①coward[ˈkaʊərd] n. 懦夫
Don't act like a coward!Face it like a man!
②fellow[ˈfeloʊ] n. 小伙子
Those two fellows give each other a high five.
③助动词Don't (do not) 提前,表示强调。 don't经常和情态动词dare连用, 表示“你敢……(试试?)” 一般用于事前的威胁和警告。
eg: Don't you dare stare at me! 你敢盯着我看试试?
④over常见意思为“在……之上”, 而over-作前缀可表示“过分,过度”。
eg: overtime n.加班
overload v.超载
overcrowded adj.过度拥挤的
①wear a pair of pajamas穿睡衣
②during the peak season旺季期间
③That's really good to know.涨知识了。
④I'm glad I asked you,because I might never have found it.幸好我问了你,要我的话可能永远也找不着。