Global ethic vs. national interest
ted talk
关于全球化还有保守主义还有爱国主义,此演讲强调了其中共同性来发展全球利益推动经济发展还有解决一系列共同相似的问题。关于全球化,这里给出了 ‘全球道德’ 这一概念,全球道德就是维护全球人类的共同利益,结果共同问题来适应共同的发展。在措施上,从二十年代开始,各个国家开始建立各个方面的组织联盟还有针对某一个问题上的签订了共同的协议,由此来互相制约,和共同发展。在全球化时期里头,保守主义是可以适当存在的,并不是说不能并存的,只是在某些问题或者某种情况下,各个国家的领导需要进行圆桌会议来共同商讨问题。当世界组织不能解决当前的问题或者已经或多或少制约了国家发展的时候,世界组织就应该重组或者改革来适应当前的环境。
- global ethic, defined as global citizenry which response to others by share scene, growing as people talking to each other
- national identity: patriotism; not self-determined for the problem; new idea and creation to solve the problem together and protect each other as the people
- protectionism: keep the national identity, not response to global but protect their nation
- national interest: the problem exists within the country
- global interest: the problem that cannot solve by their own country, and each country has the common same problem, such as poverty, climate changes, security, education, which build the strong link between countries
- idealism: the pure interest needs to be replaced by the people’s value and interest
- build a truly global society to solve the problem rather than leave the problem behind the institution, rebuild or reform the institution for common benefits