1 feel under the weather 表示生病
2 healthy history 病例
3 she doesn't rush you 她不催你,耐心
4 eeew 真恶心
5 physical checkup 身体检查
6 comfy chair 舒适的椅子
7 buy = fall for 相信
8 it just kind of fell out. 很好的短语。eg: i kind of don't know, i kind of don't buy it
9 but it started to hurt like crazy this morning 代替very much. eg:I miss you like crazy.
I love you like crazy.
10 like pulling teeth 做某事很困难
it's like pulling teeth when i ...
11 bite off more than you can chew 别贪多, start chopping
12 not see eye to eyes 不同意
13 turn a blind eye 睁一只眼,闭一只眼
14 pet lover,pet name 爱称,pet peeve
15 back to back=in a row=on end, neck to neck, hand in hand
16 what make is your washing machine? what make of car was she driving?---what make is the car? (由某公司生产的)牌子(用于及其,设备,车等,不用于食物/饮料)
17 i can't feel my leg, my legs are asleep 腿麻了
18 just a little bucky eg:I spend buck of time learning english
19 Stars and Stripes 美国国旗 Union Jack 英国国旗
20 permit 许可证
21 Hey, thanks. By the way, where are you headed? If you’re not busy, would you like to grab a quick bite somewhere? 去哪儿?随便吃点。
22 I figure,I gather , I think
23 count me in 算我一个
24 over my head 很难懂;pick up on: understand, notice
25 out of the loop 圈外,不知道发生了什么;in the loop
26 take your pick 选一个
27 pick on 找茬,欺负
28 neutered or spayed 阉割雄性动物 / 雌性动物
29 I'm headed to the post office; I'm on my way to the library
30 cutoff dates 截止日期
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