1203 Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies 项目管理
There are n items each belonging to zero or one of m groups where group[i] is the group that the i-th item belongs to and it's equal to -1 if the i-th item belongs to no group. The items and the groups are zero indexed. A group can have no item belonging to it.
Return a sorted list of the items such that:
The items that belong to the same group are next to each other in the sorted list.
There are some relations between these items where beforeItems[i] is a list containing all the items that should come before the i-th item in the sorted array (to the left of the i-th item).
Return any solution if there is more than one solution and return an empty list if there is no solution.
Example 1:
Input: n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3,6],[],[],[]]
Output: [6,3,4,1,5,2,0,7]
Example 2:
Input: n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3],[],[4],[]]
Output: []
Explanation: This is the same as example 1 except that 4 needs to be before 6 in the sorted list.
1 <= m <= n <= 3 * 10^4
group.length == beforeItems.length == n
-1 <= group[i] <= m - 1
0 <= beforeItems[i].length <= n - 1
0 <= beforeItems[i][j] <= n - 1
i != beforeItems[i][j]
beforeItems[i] does not contain duplicates elements.
有 n 个项目,每个项目或者不属于任何小组,或者属于 m 个小组之一。group[i] 表示第 i 个项目所属的小组,如果第 i 个项目不属于任何小组,则 group[i] 等于 -1。项目和小组都是从零开始编号的。可能存在小组不负责任何项目,即没有任何项目属于这个小组。
项目之间存在一定的依赖关系,我们用一个列表 beforeItems 来表示,其中 beforeItems[i] 表示在进行第 i 个项目前(位于第 i 个项目左侧)应该完成的所有项目。
如果存在多个解决方案,只需要返回其中任意一个即可。如果没有合适的解决方案,就请返回一个 空列表 。
示例 :
示例 1:
输入:n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3,6],[],[],[]]
示例 2:
输入:n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3],[],[4],[]]
解释:与示例 1 大致相同,但是在排序后的列表中,4 必须放在 6 的前面。
1 <= m <= n <= 3 * 10^4
group.length == beforeItems.length == n
-1 <= group[i] <= m - 1
0 <= beforeItems[i].length <= n - 1
0 <= beforeItems[i][j] <= n - 1
i != beforeItems[i][j]
beforeItems[i] 不含重复元素
题意是需要将相同组的都邻接放在一起执行, 同时需要满足所有前置任务
-1 组的只需要满足前置任务先完成, 可以放在任意其他位置
首先将 -1 的组都分别放到虚拟组中, 组号从 m 开始递增, 这样就将所有任务分成了 max_group_id 个组
先对组进行拓扑排序, 再对组内项目进行拓扑排序
时间复杂度为 O(m + n ^ 2), 空间复杂度为 O(m + n ^ 2)
class Solution
vector<int> sortItems(int n, int m, vector<int>& group, vector<vector<int>>& beforeItems)
int max_group_id = m;
unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> group_map;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (group[i] == -1) group[i] = max_group_id++;
vector<int> group_in_degree(max_group_id), project_in_degree(n), group_top, result;
vector<vector<int>> group_neighbors(max_group_id), project_neighbors(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (const auto& item : beforeItems[i])
if (group[i] == group[item]) continue;
queue<int> q_group;
for (int i = 0; i < max_group_id; i++) if (!group_in_degree[i]) q_group.push(i);
while (!q_group.empty())
int cur = q_group.front();
for (const auto& item : group_neighbors[cur])
if (!group_in_degree[item]) q_group.push(item);
if (group_top.size() != max_group_id) return {};
for (int i = 0; i < max_group_id; i++)
queue<int> q;
vector<int> temp;
if (group_map[group_top[i]].empty()) continue;
const auto& cur = group_map[group_top[i]];
for (const auto& item : cur) if (!project_in_degree[item]) q.push(item);
while (!q.empty())
int c = q.front();
for (const auto& d : project_neighbors[c])
if (!project_in_degree[d] && cur.count(d)) q.push(d);
if (temp.size() != cur.size()) return {};
result.insert(result.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());
return result;
class Solution {
public int[] sortItems(int n, int m, int[] group, List<List<Integer>> beforeItems) {
int maxGroupId = m;
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (group[i] == -1) group[i] = maxGroupId++;
if (!map.containsKey(group[i])) map.put(group[i], new HashSet<>());
int[] groupInDegree = new int[maxGroupId], projectInDegree = new int[n];
List<Integer>[] groupNeighbors = new ArrayList[maxGroupId], projectNeighbors = new ArrayList[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int item : beforeItems.get(i)) {
if (projectNeighbors[item] == null) projectNeighbors[item] = new ArrayList<>();
if (group[i] == group[item]) continue;
if (groupNeighbors[group[item]] == null) groupNeighbors[group[item]] = new ArrayList<>();
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < maxGroupId; i++) if (groupInDegree[i] == 0) queue.offer(i);
List<Integer> top = new ArrayList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int cur = queue.poll();
if (groupNeighbors[cur] == null) continue;
for (int item : groupNeighbors[cur]) {
if (groupInDegree[item] == 0) queue.offer(item);
if (top.size() != maxGroupId) return new int[0];
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < top.size(); i++) {
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
if (!map.containsKey(top.get(i))) continue;
for (int item : map.get(top.get(i))) if (projectInDegree[item] == 0) q.offer(item);
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int c = q.poll();
if (projectNeighbors[c] == null) continue;
for (int d : projectNeighbors[c]) {
if (projectInDegree[d] == 0 && map.get(top.get(i)).contains(d)) q.offer(d);
if (temp.size() != map.get(top.get(i)).size()) return new int[0];
return result.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
class Solution:
def sortItems(self, n: int, m: int, group: List[int], pres: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
max_group_id, project_indegree, group_indegree, project_neighbors, group_neighbors, group_projects, result = m, defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int), defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list), []
for project in range(n):
if group[project] == -1:
group[project] = max_group_id
max_group_id += 1
for project in range(n):
for pre in pres[project]:
if group[pre] != group[project]:
group_indegree[group[project]] += 1
project_indegree[project] += 1
def top_sort (items: List[int], indegree: Dict[int, int], neighbors: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> List[int]:
q, result = collections.deque([item for item in items if not indegree[item]]), []
while q:
result.append(cur := q.popleft())
for neighbor in neighbors[cur]:
indegree[neighbor] -= 1
if not indegree[neighbor]:
return result
group_queue = top_sort([i for i in range(max_group_id)], group_indegree, group_neighbors)
if len(group_queue) != max_group_id:
return result
for group_id in group_queue:
project_queue = top_sort(group_projects[group_id], project_indegree, project_neighbors)
if len(project_queue) != len(group_projects[group_id]):
return []
result += project_queue
return result