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating-point value. This value specifies the number of points by which to adjust kern-pair characters. Kerning prevents unwanted space from occurring between specific characters and depends on the font. The value 0 means kerning is disabled. The default value for this attribute is 0.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing an integer. Ligatures cause specific character combinations to be rendered using a single custom glyph that corresponds to those characters. The value 0 indicates no ligatures. The value 1 indicates the use of the default ligatures. The value 2 indicates the use of all ligatures. The default value for this attribute is 1. (Value 2 is unsupported on iOS.)
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is and NSURL object (preferred) or an NSString object. The default value of this property is nil, indicating no link.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating point value indicating skew to be applied to glyphs. The default value is 0, indicating no skew.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSParagraphStyle object. Use this attribute to apply multiple attributes to a range of text. If you do not specify this attribute, the string uses the default paragraph attributes, as returned by the defaultParagraphStyle method of NSParagraphStyle.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSShadow object. The default value of this property is nil.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is a UIColor object. The default value is nil, indicating same as foreground color.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing an integer. This value indicates whether the text has a line through it and corresponds to one of the constants described in NSUnderlineStyle. The default value for this attribute is NSUnderlineStyleNone.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this parameter is a UIColor object. If it is not defined (which is the case by default), it is assumed to be the same as the value of NSForegroundColorAttributeName; otherwise, it describes the outline color. For more details, see Drawing attributed strings that are both filled and stroked.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating-point value. This value represents the amount to change the stroke width and is specified as a percentage of the font point size. Specify 0 (the default) for no additional changes. Specify positive values to change the stroke width alone. Specify negative values to stroke and fill the text. For example, a typical value for outlined text would be 3.0.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSString object. Use this attribute to specify a text effect, such as NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle. The default value of this property is nil, indicating no text effect.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is a UIColor object. The default value is nil, indicating same as foreground color.
Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing an integer. This value indicates whether the text is underlined and corresponds to one of the constants described in NSUnderlineStyle. The default value for this attribute is NSUnderlineStyleNone.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing an integer. The value 0 indicates horizontal text. The value 1 indicates vertical text. In iOS, horizontal text is always used and specifying a different value is undefined.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
The value of this attribute is an NSArray object containing NSNumber objects representing the nested levels of writing direction overrides, in order from outermost to innermost.
This attribute provides a means to override the default bidirectional text algorithm, equivalent to using the Unicode bidi control characters LRE, RLE, LRO, or RLO paired with PDF, but as a higher-level attribute. (See Unicode Standard Annex #9 for information about the Unicode bidi formatting codes.) The NSWritingDirectionAttributeName constant is a character-level attribute that provides a higher-level alternative to the inclusion of explicit bidirectional control characters in text. It is the NSAttributedString equivalent of the HTML markup using bdo element with the dir attribute.
The values of the NSNumber objects should be 0, 1, 2, or 3, for LRE, RLE, LRO, or RLO respectively, and combinations of NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight and NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft with NSTextWritingDirectionEmbedding or NSTextWritingDirectionOverride, as shown in Table 1.