| 字形基础


Arm/leg– An upper or lower (horizontal or diagonal) stroke that is attached on one end and free on the other.
Ascender– The part of a lowercase character (b, d, f, h, k, l, t) that extends above the x-height.
Bar– The horizontal stroke in characters such as A, H, R, e, and f.
Bowl– A curved stroke which creates an enclosed space within a character (the space is then called a counter).
Cap Height– The height of capital letters from the baseline to the top of caps, most accurately measured on a character with a flat bottom (E, H, I, etc.).
Counter– The partially or fully enclosed space within a character.
Descender– The part of a character (g, j, p, q, y, and sometimes J) that descends below the baseline.
Ear– The small stroke that projects from the top of the lowercase g.
Link– The stroke that connects the top and bottom part (bowl and loop) of a two–story lowercase g.
Loop– The lower portion of the lowercase g.
Serif– The projections extending off the main strokes of the characters of serif typefaces. Serifs come in two styles: bracketed and unbracketed. Brackets are the supportive curves which connect the serif to the stroke. Unbracketed serifs are attached sharply, and usually at 90 degree angles.
Shoulder– The curved stroke of the h, m, n.
Spine– The main curved stroke of the S.
Spur– A small projection off a main stroke found on many capital Gs.
Stem– A straight vertical stroke (or the main straight diagonal stroke in a letter which has no verticals).
Stress– The direction of thickening in a curved stroke.
Stroke– A straight or curved line.
Swash– A fancy flourish replacing a terminal or serif.
Tail– The descender of a Q or short diagonal stroke of an R.
Terminal– The end of a stroke not terminated with a serif.
X-height– The height of lowercase letters, specifically the lowercase x, not including ascenders and descenders.
字臂(Arm): 从字母E,F,L,等字干延伸出的水平笔画
升部(Ascender)):小写字母(b, d, f, h, k, l, t)延伸到x高度以上的部分
横向细线(bar):字母(如A,H,R,e, f)中的横线
字碗(Bowl) :在字母内部创造一个封闭空间的弯曲的笔画(该空间称为字怀,counter)
大写字母高度(Cap Height):大写字母从基准线(baseline)到字帽顶端的高度,通常通过底部平坦的字母(E、H、I等)精准测量
降部(Descender) :字母(如g,j,p,q,y,有时候包括J)下降到基准线以下的部分
字耳(Ear): 小写字母g顶部伸出的小笔画
Link : 连接双部分构成小写字母g顶部(bowl)和底部(Loop)的笔画
Loop: 小写字母g下面的部分
Spur: 大写字母G主要笔画的小延伸
字干(Stem): 字母的垂直笔画(或者是没有垂直部分的字母中直斜线部分)
加粗(Stress ): 笔画中加粗的方向
笔画(Stroke) : 直线或曲线
Swash: 某些字体收笔处衍生出的具有装饰性笔画
尾部(Tail): 大写Q的降部或者是大写R的短斜线部分
Terminal : 以非衬线形式结束的笔画的尾部
x-height: 小写字母的高度(尤其是小写x),不包括升部和降部
| 字体排印
· pt与pica
字体的点(point size,缩写pt)可以用来测量字型本身的大小,以及文字之间的距离。对于一般的报纸及书籍而言,8点到12点通常已经足够。1英寸有72点,1点约0.013833英寸。
· 易认性(Legibility) 与易读性 (Readability)
| Font、 Typeface、Type
| 经典的衬线(Serif)和无衬线字体(San Serif)
类型名称 设计者 时间 经典用途or显著特征
Baskerville Baskerville 1757 Baskerville不顺利的人生
Albertus Berthold Wolpe 1932 多用于书籍封面,具有出色易认性;
Doves 爱德华·普林斯 —— “被溺死的字体”
Garamond Claude Garamond(法) old-style serif typefaces
Caslon William Caslon I(英) old-style serif typefaces
Bodoni Giambattista Bodoni(意) 1798 Didone /modern
无衬线字体(San Serif)
Gill Sans Eric Gills(英) 1928 英国教会、第一本企鹅图书封面
Futura Paul Renner(德) 1927 宜家抛弃它而改用Verdana;
Verdana Matthew Carter(英) 1996 宜家抛弃Futura而采用它
Univers Adrian Frutiger 1954 Neo-Grotesque类无衬线字体
Frutiger Adrian Frutiger 1975 堪称 "世界机场字体"
Helvetica Max Miedinger(瑞士)1957 纪录片《Helvetica》
Arial Robin Nicholas 1982 抄袭Helvetica?
Gotham Tobias Frere-Jones(美)2000 奥巴马竞选团队宣传字体